Random Statement Thread II

:laugh: !! everything i say u take literally ? ;) we are friends ? yes? so let me win!!
oops! who cares ! u and me are friends ! so i will let u win ! mots is the winner !!!!! okay? :hybrid:
I see.

As I know so many of you actually care but as of Monday the gov is tabling a bill for force the postal workers back to work and on tuseday they will be discussing it apparently. So maybe I'll have mail by next monday though I am torn as I want my mail but I can't stand the thought of the gov forcing them back to work.
Canada post wants to cut some of their benefits and a few other things. They didn't like that. I have a feeling there is more but I haven't kept that close tabs on it. I do know that Canada post isn't making as much as many people don't send as much mail with the ability to chat online and email so they probably have to make cut backs. I do have a problem though with how they want to solve it.

Their employees continued to work the choice to lock them out and that really pisses me off. Their employees knew people needed mail so they choice to strike while working and I give them a lot of props for that. Apparently Canada post thinks the people don't need mail. They made a statement that most people don't use mail anymore so they didn't see a reason to stay open. Which is crap I mean if that's the case Canada Post should be closed as it's not a viable business anymore.
Canada post wants to cut some of their benefits and a few other things. They didn't like that. I have a feeling there is more but I haven't kept that close tabs on it. I do know that Canada post isn't making as much as many people don't send as much mail with the ability to chat online and email so they probably have to make cut backs. I do have a problem though with how they want to solve it.

Their employees continued to work the choice to lock them out and that really pisses me off. Their employees knew people needed mail so they choice to strike while working and I give them a lot of props for that. Apparently Canada post thinks the people don't need mail. They made a statement that most people don't use mail anymore so they didn't see a reason to stay open. Which is crap I mean if that's the case Canada Post should be closed as it's not a viable business anymore.

Please see NFL Owners vs NFL Players Association.

Probably similar issues.

Fuck 'em both!
Just make sure the season isn't scrapped


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Over there.


Closed Account
I have an overwhelming sense of guilt, anger and loneliness all at once. But I deserve to feel this way.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
How's that?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You know what I miss?

Canada post wants to cut some of their benefits and a few other things. They didn't like that. I have a feeling there is more but I haven't kept that close tabs on it. I do know that Canada post isn't making as much as many people don't send as much mail with the ability to chat online and email so they probably have to make cut backs. I do have a problem though with how they want to solve it.

Their employees continued to work the choice to lock them out and that really pisses me off. Their employees knew people needed mail so they choice to strike while working and I give them a lot of props for that. Apparently Canada post thinks the people don't need mail. They made a statement that most people don't use mail anymore so they didn't see a reason to stay open. Which is crap I mean if that's the case Canada Post should be closed as it's not a viable business anymore.

Out of curiosity is Canada Post a private company? To me having the regular normal mail being handled by a non-government agency or for profit business is sort of a scary thing to think about. (Although I'm sure there are people here that would try to get that if they could.)
I'm thinking about trying out some painting, maybe portrait or figure painting using only black oil paint. I've never painted in oil before. I never had the money to afford the materials to make it worth it. Maybe this way I can get better at it while I practice while also keeping my cost way down.

I just hope I can still do it on paper and have it come out good. I don't think I can afford canvas. Maybe if I used more dry techniques or used really think layers it might work, but I don't know.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I wish you the best of luck Rock, I used to love to draw.