Obama seeks landslide but McCain predicts upset

If I was McCain, I would have stopped with the bullshit politics and imitating what seems popular of what people liked about Obama and disowned Bush completely. I would have sold him to some Arab day trader somewhere or sent him off to a rendition in Saudi Arabia, Abu Ghirab or to Gitmo for an extended stay since it's so humane. Later he could be joined by the other thugs who are all quietly sneaking out the White House back door.

Book I'm reading points out how unlike Roosevelt, Truman, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy or even his father, being a war president was his one and only dream, and he absolutely loves the attention. Happy, smiling, while his forebearers suffered with the deaths resulting from their decisions. His larger concern was if he could make better time jogging his 4 miles. He was also by far the single president who took off the most time. Something like 1000 days in 8 years. He made many statements how he needed his rest or as president, his R&R time, while soldiers returned to tours in Iraq, again and again until they died.

Why treat this guy like he's some great man? If I was McCain I would trash him instantly and in fact, it seems like most everyone has. That connection to Bush is his single greatest error in this campaign.
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Do some of you really think some A-hole will try to assassinate Obama if he wins?
NO ! That is like suggesting that the election, should McCain win, is fixed. :rolleyes:
Is the USA still full of sick people like this. Reagan's would be killer was a REAL nut. Sick!
Not "full" but they are out there, yes.

, and why does most of the world like Obama better ?!
I don't bother myself with world opinion, but, they detest that we have the right to free speech. Bring down those with the greater. Envy is the root source / cause in the advancement of tyranny. READ !!!!!
It's called voter suppression. Understaffing polling places and not giving Democratic districts enough voting machines in order to create long lines and discourage likely Obama voters is one tactic the Republicans are fond of. They also like to use caging lists to purge voters from registered voter rolls.

More voter suppressin tactics the republicans like to use can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/How-Rig-Election-Confessions-Republican/dp/1416552227

You see, the Republicans like to keep voter turnout down because the more people who vote, the more likely it is that they will lose. And there is something wrong with that. In principal, the winner of an election should be the candidate that would recieve the most votes if every registered voter casts a ballot. That would reflect the actual will of the majority. This is why voting should be compulsory in the U.S. like it is in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil and elsewhere. But the republicans don't want that because they would never win an election again.

That was a good link and interesting conspiracy theories, your sig befits your evil genious. I still think it should be up for the citizens if they want to vote or not in a democracy things should not be forced or compulsory.
That was a good link and interesting conspiracy theories, your sig befits your evil genious. I still think it should be up for the citizens if they want to vote or not in a democracy things should not be forced or compulsory.

There are plenty of things that are forced or are compulsory in our "democracy". Too many things to name.

Bottom line is, voting is supposed to be our civic duty. If that is the case then voting should be compulsory. Just like paying taxes is, or registering yourself as a convicted sex offender is if your name happens to be philbert and you live in Texas.
There are plenty of things that are forced or are compulsory in our "democracy". Too many things to name.

Bottom line is, voting is supposed to be our civic duty. If that is the case then voting should be compulsory. Just like paying taxes is, or registering yourself as a convicted sex offender is if your name happens to be philbert and you live in Texas.

That reminds me of something I once read. I think it went something similar to, "Compulsory voting in a free democracy makes about as much sense as the death penalty as a punishment for people that try to commit suicide". It pretty much defeats the purpose of a free democracy. Not to mention people can choose to not vote on principle. It they find nobody to be qualified then why should they vote?
McCain's line has been forget the past and how we got there,were there now and must win.It's clear what the agenda was from the very start,permanent presence in Iraq by the US.As you say we are spending lots on the permanent bases we are building as well as fighting with even the Iraqi govt we installed over any sort of date we will agree to withdraw by.They best be carefull before we declare them terrorists for demanding we leave.If we were to somehow elect "we might be there a 100 years" McCain that will mean for sure we aren't leaving if he gets his way.With Obama were leaving and the neo-cons little plot will be thwarted.

Unfortunately Americans attention spans in this and other issues is short.

I remember back 8 years, (to Iraq, I can't prove the 2000 election fixing), and remember how American's were lied to getting us knowingly into an unjust war for the sake of special interest groups. I remember the president saying the economy was great while I warned people at parties not to throw their life savings into a quick scheme to get rich in real estate. I remember the early campaigns of McCain and others and how it followed Bush politics until the tune changed to draw voters from Obama.

I can remember the US fixing politics and setting up leaders in S. Vietnam, latin America, Noriega, the Shah of Iran, Hussein himself and Bin Laden until their usefulness or their ambitions grew beyond US support which also ignored or funded illegal activities including drugs flowing into US classrooms, and military actions for big business using American kids as cannon foddor.

It takes work to look at such history objectively as it's written by the hand of the victor. So, is it unpatriotic to not vote for these guys? I think it's unpatriotic to turn away from the obvious pattern of lies and abuse and pick apart tiny side points of what did or who said what and miss this bigger picture. I think it might even be the tougher choice of action for a lot of people to face reality, big business interests run the US, and the patriotic thing to do is vote out the people who have created this disaster.

Just remember McCain and Palin are the candidates of choice of that rogue sheriff and his rousing speech in uniform at a palin rally in Florida, who shouted, saluted and more resembled a Nazi stormtrooper than a public servant.
If I had nothing else to go on, I would know certain things despite the candidates names.

I would know, that the Bush admin lied like rugs about WMD in Iraq and found it virtually impossible to make a connection to 9/11. That the admin harrassed and bullied those who would not lie for them, (Colin Powell is paying that price). That the national debt doubled largely as a result of that war to 10trillion dollars with over 100,000 lives lost in Iraq.

That the Bush admin would not take responsibity for global warming and denied it's existence because it didn't suit their associates business plans.

That the Bush administration talked about nothing except how well the US economy was doing, when 3 years ago, I could see it was facing grave danger.

Now, in the final months the administratin talks about how bad the economy is, and needs emergency hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out Wall St. corporations, needs alternate fuel sources for cleaner air and to avoid dependence on foreign oil, and that the US needs to talk to "terrorists", and start bringing troops home. Which suddenly and amazingly happen to be all the newest themes of the McCain campaign over the last 4 months.

So knowing absolutely nothing else, why in my right mind would I want to vote for a continuation of the republican party which bought and paid for that group the past 8 years, namely the party's new faces, McCain and Palin? Why would I believe a single word they say when I know what McCain said earlier this year to the contrary, which was against what I could clearly see particularly in the failing economy?

Stating many times the warning by Dwight Eisenhower and the film Why We Fight which predicted the present day economy based on military output and war, why would I think in late 2008, in November, the republican party has changed all it's spots? Should I risk Obama? Oh yeah! With a 20% approval rating for the current party head, why is that even considered to be a risk at all? I got a better chance with Obama than any other figurehead the republican's put out there to drive that train down that same broken track into even greater personal wealth for the few at the expense of the many.

Yeah AFA as in you amking up your little mind (ref why Obama thread) I too have made my "little mind"

And because of Bush wars I lost two years of my life that I am not getting back or my family. The seond time around people had a chance to vote his ass out and yet he won by a large margin. McCain is not Bush.

Obama is sooo very unrealistic with his goals, other than stoping the war in Iraq and using that money for his plans (money that we did not have to begin with) where is he getting the rest of the money from? When compared to John he has made wayyyyy more promises, xo base on that do you want someone to just lie to you just to get what he wants instead of facing reality? Did we not learn from Bush and his lies?

Fuck (Fuck Bush too) I hate dealing with the damn VA! However wins they should fired the whole administration for so much red tape and hardship that they give to veterans- sorry for diverting from the topic had to let that out.
Yeah AFA as in you amking up your little mind (ref why Obama thread) I too have made my "little mind"

And because of Bush wars I lost two years of my life that I am not getting back or my family. The seond time around people had a chance to vote his ass out and yet he won by a large margin. McCain is not Bush.

Obama is sooo very unrealistic with his goals, other than stoping the war in Iraq and using that money for his plans (money that we did not have to begin with) where is he getting the rest of the money from? When compared to John he has made wayyyyy more promises, xo base on that do you want someone to just lie to you just to get what he wants instead of facing reality? Did we not learn from Bush and his lies?

Fuck (Fuck Bush too) I hate dealing with the damn VA! However wins they should fired the whole administration for so much red tape and hardship that they give to veterans- sorry for diverting from the topic had to let that out.

Don't know. I don't know what your issues are. Good luck.

McCain is the successor to the Bush throne. Cheney gave him the thumbs up the other day, while Colin Powell bailed out.
Don't know. I don't know what your issues are. Good luck.

McCain is the successor to the Bush throne. Cheney gave him the thumbs up the other day, while Colin Powell bailed out.

Good luck is what this country will need, which was to the far right with Bush yet it ended with the goverment getting bigger and rights being cut off, now we are about to go to the far left, because I do feel like Obama's got this won (the rightfully way that people are pissed at the republicans), so we'll see if the man so many people put their hopes on really delivers.

If he does I'll will give him credit and probably vote for him in 2012, if he don't I'll simply just say "told ya"...like I said I don't depend on goverment and I don't care what management it takes they are all the same just different ways of doing things.

BTW feel free to come to Colorado and have some BBQ on me plenty of good steak houses over here. :glugglug:
Good luck is what this country will need, which was to the far right with Bush yet it ended with the goverment getting bigger and rights being cut off, now we are about to go to the far left, because I do feel like Obama's got this won (the rightfully way that people are pissed at the republicans), so we'll see if the man so many people put their hopes on really delivers.

If he does I'll will give him credit and probably vote for him in 2012, if he don't I'll simply just say "told ya"...like I said I don't depend on goverment and I don't care what management it takes they are all the same just different ways of doing things.

BTW feel free to come to Colorado and have some BBQ on me plenty of good steak houses over here. :glugglug:

By the time we get to the far left, we'll spend a lot of time in the middle.

Sounds better than staying stuck in mounting debt, corruption and body bags :dunno: