Vanilla Bear
Bears For Life
I'm damned?
Canada post wants to cut some of their benefits and a few other things. They didn't like that. I have a feeling there is more but I haven't kept that close tabs on it. I do know that Canada post isn't making as much as many people don't send as much mail with the ability to chat online and email so they probably have to make cut backs. I do have a problem though with how they want to solve it.
Their employees continued to work the choice to lock them out and that really pisses me off. Their employees knew people needed mail so they choice to strike while working and I give them a lot of props for that. Apparently Canada post thinks the people don't need mail. They made a statement that most people don't use mail anymore so they didn't see a reason to stay open. Which is crap I mean if that's the case Canada Post should be closed as it's not a viable business anymore.
Canada post wants to cut some of their benefits and a few other things. They didn't like that. I have a feeling there is more but I haven't kept that close tabs on it. I do know that Canada post isn't making as much as many people don't send as much mail with the ability to chat online and email so they probably have to make cut backs. I do have a problem though with how they want to solve it.
Their employees continued to work the choice to lock them out and that really pisses me off. Their employees knew people needed mail so they choice to strike while working and I give them a lot of props for that. Apparently Canada post thinks the people don't need mail. They made a statement that most people don't use mail anymore so they didn't see a reason to stay open. Which is crap I mean if that's the case Canada Post should be closed as it's not a viable business anymore.