I'm thinking of starting a separate thread (and in a more respectable forum, no less, quite unlike the one horse, nuisance vegetation over-growth, low-rail siding that this one resides in), designed to acknowledge the topically-pertinent accomplishments of an esteemed individual from the previous 12 months (even when they are in essence, still in progress) entitled:
Pornography of the Year Used In a Sentence (
POTYUIAS), then, of course, followed by the year in question, as it is my intention for this thread to perpetuate annually without interruption well on to doomsday and two or three weeks later if necessary.
Better get a head start on the copyright of this one before some poacher comes along and absconds with it for his own revelry.
Pornography of the Year Used In a Sentence ®©™ All Rights Reserved LLC Patent Pending.
I'm covered.