If I were to vote for any thread as “Post of the Week,” it would be this one:
My choice
You can’t help but admire the spirit of the person who submitted this thread, fully cognizant of the fact that its existence would be nothing more than one of a few Warholian moments and would serve no function to alleviate his concerns regarding the imperfections of the Social Security Administration while entertaining thoughts of his latter years. Yes, just like some insect for which the entire life-cycle takes place between the rising and the setting of one sun, a body can’t but admire this person for his bravado in the face of imminent danger, as if he were suddenly dislodged from a fully functioning airplane bereft the encumbrance of a parachute, yet constantly looking about his proximity with fists at the “ready” for anyone foolhardy enough to dare encroach upon his air-space as a planet seemingly races upwards towards his proud, defiant, and resolute self.
You can take a look around, and you will see, as a rule, that I am not one to post in these “best of threads,” which, of course, I have very specific reasons for not doing so, although this has never deterred me from taking a the occasional and stealthy perusal of these same threads and leaving not so much as a footprint to indicate that I had done as much.
Obviously, this week an exception has to be made.
I do not like awards, and as a matter of principle, I prohibit them from entry in to my domicile. Yes, you heard me. Maybe so that it is that others will try to tell you different, but I do not like awards, and so that is why you won’t find any around me. Take for example any one of the many commonly known “awards” such as those that are issued for achievements in the entertainment industry or for those of literary skills or having attained unprecedented medical or humanitarian accomplishments. Other than the transitory time (read: inconveinence) required to take physical possession of, all these “awards” share many other features; most notably they occupy space that could be best used for more practical purposes—and quite often that which was fine enough for an old book or some archival magazines or even an autographed bowling ball is unsuitable for the more exalted of awards;
now, an entire new venue has to be invested in, and not one of any shabby wood grain-laminated pressed wood affair requiring only a screwdriver for assembly. In many events, the structure of the domicile itself is inadequate, and thereby requiring a sizable augmentation of its square footage to house this illustrious bauble, and often doing that alone, is too, insufficient, as what good is an award, now properly inducted in its own basilica, if there is no one to fawn and drool over the sacred thing? One cannot feel they are doing justice to an award by merely tacking on a broom-closet to the back of the house or even closing off a porch for such purposes, and entire, full-service reception facility will be the only viable option!
Then there is the matter of parking, because, naturally, you can’t expect people to walk for miles and miles just to see your precious amulet, now can you? Heck, seek not further a precedent than the one set forth in the New Testament! Matthew, beginning in 2-1, speaks of three men from the “East,”—although, from my perspective, as it may be for many of us, they were
already in the “East” and so really, how far did they actually have to travel never seems to be explained to the proper extent, but maybe it had been deemed so that where ever it was that Jesus was, by comparison to where these three guys hailed from was, relatively speaking, even
further “East,” which, on that premise, would not exclude Detroit as being a plausible location for their home office—and then goes on to describe them and their actions in great detail, and lo, not one word about parking! Not one! None what so ever! Give credit to the city planners of this metropolis of which the Christ-child was born (and subsequently put on display), for while these three “wise-men,” as they are called, may or may not have hailed from Detroit, one thing is very, very certain that upon arriving at their destination (to bask in the glow of an “award,” which, if you care to look at things in a skewed fashion, was bestowed upon Joseph for literally doing nothing) they most emphatically were
not in Detroit, as the dearth of parking spaces in my community is a strangling curse seething with irony upon us all as if some brought upon by the musing of a vengeful Intelligent Designer.
No, they were not in Detroit, alright, and truthfully, back in those days a shop-worn feeding trough located in an old stable was good enough as a trophy-case; John even makes mention of it a little later on. But today, friends, things are different (although there are still those malcontents who are itching to get out of Detroit). Marble and glass and that which is gilded of gold are the only suitable materials to house any such award of note in a modern, progressive society.
And taking receipt of an award is only the beginning, friends, no different than taking receipt of a deer just shot by your brother-in-law, who somehow feels he did the more arduous portion of the task of bringing wildlife to the dinner table, and looks at you with a gleam in his eye and with his gun still smoking as he reaches into your refrigerator for a beverage (to put on top of all the ones he had been imbibing since three a.m.) and then sits at your table with napkin tucked beneath his chin—not because he is especially neat and concerned about his appearance (most people who look like Randy Quaid are not known to be of that inclination) but because it diplomatically and discreetly suggests that
you had better get movin’ with that dead deer that is still layin’ in the back of his pick-up truck.
Awards. Just set them on the mantle-piece and look at them. I don’t think so.
Dust collectors, everyone of them, and they need to be polished, and illuminated too, and don’t forget, insured! Yes, just like the bladder of that deer that has to delicately be ruptured so as to not leave a reminder on the garage ceiling for the eternity of a marriage, awards are a lot of work.
But I will accept this one, friends, and I graciously thank the “Academy” for having found the charity in their heart to confer this one on me even a’ midst the ever-dwindling list of possible candidates.
While this (the POTW in question) was a prime opportunity to purge some of the creativity within me, that of the kind that had always gotten me into “difficulties,” we can say, during my schooling, and so does to this day, especially at social gatherings where such type of talk is discouraged by easily-offended parties whom I have steadfastly denied any binding agreement that may one day necessitate employment of a divorce attorney (yet these same parties will find no flaw or inconvenience with my car being heaped with snow from having to have been parked outside overnight because their brother imposed upon a ceiling joist in my garage from which to suspend a dead deer),
“Special Announcement”* was composed as a tribute to all of those who enjoy and participate in this phenomenon we call Freeones. Others have made their choice, and we, too, have made ours and the intention of
“Special Announcement” was to figuratively turn our heads about and look forward.
In my brief time as a member I have enjoyed sharing “views” and “opinions” with many (but not “all,” or “every,” or however you care to put it, and only the consummate liar would say otherwise) of our fellow members, and look forward to continuing this relationship.
“Special Announcement” was written for you, the very person reading this now, so too, belongs to you any accolades that I may take receipt for that tidy little thread. And that includes one of the Freeones t-shirt that I am wearing now (just got it in the mail, you see) and in a few weeks will be auctioning it off for “charity” (meaning “us”) (and we’ll need that amount of time to allow for the build-up sweat and spilled coffee stains to enhance its value). Another shirt is, of course, headed for the Henry Ford Museum in Greenfield Village and yet another one will soon be on display in the Smithsonian, alongside of Abe’s shawl, Hawkeye’s bathrobe and Archie’s living room chair, (Fonie’s jacket?) and just a short walk away from where AFA’s bomber is being reassembled for public display.
Thanks again, members, not for the immediate award, but for the endearing companionship.
*It's my thread, and I can put the title of it in bold face letters if I want to.