They act as fact-checkers, that's right - facts - something you seem to be allergic to.
No, I'm not allergic to facts. I've given plenty. And just because someone 'acts' as fact checkers, doesn't mean they don't have a bias or ulterior motives.
Right, you didn't. You were just hinting it using a debunked old video.
In case you missed it, the
original response (Which I notice in your quote of me, you left out if it is in fact me who said it, or even the little button to get to that original post for someone to see for themselves. Mighty convenient for that one to
not have my handle or the button to jump to what I fully said. That's what tipped me off as to what was really going on. That this is just an effort to take what I said completely out of context, and make me look bad. You may now do your cartoonish villain "Curses, foiled again.") was in an effort to
refute the assertion that the right thinks he's a Muslim. Just like all the other responses above and below were
refuting assertions of the right. I don't know why I didn't realize this earlier, too many things going on at once I suppose, but that statement of mine has been taken out of context. Just that one gets quoted, I don't go back and see the context, and it looks bad all by itself, and I think I have to explain myself. But if you see the entire context, with the others around it, and the quoted post I'm refuting, if you can't see that what I said was in effort to
refute assertions that the right thinks Obama is a Muslim, I don't know you ever will. So, why the hell would I say he is, or hint at it, if I'm trying to
refute the assertion the right thinks he is a Muslim, just like I was
refuting all those other things? So, in summation, this is the last time (if I can remember) I'm responding to that. So, you guys just go right ahead and continue to take it out of context all you want. We both know you will, and we both know who's right. Oh, and I'll be able to sleep just fine knowing I've got people who thought they had me in a corner and on defense, and never really did and I never should've been, stewing and simmering that I caught on to what was happening and don't care anymore, and won't continue with this little game.
The left is not a monolith and do check out what the term 'strawman' means when you get a chance.
You might wanna talk to your leaders about being a 'monolith' or not.
1. a person used as a cover for some questionable activity [syn: front man]
2. a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted [syn: straw man]
3. an effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds [syn: scarecrow]
Which of the three? I would guess probably not 3, but you never know. You could be thinking 'Wizard of Oz.'
Right, advocating for tax cuts that are more evenly distributed is Marxism. A position that many Republicans had including Mccain and the current Senate Minority Leader Mcconell.)
It's Marxism if you redistribute the wealth, which is what it was.
McCain? You're giving me
McCain? Does the acronym RINO mean anything to you? As for McConell, I don't know him well enough to make a judgement on him, and it would take too long to accurately assess him to be worth if for this. And you don't have to give me other names, because plenty of Republicans are RINOs. Also, you're assuming I am a Republican. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think I ever claimed that. On the right? Oh, yeah. Republican, no. They moved too far to the left to currently occupy where the Democrat Party used to be long ago. Consider me a Libertarian. You know, basically leave me the hell alone, and if it doesn't hurt or take money from anyone but you, I don't care what you do?
Right, extending private health insurance using tax credits which the leading Conservative think-tank the Heritage Foundation promoted in the 90's is socialized medicine and Marxist. And let's not even talk about Romney here.
I seem to recall that what the Heritage Foundation said was taken out of context, or some other little screwy thing that allowed those on the left to say they were for it, when in actuality, they never were.
Oh, and it's
socialized medicine.
I'll leave Romney out of it.
You don't have to live through an era to know what happened during it, that's why we have history books. And Presidents' have something called the veto pen, if they didn't want those tax increases then they could have used it. But do keep assuming whatever you want to believe.
I know, and history books are full of such fascinating, and for you anyway, inconvenient facts. Like Reagan
had a
Democrat Congress to deal with. And I already said that he had to compromise with them to get any of the things he wanted. If he had vetoed them, he wouldn't have gotten anything he wanted, and neither would the Democrats. I thought the left was big on this whole 'bipartisanship' and 'compromise' thing?
Between, Obama pushed through a lot of tax cuts on his own but since they were not for the top 2%, I guess you never heard of them.
So, where they for people who already paid nothing or next to nothing to begin with, and thus didn't
need tax cuts?
First of all, you got the numbers wrong again right after I posted a chart highlighting them. Second, in case you haven't heard there are wars going on along with massive deficits due to a recession, maybe he wanted to close that gap instead of giving all that money to the undeserving poor.
Which numbers? The varying definition of what the left considers 'rich?'
About those charts, first I don't know who the Tax Foundation is for the first one, second the other two had no sources, so how do I know you didn't just pull the numbers from thin air?
I know there are wars going on. Two Obama promised to end, and now a third. So, where's the anti-war left on that one?
Massive deficits due to a recession? Hmm, I seem to recall that the US government has been running deficits for many, many years. Where do you think all that debt came from? Also, it didn't help matters (deficit wise) to just throw money we don't have at it, did it? If someone had learned from history, they would've known how to fix the economy. I believe someone in the early 1920s cut taxes, cut regulation, cut the size of government, and we had alittle something known as the "roaring '20s." Hmm, I may run for Pres to do just that in a few years for a repeat.
Closing the (I assume budget) gap with higher taxes? Maybe. But the far more effective way to close the (again I assume the budget) gap, is to cut spending, and live within your means. I'm not 100% sure, but I think he did wanna give that money to those who paid little or nothing. And did I say 'undeserving poor?' I believe I said something about those who pay little taxes and those who pay none, and getting tax cuts and freebies.
So Bush was Marxist too? He pushed through Medicare Part D, a costlier healthcare program than Obama's.
GWB wasn't
exactly the most conservative Republican Pres we've ever had. Better than some, worse than others.
By whose numbers? Besides, they're still
finding costs in Obamacare, because as someone put it, they had to pass it for us to find out what's in it. Well, we found out, and what is it, 60% want it repealed, still all this time later?
Oh he is not, Unemployment never touched 10% under Obama like it did under Reagan.
Well, how about that. We agree Reagan and Obama aren't alike.
As to the unemployment rate, I believe someone promised we had to pass some stimulus or unemployment would go above, what 8, 9%, and it still did. And as for the
reported unemployment rate, the
actual unemployment rate, I believe it is called the under employment rate, is up above 20%.
But this is largely beside the point. Presidents have very little to do with unemployment rates. (Bet you never thought I'd say that with a Democrat in the WH, huh?) Many things go into unemployment rates that they have little or no control over.