SOLVED THREADS: Report them here!

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
This is kind of an experimental thread but this idea sprung to mind and I want to encourage users to report threads which haven't been marked as solved in order to keep this section organized and up-to-date.

Any thread which has been solved has a light green tinted background if you are using the light forum theme and a dark green color if you are using the dark theme. This makes it easier to distinguish between a solved thread and an unsolved thread. Once any thread gets created, the objective is to make it into a solved thread, so we want to have as many "green" threads as we can!

Historically, you have been able use the report button to request threads to be solved, and you still can - but you can also now report them here in public.

This should also hopefully make people realize they can mark their own threads as solved which a lot of people still aren't aware of.

So, this is designed for threads which weren't of your own creation, that perhaps you yourself answered but are still awaiting the solution credit for or threads you have clicked into which you thought someone needed help with only to find that it had actually already been answered but hasn't been marked as such.

Simply post a link to the thread in question and it will be dealt with in due course.

All you need to do is make sure that one of the following statements are true:
  1. at least 24 hours have passed since the thread has been answered (correctly!)
  2. the original poster (OP) has been online since the solution was posted
Why? Because...
  • we want to give people the opportunity to log on and mark their thread as solved for themselves otherwise if it is always done for them then they will never learn
  • if the user has been online since the thread was solved, it suggests they either don't know how to mark the thread solved or need a reprimand for not acknowledging the help they have received

And while I've got your attention... something I really don't want to make a big deal of because I shouldn't have to and yet I feel as if I do...

If someone solves your query, don't forget to say thank you!

This is aimed at a minority of people (albeit an alarmingly large miniority!) because I've noticed that there are still a hell of a lot of users who think it is OK to ask a question, get an answer and not acknowledge the solver in any way. I hate to see this and really winds me up so please be sure to say thanks give credit where it is due. It is basic manners and goes a long way... so please, don't be a dick!

If you have your thread reported here and you haven't acknowledged the help you have received... you can expect to be hearing from me!

And just to be clear, simply marking a user's post as the solution is not saying thank you - you must either like their post or physically post in the thread to say thanks. The user in question will get a credit to their name for the answer, but I'd describe it as common decency to demonstrate your gratitude in the form of a like if not a comment, or both. Saying "thanks in advance" in your opening post doesn't cut the mustard, either! I hate this phrase with a passion.

All in all, I am hoping this thread will help to get people into good habits.

Thank you!