What are you talking about? She's correct.
Bush invaded Afghanistan then all but forgot about the effort as his attention and capital turned to Iraq.
Bush tried to desperately to convince us (with complicit GOPers) that the central front in the war on terror was in Iraq.
Afghanistan was virtually a lost war when Obama took over.
The number of US troops in Afghanistan when Bush left office was in the teens...
Obama remade Afghanistan the focus by increasing troop levels to roughly 100k, quadrupled drone strikes, and redouble the effort to find OBL as he said when he campaigned.
Bush treated OBL as an afterthought not only word but deed.
Why wouldn't it make complete sense based on the above why Bush didn't catch OBL in 8 years and Obama did in 2?
Bush doesn't get credit for leading a futile, failing effort (basically doing 'something')...after someone else comes along and changes all of the tactics then accomplishes what Bush couldn't or didn't.
Why not just extend credit to Clinton for doing 'something' too...??