Rep. Michele Bachmann May Run for President to Repeal "Obamacare"

Because they don't know why they hate. They're told too. The center/far left needs raw meat fed to it daily.


you've got to be kidding.

Beck, Hannity, Malkin, Limbaugh, Levin, Savage, Liddy, Coulter et al

who does the left have that matches the daily spew from this foaming-at-the-mouth conglomeration?

Even worse, these sociopaths crank out about a book a week featuring two major themes: fear and loathing. These pot boilers for the terminally paranoid are so bad they make O.J. Simpson's book read like a Pulitzer winner :1orglaugh

and none of the liberals I know routinely receive viral emails brimming with lies and distortions. Most of the conservatives I know do.

you've got to be kidding.

Beck, Hannity, Malkin, Limbaugh, Levin, Savage, Liddy, Coulter et al

who does the left have that matches the daily spew from this foaming-at-the-mouth conglomeration?

Even worse, these sociopaths crank out about a book a week featuring two major themes: fear and loathing. These pot boilers for the terminally paranoid are so bad they make O.J. Simpson's book read like a Pulitzer winner :1orglaugh

and none of the liberals I know routinely receive viral emails brimming with lies and distortions. Most of the conservatives I know do.

Coulter doesn't have half the media presence she had pre 2006. She's a non-factor.

It's funny as hell to see how blind you guys are to it. Just once, stop and think about the perspective of non-liberals when viewing the media/infotainment complex.

Ever wonder why SNL/DailyShow/MSNBC/NPR and CNN do so much cross promotion? That's just one way of looking at it. The stranglehold the center-left had over the media has weakened since the rise of the internet and the decline of print media, but it's adapting.

The left can't even stand the presence of FOX, God forbid anyone thinks differently than them. FOX doesn't even do a very good job of reporting a conservative perspective on the news.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
In the end you have people hating Palin and when pressed on what they hate about her, will quote something TINA FEY said if they can name anything at all.

Wow, Tina's looking more & more like Palin everyday. :D
