On the one hand right-wingers do not want to believe in AGW for a variety of reasons but are very eager to put their faith in something as flimsy as Intelligent Design - speaks volumes of their scientific bent.
And lots of people believe in the tooth fairy, however matters of science is about the scientific consensus and not about majority beliefs.
Did you seriously write that? "matters of science is about the scientific consensus and not about majority beliefs" I'm sorry, I believe by its very definiti0on '
a consensus' is majority belief. Look it up.
We don't believe, and 'believe' is the key word there, because of all the times our planet's climate has changed
without any possible interference by us, but now if it is happening,
it's our fault? And I wouldn't call our belief in Intelligent Design 'flimsy,' if I were you.
I would submit to you that 'man-made climate change' is just as much a religion as it is anything because of how much faith is in it actually happening, or that we're causing it, with no tangible proof. And actually, 'consensus' has nothing to do with science. What is is, whether one person, or two million, say it.
Every single one of your talking point has been refuted there with numerous references and peer reviewed journals. Feel free to question them and maybe debunk them as well with your own peer reviewed research.
I'm sorry, I didn't know I got talking points. Besides, even if I did question and debunk your stuff with my stuff (which I have to my satisfaction), I'm not gonna change your mind, now am I? Just like you're not gonna change mine.
You seem to be very upto date.
Six committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct
Seriously? You're citing me
Wikipedia? Really? How desperate are you? I have a feeling of deja vu, but here goes. Any and everyone can and does edit Wikipedia, no matter their background, or if they have expertise, let alone knowledge, in that area(and most do not). Many times things are edited for political gain. Just ask Rush and Glenn Beck. They're pages get edited by the left all the time. You cannot trust Wikipedia. You have no idea who wrote what.
Well, they are called peer reviewed for a reason, you don't have to blindly trust anyone. However I am sure they have far nobler intentions than the oil companies funding anti-AGW studies.
Between, recently a Koch funded group trying to disprove AGW ended up testifying in front of the Congress
supporting it.
More deja vu, 'peer reviewed' by like-minded scientists. And as for the 'nobler intentions than the oil companies,' how 'bout GE? You don't think they stand to profit greatly if all this stuff gets done? They had 'Green' Week' seemingly every month on their channels for propaganda purposes, and they make those squirrely little CFLs. Oh, and I hope you don't break one of those. Lots of mercury. Very, very toxic. EPA has to come in and clean it up. Cost you lots of money. (personally, I'd just scoop the damn thing up and toss it in the trash, cut out the expensive middle man) But, they're gonna be tossed in the trash and crushed at landfills anyway when they burn out. I know, 'cause I've done it. Hmm. Maybe we should've stuck to the incandescent light. Worst they could do is cut you with the glass.
What is with the left and the Koch brothers? Jeez, let it go. And by the way, you have a
very large assumption there that I even care about what the Koch brothers do. Apparently because I'm on the right, I
must know who they are and agree with them. I can't even tell you who they are, or what they do. I've
heard of them, and know enough to know the left likes to harp on them, but that's all. I have no idea if I agree with anything of theirs.
Also, did you read what's just under the main headline that tells you everything you need to know?
"A UC Berkeley team's preliminary findings in a review of temperature data confirm global warming studies."
Hmm, '
UC Berkeley,' and '
preliminary findings.' Don't hafta read beyond that to know what that story's worth. Not even the paper, or hard drive space, that story is printed on.
Very scientific analysis, now how about trying to go through that link again? You will find answers to most of your questions pretty easily.
I had questions? Oh, yes, I did. They were
to you, about if you payed attention in class, or if they even taught those things to you or if that science is wrong. I have no questions that link may answer.
Fuck Al Gore, only right-wingers seem to be obsessed about him. A scientific consensus is more than about one person.
Well, he might not appreciate that. Then again, he might. Who knows? But, um..., Al Gore is the
face of and one of the
biggest proponents of 'man-made climate change.' That is why us right-wingers
seem so obsessed with him. He's bringing all that attention to himself.
And more deja vu, science is
not consensus. A
consensus of scientists said the world was flat.
Consensus is just basically mob rule.