Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yes, we are all prone to gaffs.
Does Obama have a basic command of the facts? Depends of who who ask, and what the 'facts' are.
Would you 'destroy' the 'Idiot Queens?' I doubt you could with them drunk and you sober.
To be fair, it would depend on the subject. I don't know as much as they do about Twitter or Facebook (never signed on to either). And they probably know a lot more than I do about which heels go with which dress (whatever makes me smile MUST be good, the way I see it). And Bachmann should have more than decent knowledge of accounting and IRS regulations... but who knows what her brain remembers? And they both probably know more about the Bible than I do (not something I'm proud of - but it is what it is). I would say that Bachmann possesses greater intellect than Palin (by far). But I don't think that I would have any problems delivering an old fashioned, panties-around-the-ankles ass whoopin' to either of these dolts, if the subject was economics, business, geography or history (American or ancient). Basic, standard English also seems to trip them up quite frequently.
Let's just assume (since the country is in rather dire economic straits now) that the subject was economics. I'm not convinced that either of these "winners" could even give a basic explanation of fiscal versus monetary policy, or how various economic theories would/should work. Palin, at least as much as Bachmann, just seems to repeat (prepared) talking points... much like a parrot would. Palin didn't even know the duties of the Vice President in 2008! And poor Bachmann thought that the Smoot-Hawley Act was the Hoot-Smalley Act and that they were Democrats! She thought that FDR signed "Hoot/Smalley" into law! See, that's not a gaffe. That's a combination of ignorance mixed with prideful stupidity. That's walking into a situation with a conclusion in hand, and they try to fill in the blanks to support it after the fact. I fire people who do that. And I've never regretted that even once.
One might love Bachmann and Palin to death, and wish that they'd become the 2012 GOP Dream Team. But these are not overly intelligent people. Their backgrounds, their public displays and their manner of speech tell the tale. They're not learning disabled. But let's not suggest that they're anything much above (barely) average intelligence.
Face Obama without a telepromter? I'd say I could do that. While you may not believe me, I think I'm doing pretty good pulling things from my memory and articulating my points on the fly.
Somehow you've managed to convince yourself that he can't form a complete thought without a teleprompter. I think the fellow from Harvard Law would rip you a bleeding new one. Nothing against you, it's just that from what I've seen of him, you (and most anyone else I've encountered, including myself) would be way out of your league. As I said previously, at the GOP luncheon earlier this year, he had no teleprompter and he had no problems handling the situation quite well. I'm a big guy. But I would know (even now) not to challenge Mike Tyson to a fist fight. Age and experience have given me a pretty good idea of who can and who cannot knock me out. Maybe someday. But I don't sense that you're quite ready for Obama just yet. :hatsoff:
Comparing the 'teleprompter thing' to the 'Birther thing?' Do you remember who started that? It was the Clinton Camp, and so what if some people have doubts about his citizenship? He didn't exactly help matters by waiting so long, now did he? The telepromter thing is to the right, what was calling GWB an idiot was to the left.
I'll have to try to find it again, but a site I visited last year actually compared Obama's use of the teleprompter with Reagan's. Turns out Reagan was just as prone to use the teleprompter as Obama. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing! It was a non-issue with him as well. Anyone who has ever delivered a relatively lengthy speech knows that you either memorize every word, you read from printed words on the lectern or you use a teleprompter. Very few people have the skill (or the gift of memory) that allows them to memorize a long speech. Most people either read from paper or a teleprompter (or write the words on your hand like my gal Sarah P@lin). The teleprompter simply allows a person to make eye contact with the audience and not be looking up and down every few seconds. This only seems to be an issue with those who never took public speaking in school or have never had to give a speech to a group.
To your point about the talking points, both sides do that.
True. And as long as there is at least a shred of validity to the talking points, I can't take issue with either side. But the hyperbole and childish rants of the past 2-3 years have been out of this world. I well remember how Reagan and Tip O'Neill dealt with each other many years ago. There were barbs, but there was no doubt that adults were still in the room. I no longer have that feeling. What we have now is not productive, and yes, it is childish and it is harming the nation.