More history lessons ...
The thing is...GOPers lumped hate on Hillary (and now Michele) for hates sake..Not because of anything abjectly dumb they were doing or saying.
Sorry, gotta disagree
big time here.
The Hillary plan for healthcare during her husband's early administration was pay for socialized medicine by taking away the pre-tax deduction on healthcare for those who are working and responsible by paying for their healthcare. That's "abjectly dumb" in my book.
Going the other way, when John McCain was running for President and wanted to take away the same deduction, the Democrats were all over it, lambasting McCain for wanting to do the same. The difference was McCain was going to give everyone a $5,000 tax credit, meaning the government would give everyone $5,000 (plus more for dependents) to pay for their own healthcare -- getting rid of the long legacy of issues with employer-based healthcare.
The fact that your employer:
- Can change providers on you
- Can only give you benefits for up to 1 year after you leave (and that took legislation)
- Can change some pre-existing conditions through the loopholes (and it took legislation to stop the pre-existing conditions)
- Doesn't give you any choice
We do
not have "free market" healthcare in the US because you are penalized if you don't get it from your employer. McCain actually made a logical suggestion people have been asking for years,
actually try "free market healthcare" for once, because we've
never had it, before we throw the "socialism switch."
What both Hillary and Obama have pushed are expansion of the crap "socialized medicine" we already give the poor, which completely sucks compared to those of us who can afford decent healthcare. What I want is either
real free market or
all socialism, all-the-time, but an end to this partisan bullshit. God knows I've spend more than $100K in the last 12 years on premiums along to get the best coverage.
Now Obama's plan to penalize people who don't pay for their healthcare when they can afford it is
no different than what Mitt Romney already implemented in MA. The difference is that Romney is a govenor and Obama is the President. So I totally defend that aspect, saying the President is doing nothing different than what even Libertarian Republicans are pushing for.
The one thing I do take issue with "Obamacare" is that he says he has the power like Romney. No he doesn't. He makes it work by saying he has the power by pre-emption of federal over state via the Commerce Act and related, Common Law. Well why don't we shred the fucking US Constitution while we're at it? Democrats claim only Republicans do that, but they are equally as good as fucking with it. This is the hallmark "bleeding heart liberal" shit I can't stand as much as the "religious right."
One thing I think African-Americans in the US are irresponsible with is the fact that they believe States Rights are wrong. Granted, States' Rights were abused, at their expense. But the US federal government has not only the Constitutional Right, but the Constitutional requirement to protect civil liberties. I'm just very sad that it took 100 years for it to happen.
But that doesn't remove the concept of States' Rights. The US federal government cannot tell US states how to penalize their citizens with resources and costs that are the States' own liabilities. It's been a constant issue with everything from Education to Transportation. Usually the US federal government gets away with it, because they can threaten funding. But in the case of Obamacare, the cost is a State burden the US federal is forcing on them with little help.
Hence why it's going to continue to be gutting in the US federal courts. Obama passed it knowing full well it would never be legal. And that's what not only pisses me off, but reminds me of Clinton. "Feel good" legislation that is actually Unconstitutional, knowingly, for 100% PR, 0% reality.
Because we won't either go "true market" or "fully socialized," the US healthcare system is going to continue to be a system of haves and have-nots. The haves have it good. The have-nots have it worse than most western nations, by far.