Obama's Speech Tonight

and MLK didn't use a teleprompter.... even if they had been around at that time, I don't think he'd needed it.

This some sort of joke?

Every President since at least Regan has used teleprompters.

Try another angle of criticism Repub.

I didn't watch, but I'm not big on speeches. I was also very disgusted at how the liberals in the media as well as some Democrats tried to pin this on non-liberals not 30 minutes after the shooting. Everything has since been reversed on them and non-liberals have been vindicated.

Vindicated in what respect?

Was Giffords receiving death threats from Right Wingers during the health care debate? Yes.

Did the judge who was shot get death threats from right wingers? Yes

Was the shooter possibly motivated by the climate of violent rhetoric present in Arizona that had been propagated by Republicans? Yes

Did Palin contribute to the climate of violent rhetoric when she posted that outrageously reckless bulls eye map? Yes

The only people vindicated were those who said right wingers created a dangerous climate with their violent rhetoric.
well I could post articles from alternative media sites that say 66 percent but I know many on this forum think alternative media sites are crazy and conspiracy theorists but what about articles from associated press that claim 66 percent


Lawmakers worked overnight to pass the increase to raise the personal income tax rate from 3 percent to 5 percent for four years — a 66 percent increase.

Maybe you should read your own links.:dunno: Yeah, going from 3 to 5 pct. is a 66 pct. increase...BUT IT'S GOING FROM 3 TO 5 WHEN MOST OTHER STATES ARE AT 5 AND ABOVE ALREADY.

If it were reported their taxes doubled for example, that would seem alarming until you found out it was going from 1 to 2 pct.:rolleyes:

and I am also curious hot mega since you and I disagree on where the bailout money went, I want to know where you think the trillions of dollars went?

There's a site the gives the breakdown if you look for it. BTW, nearly $300B went for tax toward tax cuts and incentives (or about 40 pct.:cool:)

I wonder how much spending cuts Illinois did (particularly the city of Chicago) to go along with that tax hike? When you are controlled by a political machine, the machine tries to bleed you 9 times before it thinks to cut down on resources devoted to itself.

I don't know. I don't follow the day to day fiscal concerns of Illinois. However, when it's reported nationally they are increasing their state taxes by and 'alarming' 66 pct. I think it's worth for anyone who wants to speak on it to investigate what that number actually represents and to reconcile it in some context of what other states are paying. They will be paying 5 pct. In California we pay 9.5, In HI they pay 11 and other states pay 9 and above.. That's not a defense as I'm not seeking to defend it. I don't really care per se what Ill is paying nor what cuts they are making.

Bingo. And all the people booing Jan Brewer made me think that it was a heavily Democrat event. Not to mention the odd cheering during what's supposed to be a memorial event.

:facepalm: Obama went to Ft. Hood and spoke there in memorial. Case closed...sheesh. What are we babbling about when he actually went for?? Under those circumstances I'm sure there were other considerations as I can imagine quite few just off the top of my head why the planning would have been a little more intricate for that trip.

People spewing why, where and when he went for whom and all that nonsense is just...:tinhat: IMO.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
This some sort of joke?

Every President since at least Regan has used teleprompters.

Try another angle of criticism Repub.

Vindicated in what respect?

Was Giffords receiving death threats from Right Wingers during the health care debate? Yes.

Did the judge who was shot get death threats from right wingers? Yes

Was the shooter possibly motivated by the climate of violent rhetoric present in Arizona that had been propagated by Republicans? Yes

Did Palin contribute to the climate of violent rhetoric when she posted that outrageously reckless bulls eye map? Yes

The only people vindicated were those who said right wingers created a dangerous climate with their violent rhetoric.

Wrong. The climate that exists in Arizona is not from Republican propaganda. It is from the fact that the government doesn't do jack shit about illegal immigration. Border patrols agents are being murdered. We have a huge problem with drug and human smugglers. Our border is a fucking joke and no one seems to give a shit.

You can blame it on the right wing, but the issue lies with all of government. I am so tired of all this party shit. Our country is a big mess and people would rather stick to parties then solve the problems we have.

It is sad so many people posting on here have to point their fingers at the Republican party. I feel sorry that you are so snowed over by the Democrats. Neither party gives a shit about any of you. They have proven that time and time again. Wake up already.
President Obama’s Vacation Days
January 11, 2010

Q: Has President Obama taken more vacation time than his predecessors?

A: According to one count, Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush spent more time on "vacation" during their first year than President Obama did. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton spent less time on "vacation."


President Obama has spent all or part of 26 days "on vacation" during his first year as president, according to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller.

Knoller, who has covered every president since Gerald Ford and is known for keeping detailed records on presidential travel, counts the following among President Obama’s "vacations" in 2009:

A four-day holiday weekend in Chicago in February where the president played some basketball and treated First Lady Michelle Obama to a Valentine’s Day dinner date.

An eight-day stay with his family at a rented house on Martha’s Vineyard in August.

A trip out west to the U.S. states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Arizona that combined both business and pleasure. The president held town hall meetings on health care during the trip. And he went fly fishing and took trips to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon with his wife and two daughters.

An 11-day stay in Hawaii where the president and his family celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Some of the president’s recent predecessors, however, have spent more days — either entirely or partially — away from the White House "on vacation" during their first year in office.

President Reagan, in 1981, spent all or part of 42 days away from the White House "on vacation" at his home in Santa Barbara, Calif, according to Knoller. President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, also spent three or four days around New Year’s Day each year in Palm Springs, Calif., at the home of philanthropist Walter Annenberg. (In 1993 the late Mr. Annenberg founded the nonpartisan Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, which is FactCheck.org’s parent organization.)

President George W. Bush spent even more time away from the presidential mansion in the nation’s capital than Reagan. Of the 77 total "vacation" trips the former president made to his Texas ranch while in office, nine of them — all or part of 69 days — came during his first year as president in 2001, according to Knoller.

Bush’s father, President George H.W. Bush, spent less time "on vacation" during his first year than his son, but spent more days than President Obama. According to travel records provided to FactCheck.org by the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, the former president took six trips — spanning all or part of 40 days — to the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1989. The archivist at Bush’s presidential library told us she didn’t have a list of all vacations but did have the Kennebunkport visits.

But at least two recent presidents — by Knoller’s count — took less "vacation" time during their first year than President Obama — Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

According to Knoller, Carter spent just 19 days "on vacation" in 1977. Most of that time, Knoller says, the former president spent at his home in Plains, Ga. President Clinton took all or part of 174 days of vacation during his eight years as president — most of that "vacation" time was during the summer, according to Knoller. But Knoller says Clinton only took 21 "vacation" days during his first year.

It’s worth mentioning that President Obama has also made 11 trips — all or part of 27 days — to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Frederick County, Md. Knoller, however, says he doesn’t count trips to Camp David as part of any presidents’ "vacation" time. But for the sake of comparison, President George W. Bush, made more trips to that country residence than Obama. According to Knoller, Bush made 25 trips — a total of 78 days — to Camp David in 2001.

But no matter how much time a president actually spends away from the official residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Knoller says that the commander in chief is never really off the clock. "I have long held the view that a US president is never really on vacation," Knoller told FactCheck.org in an e-mail. "The job - and its awesome powers and responsibilities - is his wherever he is and whatever he’s doing."


Most people who work get paid time off.:2 cents:
Wrong. The climate that exists in Arizona is not from Republican propaganda. It is from the fact that the government doesn't do jack shit about illegal immigration. Border patrols agents are being murdered. We have a huge problem with drug and human smugglers. Our border is a fucking joke and no one seems to give a shit.

You can blame it on the right wing, but the issue lies with all of government. I am so tired of all this party shit. Our country is a big mess and people would rather stick to parties then solve the problems we have.

It is sad so many people posting on here have to point their fingers at the Republican party. I feel sorry that you are so snowed over by the Democrats. Neither party gives a shit about any of you. They have proven that time and time again. Wake up already.

If the Republicans didn't send hundreds of thousands of US troops halfway across the world as well as spending trillions of dollars you might actually have the manpower and financial resources to patrol these borders. Just saying is all :dunno:
If the Republicans didn't send hundreds of thousands of US troops halfway across the world as well as spending trillions of dollars you might actually have the manpower and financial resources to patrol these borders. Just saying is all :dunno:

ummm yes and one of the many promises Obama made was to bring the trips home but he lied like they all do left, right = same controlled puppets, wake up
ummm yes and one of the many promises Obama made was to bring the trips home but he lied like they all do left, right = same controlled puppets, wake up

You're flat wrong. Obama campaigned from day one..(actually before his campaign started) for sending more troops into Afghanistan.:2 cents:

Master R...you just gotta get (know) the facts first man before you discuss these issues.:2 cents:
and hot mega can you please provide the site that breaks down exactly where all this bailout money went to

Bailout or "Stimulus"? We all should know what the 'bailout' money went towards. I don't know if you're confusing/conflating the two as they are different policies.
ummm yes and one of the many promises Obama made was to bring the trips home but he lied like they all do left, right = same controlled puppets, wake up

You can't exactly bring them home straight away, it has to be phased, especially in Iraq where Al-Sadr is licking his lips waiting for the opportunity to seize control. ps He probably is a puppet for the corporations that have any interests in Iraq, any President from any party would be.
and MLK didn't use a teleprompter.... even if they had been around at that time, I don't think he'd needed it.

He didn't need a teleprompter because he hand wrote his speeches. After he gave the "I have a Dream" speech he handed the speech to George Raveling who used to be a college basketball coach at USC and other places. Is it safe to assume that he probably glanced down at his speech while he gave it?

Obama takes way to many vacations. I wish I could take that many vacations and still get paid.
Would it surprise you to learn that George Dubya Bush was the most vacationed president ever? Do you remember ever hearing about Crawford, Texas? It was that place that Dubya "vacationed" at pretty much all the time and for the entire month of August. They had a fancy podium with the presidential crest. Of course, Dubya no longer lives/resides in Crawford. That was just his image-makers wanting him to be "folksy" and "working on the farm" and "driving the pickup truck with sweat on his brow"....all those phony images that conservatives lapped up....

Moving on:

If Obama is not supposed to give a speech after a tragedy like this one, what else is he supposed to do? Seriously. A president has ceremonial duties. Is it okay if he meets representatives from other nations or is that a waste of our tax dollars and nothing but wine/cheese partying? People from other nations probably don't view ceremony and vacation like middle America does. Other nations actually care about taking vacations. Our companies have brainwashed Americans into thinking "Gee, I'm only worth 2 miserable weeks, but if I work hard, maybe someday I can get 4 weeks off." :facepalm:

A president doesn't have absolute power you know. Maybe Obama would be more effective if the Republicraps didn't say NO to everything and openly challenge his leadership at every turn. How's that bipartisanship? Obama was elected by a VAST MAJORITY to do the changes he campaigned on. A bitter, weak minority shouldn't have the power in our Gov't to halt all change.

But, turnabout is fair play. All those "grand visions" of turning back whatever meager accomplishments Obama has on his scorecard will be met by NOs from Democrats and the Republicans can have their moment of awakening. Stalling America's economic progress is actually a win for Republicans because they already are rich. They don't want to do anything that could help out those who are less fortunate. A weak, ineffective Gov't is basically a rhetorical ploy to get the middle class to hate gov't and keep quiet.

he never said he would withdraw troops eh so these vids are fake right



You're conflating and confusing 2, different issues. Obama said even before he was in the US Senate that invading Iraq was a mistake for among other reasons it took the focus off of the real war on terror in Afghanistan.:2 cents:

Re: your vid links...yeah...Obama believed the troops in Iraq should be brought home and or redeployed to Afghanistan according to some phased withdrawal (as you can't do this stuff overnight). However, before Obama took office GWB signed a withdrawal plan and Status of Forces Agreement (Dec '08) that closely matched the one Obama had been campaigning on for months...ergo, Obama didn't need to initiate or author a policy on it.:2 cents:
I heard House Speaker John Boehner missed the Tucson memorial service to attend a cocktail party.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
If the Republicans didn't send hundreds of thousands of US troops halfway across the world as well as spending trillions of dollars you might actually have the manpower and financial resources to patrol these borders. Just saying is all :dunno:

Why do you blame everything on Republicans? Last I checked there were Democrats that supported sending troops overseas. The blame game is why the US is in trouble. Everyone is so busy pointing fingers at each other and not solving anything. The past is the past, the government needs to work on the present and future.

Having the troops halfway around the world has nothing to do with the border. If they really wanted to protect the border they could use the National Guard or hire more border patrol agents.