I know nobody will agree, I don't care really. I feel that just like the Miss America thing that happened, along with certain positions/occupations come a "unspoken" responsibility to just plain "not" do certain things. People that choose the military, higher government positions, teachers, clergy, police officers being some of those. As well as several others, but that's not important.
The point is this. If you are "Representing" you should do so with strength, class, morals and respect as well as commitment to your pledge, crown, badge and/or uniform. Yes people should be able to do as they please, but if one chooses to do certain things, its a package deal I feel. You accept unspoken certain things you should not do. They must "appease" the masses and that does include the religious, the young and the opinionated. :dunno: You just can't change that. Its a matter of presenting yourself in a light that works for everyone and doing it well with conviction. IMHO only of course.