Random Statement Thread II

Hmmm...maybe I'm reading the situation wrong or there is more to it than that, but that's sounds like the most illogical solution they could have come up with for that problem. :facepalm: It also appears shortsighted.

It seems to screw over the public that needs their mail delivered more than anybody else.

They wanted the goverment to force them back to work the gov said they wouldn't do that so Canada post responce was to lock the doors. Now the people are pissed off so Big brother will likely step in "for the peope" and force the workers back to work. :(

What pisses me off the most is firemen and police can strike as long as they work. The postal workers were working maybe doing rooling strikes and my mail may have been delayed but I would get it. I was fine with that. Apparently it wasn't fine with the big company that monopilizes out letter mailing system. :(
It appears they are just using the public for the metaphorical game of chicken they are trying to play with the workers. I guess it shows whom they care the most about.
I'm out of here, for the time being, everyone have a great weekend!

It appears they are just using the public for the metaphorical game of chicken they are trying to play with the workers. I guess it shows whom they care the most about.

I agree but I'm happy to see they aren't backing down. They have some cute sighs saying thinks like we would work they wont let us. It's funny people are pissed they aren't getting mail but at least of the people I know they aren't made at the postal workers they are pissed that Canada post isn't taking care of their own shit and making the Gov deal with it. I understand they are a crown corp. so I guess they don't see any reason not to just close and let the gov deal with the shit they should be taking care of themselves but it's really only hurt them with the Canadian people it seems.