Republican BS

Bush’s intelligence team told us that Bin Laden was:
1. Hiding in a cave
2. On kidney dialysis
3. No longer involved in the day to day operation of Al-Qaeda
4. Somewhere in the Mountains

All Wrong!

Bush on Bin Laden 6 months after 9/11:

Bush disbanded the Bin Laden unit at CIA in 1995.

Q: Should we hunt down Bin Laden if he is in Pakistan?
McCain: No
Obama: Yes

You Republican defenders are so full of shit, it is almost comical.

Good to see history hasn't been forgotten. Bush wasn't serious about getting Bin Laden.
Good to see history hasn't been forgotten. Bush wasn't serious about getting Bin Laden.

He needed to stretch out the whole war on terror thing so he could invade Iraq and eventually Iran (which never happened because Iraq took so long). Killing OBL and the command of Al-Qeada early on would have left little support for further conflicts from both the American public and coalition allies.
Bush’s intelligence team told us that Bin Laden was:
1. Hiding in a cave
2. On kidney dialysis
3. No longer involved in the day to day operation of Al-Qaeda
4. Somewhere in the Mountains

All Wrong!

Bush on Bin Laden 6 months after 9/11:

Bush disbanded the Bin Laden unit at CIA in 1995.

Q: Should we hunt down Bin Laden if he is in Pakistan?
McCain: No
Obama: Yes

You Republican defenders are so full of shit, it is almost comical.

This proves that Republican leaders are traitors and they hate America that's why they have been aiding and abetting OBL since 9/11



Ron Paul supporter B.S. (you)

For why did you feel the need to masquerade as a libertarian in order to make your point in posts past?
How are we to take you seriously?

Let's start fresh, shall we?

Where is Hellraiser politically? Are you an anarchist? fabian socialist? agrarian socialist? an friend of communalism, what? :dunno:
So blaming Bush is passe, but giving him credit is in style? I seriously doubt Obama just made a phone call. He relies on the intelligence community just like every other President in history to gain knowledge of the situation and if it is feasible to take action. We are talking about the mastermind of 9/11, Obama was not at the sidelines nor would have W have been.
All I can say is at least Obama shows up to work and takes the time to read his intel reports before he acts. Fuck George W. He should be investigated to the at least the measure that Bill Clinton was. I bet they find out more than He like to bang fat chicks. Just sayin.
So blaming Bush is passe, but giving him credit is in style? I seriously doubt Obama just made a phone call. He relies on the intelligence community just like every other President in history to gain knowledge of the situation and if it is feasible to take action. We are talking about the mastermind of 9/11, Obama was not at the sidelines nor would have W have been.

A very well thought out and lucid posting. Rep.
All I can say is at least Obama shows up to work and takes the time to read his intel reports before he acts. Fuck George W. He should be investigated to the at least the measure that Bill Clinton was. I bet they find out more than He like to bang fat chicks. Just sayin.

...or perhaps they will find out significantly less. Which is the bigger sin?
It is all BS. Any Dem supported not looking in the mirror I think it as silly as a Tea Party member.

I don't see anything other than the Republicans being owned by Wall St. and the Democrats being owned by the unions?

Over simplifying? Absolutely. However, I pay my taxes, vote, and am disappointed, so I'm entitled to my over simplifications. The solution is to cut spending and raise taxes on those that can afford to pay them...the rich (gasp!).

We keep coming up with social programs and poking around with not raising taxes. The middle class looks like it is shrinking to me. When you have a society of haves and have-nots, you get yourself a nice revolution and downfall.

I don't see any "patriots" running for office that are looking to make the tough decisions now.

I like Obama, but I think he just pushed off the problem like everyone else. Right now, doctors practice defensive medicine to avoid malpractice suits. The new Health Care plan will only force GPs to handle things they aren't qualified for. I think it was an honest attempt, but a miss. They need to address tort reform, then look to our neighbors to the north for some solutions.

I rambled, I ranted, and I over simplified...and I feel better now.

(...and another thing...I don't want a 5lb nestle crunch in the movie theater for $25, I don't want other people thinking for me. I want my junior mints. Where did Junior mints go in the movie theater? I'm mad as hell and I don't want to take it any more!
...butchered Jimmy Buffet)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Did President Obama have 100% to do with the killing of Osama Bin Laden? No. Did he have a part in it? Yes. He's the Commander in Chief, without his order there is no "going in and capturing or killing of Osama Bin Laden".

Why are people so reluctant to give him some credit for the operation? Especially, if the operation had gone south, they would have given Obama 100% of the blame.

That is exactly how it works. Great post! :thumbsup: Anyone who remembers the failed mission to rescue the hostages in Iran knows that when a mission goes south, it is the Commander-in-Chief who gets the blame. While I see some here who want to give W. Bush the credit for this mission, how much of the blame would he (or the CIA or the SEALS) have gotten if it had failed??? Answer: NONE. Obama would have gotten 100% of the blame, just as Carter did. And the ones piling on would be the very same people who are now claiming that the CIA and the SEALS commanded themselves.

And speaking of hypocrisy, does anyone else find it oddly ironic that it is the same people on the right, who are singing this "Obama had NOTHING to do with getting Bin Laden", who bow their heads when they mention Ronald Reagan's name, have given him a god-like status and have it written in verse that Ronald Reagan is THE ONE who brought down the Soviet Union?

If I can look down from Heaven (or more likely, up from Hell) in a thousand years, I suspect that Rush Limbaugh's great, great, great, great, great grandson will be telling the tale of how Ronald Reagan walked up to the Berlin Wall and commanded it to fall... and it did. Then he parted the Red Sea and freed the Jews from Yassir Arafat. And finally, he forgave us all for our sins before being crucified on a cross by the Chinese.

History = his story or "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

As for the mission to get Osama... it was a beautiful team effort, and Obama was the captain of the team. Deal with it!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Obama getting Bin Laden on his own? How could he have done this without the use of his teleprompter.

Being that those of us who aren't glued to Faux News 24/7/365 have seen Obama on Bloomberg and C-Span, when he engaged a GOP gathering at a luncheon, and he didn't have a teleprompter (or notes), and he did perfectly fine, perhaps the anti-Obama crowd should come up with something new... something that actually has some validity.

I'm not even pro-Obama. But I would find it easier to criticize him if his present critics wouldn't make me feel like a jack-ass for standing anywhere near them.


Democrat BS

President Obama to Thank Navy SEAL Team That Killed Bin Laden

By RUSSELL GOLDMAN (@GoldmanRussell)
May 5, 2011

President Obama will personally thank the Navy SEAL team who killed Osama bin Laden, a day after the president told firefighters in New York City today that tracking and killing bin Laden showed the world, "when we say: 'we never forget,' we mean what we say."

The president will meet the SEALs' elite Team 6 Friday at Fort Campbell, Ky., . . ]
Reaction from the U.S. Navy Seals after learning that the potus would be coming to meet with them in person ----> :wtf: :anonymous :why:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Reaction from the U.S. Navy Seals after learning that the potus would be coming to meet with them in person ----> :surprise:/:anonymous/:why:

That is exactly how it works. Great post! :thumbsup: Anyone who remembers the failed mission to rescue the hostages in Iran knows that when a mission goes south, it is the Commander-in-Chief who gets the blame. While I see some here who want to give W. Bush the credit for this mission, how much of the blame would he (or the CIA or the SEALS) have gotten if it had failed??? Answer: NONE. Obama would have gotten 100% of the blame, just as Carter did. And the ones piling on would be the very same people who are now claiming that the CIA and the SEALS commanded themselves.

And speaking of hypocrisy, does anyone else find it oddly ironic that it is the same people on the right, who are singing this "Obama had NOTHING to do with getting Bin Laden", who bow their heads when they mention Ronald Reagan's name, have given him a god-like status and have it written in verse that Ronald Reagan is THE ONE who brought down the Soviet Union?

If I can look down from Heaven (or more likely, up from Hell) in a thousand years, I suspect that Rush Limbaugh's great, great, great, great, great grandson will be telling the tale of how Ronald Reagan walked up to the Berlin Wall and commanded it to fall... and it did. Then he parted the Red Sea and freed the Jews from Yassir Arafat. And finally, he forgave us all for our sins before being crucified on a cross by the Chinese.

History = his story or "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

As for the mission to get Osama... it was a beautiful team effort, and Obama was the captain of the team. Deal with it!

Reagan did indeed help bring down communisum. He called it for what it was, "the evil empire." Obama would have pussyfooted it around, saying what was written by someone else, on his teleprompter. Being careful not to offend Muslims or other radical groups.
Also. Pope John Paul the second also placed enormous pressure on the Communist block that decried it's profuse denouncement of human rights. Therefore, Reagan and the Pope provided an insurromountable affront to communism, that was inevitibly destined to fail. Obama is no Reagan.



All I can say is at least Obama shows up to work . . .]

Better late than never. :1orglaugh
and takes the time to read his intel reports before he acts.
Anything specific in mind?

Fuck George W. He should be investigated to the at least the measure that Bill Clinton was.
Oh, c'mon, good ol milk toast gwb, investigated? please! :D
I bet they find out more than He like to bang fat chicks.
Unable to comment.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Reagan did indeed help bring down communisum. He called it for what it was, "the evil empire." Obama would have pussyfooted it around, saying what was written by someone else, on his teleprompter. Being careful not to offend Muslims or other radical groups.
Also. Pope John Paul the second also placed enormous pressure on the Communist block that decried it's profuse denouncement of human rights. Therefore, Reagan and the Pope provided an insurromountable affront to communism, that was inevitibly destined to fail. Obama is no Reagan.

Communism didn't fall, the Soviet Union did. Last I checked, China still had a communist government. You're saying that Reagan's speeches and the Pope's condemnation doomed communism? I'm saying all that happened was the Soviets had an economic model which was flawed from the get-go and their spending, coupled with their other fiscal and military failures, doomed the Soviet structure. Reagan, other than plowing billions of borrowed dollars into defense and the Ruskies being silly enough to play catch-up, had a lot less of a DIRECT role in the "fall of communism" (really, the Soviet bloc) than Obama had to do with the capture of Osama bin Laden.

The Soviets didn't give two shits about the words coming out of Reagan's or the Pope's mouth.

No, Obama is no Reagan. And the actual Reagan was no Reagan either - meaning that he was not the deity that people are now making him out to be.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
But this:

Doesn’t say this:

Did you think no one would check?

I'm truly hurt that Facetious would try to trick me like that. :(

At the very least, he could have provided a link to one of the hot airheads on Fox News adjusting her bra so as to distract me, and I'd forget what I'd asked him. But no, not even a boob shot. Just a story that has nothing to do with what he claimed about the SEALS. :nono:


Postal Paranoiac
Communism didn't fall, the Soviet Union did. Last I checked, China still had a communist government. You're saying that Reagan's speeches and the Pope's condemnation doomed communism? I'm saying all that happened was the Soviets had an economic model which was flawed from the get-go and their spending, coupled with their other fiscal and military failures, doomed the Soviet structure. Reagan, other than plowing billions of borrowed dollars into defense and the Ruskies being silly enough to play catch-up, had a lot less of a DIRECT role in the "fall of communism" (really, the Soviet bloc) than Obama had to do with the capture of Osama bin Laden.

The Soviets didn't give two shits about the words coming out of Reagan's or the Pope's mouth.

No, Obama is no Reagan. And the actual Reagan was no Reagan either - meaning that he was not the deity that people are now making him out to be.

Rep. :clap: