Obama's Speech Tonight


the Obama sycophants could have held in their cheering

it was a memorial after all.....

Too much religious shit in there as well. And too many platitudes about democracy and freedom. But it is America I guess.


if you didn't shed a tear or two during President Obama's address to the nation tonight, you either don't have a soul, are a terrorist or simply hate the United States of America.

I'll take all three.

In this moment of incredible tragedy, I have never felt more united with my fellow Americans since 9/11. God bless America!


last time you all felt THAT united you went on a bit of a disasterous crusade around the world.

Should we be worried?


Postal Paranoiac
Good and careful use of words. I agree with most of it.
he can be very eloquent -- and he did not disappoint / SP was defensive as always // (she looked nice though :D
I have often found myself on the opposite side of issues than Obama, but I must say that the president earned so much respect from me in his speech last night. I was so proud of him and our politicial system and, for the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful for our country. I hope that the divide that has been growing among Americans will finally start to heal, that the politicial parties will find a way to work toward consensus. They will of course disagree, but they can do so without anger. And maybe we all can jump in rain puddles, too. :)

One of the better posts in this thread. I responded in another thread to a mention of Sarah Palin and I actually dialed in something pretty vitriolic towards Palin. But decided to go back and edit out the worst of what I said about her based largely on reading this post.

I generally believe it's elitist and naive to try and avoid challenging opposition rhetoric on it's own terms as that's why Demos constantly lose on some of the easiest issues. But that said, it is time to leave the vitriol out of it...time to let the Rush's and Hannity's have the playground to themselves, move on and leave them behind.
it seems like the only thing Barry can do for the american people is give good speeches because he is not really doing anything else positive for us, making good speeches doesn't make you a good leader, actions will always speak louder then words IMO


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I just don't like Jagger's comments about anyone who didn't cry being a terrorist or whatever nonsense.

I was trying to make a symbolic point....not a literal statement. Sorry if that was lost on you. :facepalm:


Lord Dipstick
I hope that you are kidding. Nothing Obama will ever do or say will be like MLK. MLK was a uniter, Obama is not.

Not sure why people think Obama gives great speeches. Ronald Reagan gave amazing speeches, the presidents since him have sucked at giving speeches. :2 cents:

Noooo, I am not kidding....I think the term I used was "MLK-LIKE" :facepalm:
It was a great speech and obviously from the heart. It's just a shame that it will be swept aside with the next news cycle. Right now is not the time for politics. Sadly this too will become just more political pandering.
it seems like the only thing Barry can do for the american people is give good speeches because he is not really doing anything else positive for us, making good speeches doesn't make you a good leader, actions will always speak louder then words IMO

He's actually done allot too. If you're thinking in unemployment terms for example...it's likely it could have been worse. Think what we could be dealing with had he let GM and Chrysler fail...the stimulus more than likely made things much less worse.

Reagan inherited less worse circumstances by most reasonable accounts but if you track the unemployment rates for comparisons you'll find unemployment under Obama didn't get as bad nor for as long duration as it did under Reagan. I know allot of people might find that shocking but it's true and the numbers don't lie.

I agree with you that Obama thus far hasn't lead much. Maybe he feels a strict deference to the congressional role and has mistakenly deferred lead roles to them..but it has been a disaster for him. From closing GiTMO to Health Care reform...he's continually handed them the ball and they've fumble every carry. How on earth can he not get GiTMO closed and the occupants transfer to mainland facilities when there was a bipartisan consensus to do it??? Letting politicized House members hash it out and play nimbyism with it. That's how.

If there is a major criticism I would have against Obama is his lack of leadership on some of the policies and not making what I would think are pretty easy cases to make to the American people (the ones who are not simply incorrigible).

Most people accept that Obama is not doing a good job on unemployment and while this isn't a determinative case that he is, looking at the fact that u/e didn't fall under 10 pct. under Reagan until a full 2.5 years after he took office. People accept that we are being bludgeoned by oppressive tax rates for some reason too under Obama when the fact is taxes are some of the lowest rates in our history even if the Bush era top 2 pct. rates are allowed to expire. And lower than I think all but the last 2 years of Reagan's presidency.

But why is "Hot Mega" on a porn message board explaining this stuff instead Obama's talking heads beating back the criticisms by putting this stuff in perspective??

I wonder sometimes.:dunno:
sorry Hot Mega, IMO this puppet president has done nothing for the american people but give empty promises in his speeches, and as far as the bailouts are concerned, I would have rather seen all of these major corporations go bankrupt and reset, I would also like to have seen much more stimulus money given to the smaller businesses which would result in free market growth, and while some money did go to the car companies, the majority of the stimulus money went to offshore banks, trillions of dollars went to undisclosed corporations and banks that federal reserve chairman bernanke still won't tell congress, how do you just hand over trillions of dollars to the federal reserve which is as federal as federal express and not demand an all inclusive receipt, this is unbelievable, our tax money handed out to secrets, and as far as Regan is concerned, he was not what many people think he was, just read the book Dumbing Down of America and you will see that
and while Obama prances around giving speeches, playing hoops in the whitehouse, taking trips to Hawaii, Illinois just announces a 66 percent tax increase across the board, but this bailout really helped the american people out a lot


what the fuck you lookin at?
I didn't watch because that man's voice irritates me. The way he talks, I find utterly obnoxious! Not to mention that it ALWAYS seems so fake and forced, it's pathetic. He never talks normal.
sorry Hot Mega, IMO this puppet president has done nothing for the american people but give empty promises in his speeches, and as far as the bailouts are concerned, I would have rather seen all of these major corporations go bankrupt and reset, I would also like to have seen much more stimulus money given to the smaller businesses which would result in free market growth, and while some money did go to the car companies, the majority of the stimulus money went to offshore banks, trillions of dollars went to undisclosed corporations and banks that federal reserve chairman bernanke still won't tell congress, how do you just hand over trillions of dollars to the federal reserve which is as federal as federal express and not demand an all inclusive receipt, this is unbelievable, our tax money handed out to secrets, and as far as Regan is concerned, he was not what many people think he was, just read the book Dumbing Down of America and you will see that

Okay...we just disagree.

and while Obama prances around giving speeches, playing hoops in the whitehouse, taking trips to Hawaii, Illinois just announces a 66 percent tax increase across the board, but this bailout really helped the american people out a lot

Boo hoo...Illinois' tax rate went from 3% to 5% which now puts at or lower than 30 + other states and only half as much as a few.:eek::rolleyes:

What do you want to bet though, there is some talking head out there leading ignorant people to believe their taxes have increased to a 66 pct. tax rate with a bunch of mumbo jumbo wordsmithing?:cool:
Okay...we just disagree.

Boo hoo...Illinois' tax rate went from 3% to 5% which now puts at or lower than 30 + other states and only half as much as a few.:eek::rolleyes:

What do you want to bet though, there is some talking head out there leading ignorant people to believe their taxes have increased to a 66 pct. tax rate with a bunch of mumbo jumbo wordsmithing?:cool:

well I could post articles from alternative media sites that say 66 percent but I know many on this forum think alternative media sites are crazy and conspiracy theorists but what about articles from associated press that claim 66 percent

and I am also curious hot mega since you and I disagree on where the bailout money went, I want to know where you think the trillions of dollars went?
I didn't watch, but I'm not big on speeches. I was also very disgusted at how the liberals in the media as well as some Democrats tried to pin this on non-liberals not 30 minutes after the shooting. Everything has since been reversed on them and non-liberals have been vindicated. But now the left is using it's sheer force in numbers in the media to disguise all that and say "it's not about party or ideology" where were they 30 minutes after the shooting?

None of this will bring back a 9 year old girl named Christine Taylor Green or the other 5 people that were killed.
Okay...we just disagree.

Boo hoo...Illinois' tax rate went from 3% to 5% which now puts at or lower than 30 + other states and only half as much as a few.:eek::rolleyes:

What do you want to bet though, there is some talking head out there leading ignorant people to believe their taxes have increased to a 66 pct. tax rate with a bunch of mumbo jumbo wordsmithing?:cool:

I wonder how much spending cuts Illinois did (particularly the city of Chicago) to go along with that tax hike? When you are controlled by a political machine, the machine tries to bleed you 9 times before it thinks to cut down on resources devoted to itself.
He would have earned respect from me had he gone to FT. Hood, Texas right after the shooting there. 32 wounded and 12 killed. Plus he never bothers to come to Arizona to tour the border or to attend the masses of border patrol agents killed in the line of duty.

He was politically motivated to go to Tucson. His ratings are low and this will be boost in ratings. Had a federal judge and a congress woman not been shot, he would not have even came to Arizona.

Bingo. And all the people booing Jan Brewer made me think that it was a heavily Democrat event. Not to mention the odd cheering during what's supposed to be a memorial event.