He didn't need a teleprompter because he hand wrote his speeches. After he gave the "I have a Dream" speech he handed the speech to George Raveling who used to be a college basketball coach at USC and other places. Is it safe to assume that he probably glanced down at his speech while he gave it?
Would it surprise you to learn that George Dubya Bush was the most vacationed president ever? Do you remember ever hearing about Crawford, Texas? It was that place that Dubya "vacationed" at pretty much all the time and for the entire month of August. They had a fancy podium with the presidential crest. Of course, Dubya no longer lives/resides in Crawford. That was just his image-makers wanting him to be "folksy" and "working on the farm" and "driving the pickup truck with sweat on his brow"....all those phony images that conservatives lapped up....
Moving on:
If Obama is not supposed to give a speech after a tragedy like this one, what else is he supposed to do? Seriously. A president has ceremonial duties. Is it okay if he meets representatives from other nations or is that a waste of our tax dollars and nothing but wine/cheese partying? People from other nations probably don't view ceremony and vacation like middle America does. Other nations actually care about taking vacations. Our companies have brainwashed Americans into thinking "Gee, I'm only worth 2 miserable weeks, but if I work hard, maybe someday I can get 4 weeks off."
A president doesn't have absolute power you know. Maybe Obama would be more effective if the Republicraps didn't say NO to everything and openly challenge his leadership at every turn. How's that bipartisanship? Obama was elected by a VAST MAJORITY to do the changes he campaigned on. A bitter, weak minority shouldn't have the power in our Gov't to halt all change.
But, turnabout is fair play. All those "grand visions" of turning back whatever meager accomplishments Obama has on his scorecard will be met by NOs from Democrats and the Republicans can have their moment of awakening. Stalling America's economic progress is actually a win for Republicans because they already are rich. They don't want to do anything that could help out those who are less fortunate. A weak, ineffective Gov't is basically a rhetorical ploy to get the middle class to hate gov't and keep quiet.