Works for panties
I once called my girlfriend of two years "Linda". Problem is, her name ain't Linda. But I had just gotten off the phone, after having a rather intense conversation, with a "Linda" - so she accepted that. Whether it's Palin, Bachmann or anyone else, we all make occasional gaffes. But not having a basic command of the facts is what I object to. Whether he is right or wrong on policy, I have no doubt that Obama has a basic command of the facts. His conclusions, now those are sometimes debatable.
But I saw Obama at the luncheon with the GOP members about five months ago. He had no teleprompter and he seemed to do just fine. I would challenge any of you to face Obama without a teleprompter. And at the same time I will face (both) Palin and Bachmann. Not because I think I'm so smart - just that I think they're so dumb. But I fully believe I could completely destroy the Idiot Queens (even after a night of heavy drinking). But I don't think anyone here could take on Obama. Especially not some of you who I've called out in the past for taking email chains that you've gotten from your right wing brothers & sisters... and reposted them as factoids. Do I need to name names, ladies & germs?
This teleprompter thing is about like the Birther thing: just another lame, childish exercise in mud slinging by the feeble minded, paranoid schizo radical right.
Yes, we are all prone to gaffs.
Does Obama have a basic command of the facts? Depends of who who ask, and what the 'facts' are.
Would you 'destroy' the 'Idiot Queens?' I doubt you could with them drunk and you sober.
Face Obama without a telepromter? I'd say I could do that. While you may not believe me, I think I'm doing pretty good pulling things from my memory and articulating my points on the fly.
Comparing the 'teleprompter thing' to the 'Birther thing?' Do you remember who started that? It was the Clinton Camp, and so what if some people have doubts about his citizenship? He didn't exactly help matters by waiting so long, now did he? The telepromter thing is to the right, what was calling GWB an idiot was to the left.
To your point about the talking points, both sides do that.
"Just another lame, childish exercise in mud slinging by the feeble minded, paranoid schizo radical right?" I'd give you more credit in two of those categories (and I'll let you guess which two) if you hadn't said that.