It doesn't take much to make a leftist go nutzoid.
Because many are already nuts. But there are certain people that make them frenzy, and Bachmann is one of them.
It doesn't take much to make a leftist go nutzoid.
I wouldn't call them nutters. More like:
My apologies, ZJK, I shouldn't have lumped you in with those two nutters immediately above this post.
My apologies, ZJK, I shouldn't have lumped you in with those two nutters immediately above this post.
I wouldn't call them nutters. More like:
great movie BTW
appology accepted:hatsoff:
There's only one person that gets rabid liberals in a frenzy faster than Michelle Bachmann.
She should not run for President. If she wants to repeal Obamacare she should stay in Congress. There's only one person that gets rabid liberals in a frenzy faster than Michelle Bachmann.
Because many are already nuts. But there are certain people that make them frenzy, and Bachmann is one of them.
I think Palin is way off-base, along with the "popular Tea Party" leaders that pry with this bullshit ... but ...I mean, in this very thread, about the only endorsement that even Palin/Bachmann lovers can point to is that they'd like to fuck her. How pitiful is that?
At least she's intellectually capable of discussing her state's history without sounding like a fool.
It doesn't take much to make a leftist go nutzoid.
Most of us are really calm and relaxed, knowing you party will actually pick someone like Bachmann or Palin to win your nomination. You would pick a losing horse over Pawlenty or Huntsman, since they would not survive the far right wrath.
It's just interesting that the same 2 come out on top of this survey for the past 22 years - but it sure never gets coverage through M$M - guess that might hurt the advertisers too muchThe colonists based the American Revolution on their cry against taxation without representation. Now, a new survey shows that Americans are very clear about how they want their tax dollars spent.
By a notable margin, education and health care were the top two spending priorities of Americans. And Americans are consistent in that: Those two categories have finished in the top two in each of the ten surveys since 1990, according to the General Social Survey (GSS), conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago.
The information comes as politicians in Washington wrangle over the budget and face a standoff over which areas of federal funding to cut. Interestingly, Americans don’t seem terribly upset about how much they are paying in taxes.
The top 10 highest priorities are:
1. Health care
2. Education
3. Assistance to the poor
4. Halting crime
5. Social Security
6. Environment
7. Dealing with drug addiction
8. Childcare
9. Drug rehabilitation
10. Law enforcement
The findings have additional significance in that they are derived from the first GSS to be conducted since the 2008 economic meltdown. Despite the poor economy and despite the pinch of taxes for a majority, (in 2010, 53 percent said their federal taxes were too high, 46 percent about right, and 2 percent too low) Americans back more spending in about three-quarters of the areas and less spending only in the bottom quarter.
that started in 2009?Most of your industries are gone and a lot of your high paid jobs are moving to Asia.....
No, but it accelerated under Clinton, not W. It spans more than just the previous or current administration.that started in 2009?
and will result in a completely poor nation of socialist ideals....
My party? I could care less about Newt, Bachmann, or Palin. I'd vote for Obama in '12 if he promised to lower taxes.
I don't think many people will vote for daddy o after he hasn't made anything he promised during 4 years. Most of your industries are gone and a lot of your high paid jobs are moving to Asia, so is that what you call a good economical recovery with Daddy O magic words?
that started in 2009?
moops were chanting "how's that hope and change?" before Obama even took office because its all about cheerleading for "their team" regardless of what was actually being done. I don't think Obama supporters have anything to pat themselves on the back about, though. He has shown he is just as Republican as any other suit that would be in office (so I'm not sure where the right-wing disgust for the guy is)....even "health-care" legislation fell waaaay short of accomplishing what the American people actually wanted.
No, but it accelerated under Clinton, not W. It spans more than just the previous or current administration.
I stick up for Obama against the right wing, but I'm the first to point out that W.'s first recession was not his fault, and the utter collapse of American industry on-going before him, corporate greed that existed before him, and other issues.
Federal revenue through 2000 was based on false wealth that did not exist. Adjustments to the value of the economy, if done for 2000 like it was 2008, would have put the recession during the Clinton administration.
NAFTA, H1B and other things were championed not merely by the Republican Congress under the Clinton administration, but the Democrat Executive as well. I personally love how Democrat apologists like to ignore the role of Clinton and Gore in these realities.
Libertarians like myself were with Ross Perot and other business leaders, away from both the Democrats and Republicans. So while those two sling mud, we're just face palms.
And the US is so fucked. Americans are in utter denial about the current rate of debt, the fact that it did not end in the '90s (it was just postponed based on false wealth of the .COM boom), and the reality that the Baby Boomers are retiring. Gen-X is much smaller and won't be able to afford the future we've already spent.
So fucked.
Although one thing is for certain. Regardless of the state of the economy and rate of spending at the end of W.'s administration, Obama blew those budget doors wide open. He did that. He did it far worse than even I thought he would! And we're really in the toilet now! Sorry, Democrats are in total denial on social spending. Entitlements make up a record portion of the budget.
The costs of Afghanistan and Iraq are nothing in comparison to those liabilities we now have. And I thought W. was bad! This is not for the "poor's" sake. This is absolute facist economy model pushed beyond the brink, and will result in a completely poor nation of socialist ideals that cannot even be implemented by even the next 2 generations.
So fucked.
Is a simplification. It is an ideal taught at a basic level of macroeconomics. It does not answer many aspects of consumer and provider interaction. It relies on statistical rounding, instead of actual system interaction.Keynesian?