Obama seeks landslide but McCain predicts upset


i want obama to win but i really do not want him to for his own sake. sucks to say but i have a feeling he will be assasinated w/i one year of getting elected. too many crazies out there.

Fortunately, most recent attempts have proven to be failed attempts.

I'm concerned about the garden variety Agent Provocateur, who goes about masquerading as the bad right wing extremist, committing unthinkable crimes, as he fictitiously reinforces the need that the people should be supervised by a separate "Civilian Security Force" one that is funded equal to our military. :eek:

I'm kidding . . . sorta :tongue:
Joe the Plumbers motives were at least questionable in Ohio talking to Obama, at least considering his possible music contract and quick rise to fame. I can't answer if he was there for a reason, but his circumstances weren't what he said. CNN and Palin both linked him to Alaska, not in itself meaningful unless he traveled to Ohio on the state sponsored family airliner. :)

Asking him about world affairs such as Israel doesn't make me think that the Palin supporters in that crowd knew a whole lot about anything. When I need my computer fixed, I'll call a plumber!
if history has taught us anything is that you can kill anyone as long as you don't mind dying yourself. there are lots of idiots ready and willing to "martyr" themselves for that cause.
BTW, little me questioning Joe's motives are no worse than McCain without any gram of proof suggesting dark and secret sources of Obama's funding.
BTW, little me questioning Joe's motives are no worse than McCain without any gram of proof suggesting dark and secret sources of Obama's funding.

Word around here in Ohio is Joe the plumber is running for Congress against Marcy Kaptur in 2 years.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Word around here in Ohio is Joe the plumber is running for Congress against Marcy Kaptur in 2 years.

Didn't he just hire some publicity team or something? I think I heard that somewhere.
If I had nothing else to go on, I would know certain things despite the candidates names.

I would know, that the Bush admin lied like rugs about WMD in Iraq and found it virtually impossible to make a connection to 9/11. That the admin harrassed and bullied those who would not lie for them, (Colin Powell is paying that price). That the national debt doubled largely as a result of that war to 10trillion dollars with over 100,000 lives lost in Iraq.

That the Bush admin would not take responsibity for global warming and denied it's existence because it didn't suit their associates business plans.

That the Bush administration talked about nothing except how well the US economy was doing, when 3 years ago, I could see it was facing grave danger.

Now, in the final months the administratin talks about how bad the economy is, and needs emergency hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out Wall St. corporations, needs alternate fuel sources for cleaner air and to avoid dependence on foreign oil, and that the US needs to talk to "terrorists", and start bringing troops home. Which suddenly and amazingly happen to be all the newest themes of the McCain campaign over the last 4 months.

So knowing absolutely nothing else, why in my right mind would I want to vote for a continuation of the republican party which bought and paid for that group the past 8 years, namely the party's new faces, McCain and Palin? Why would I believe a single word they say when I know what McCain said earlier this year to the contrary, which was against what I could clearly see particularly in the failing economy?

Stating many times the warning by Dwight Eisenhower and the film Why We Fight which predicted the present day economy based on military output and war, why would I think in late 2008, in November, the republican party has changed all it's spots? Should I risk Obama? Oh yeah! With a 20% approval rating for the current party head, why is that even considered to be a risk at all? I got a better chance with Obama than any other figurehead the republican's put out there to drive that train down that same broken track into even greater personal wealth for the few at the expense of the many.
McCain is still going on and on about Joe the Plumber in his speech in Virginia. That he deserves a business. the Americn Dream to hire employees. Doesn't everyone know Joe was a plant, a fake, or are there still two or three out there who missed that?

McCain said in a speech a day or two ago that Joe the plumber was his, "role model". Anyone with an ounce of intelligence hears a statement like that and says, "What the fuck? Your role model is a lying douchebag who isn't really a plumber, doesn't make anywhere near $250,000 a year, isn't buying any business that does make $250,000 a year and has an entire backstory based on bullshit? You're a fucking moron!"

Also, Joe the plumber has now hired professional representation to manage his new "career" as a professional bullshit artist. What's funny about that is the fact that this jackass, who is so concerned about Barack Obama taking his nonexistent money, is willing to give 15% of it to a talent manager.:1orglaugh

The tragedy of it all is that Joe the plumber would actually benefit more from Obamas tax plan than he would from McCains. He's just too much of a douchebag idiot to realize it.
With those exagerated polls out there...I think this might be a close one. We'll find out Tuesday night and probably well until Wednesday morning. I just want a peaceful voting event on Tuesday (I arleady voted here in CO and I will be working from 12-7pm) and if B.O. wins then is doesnt really affect me the world with not end with him and if McCain pulls it, I wish for no riots or people claiming it was stolen or fixed.
McCain said in a speech a day or two ago that Joe the plumber was his, "role model". Anyone with an ounce of intelligence hears a statement like that and says, "What the fuck? Your role model is a lying douchebag who isn't really a plumber, doesn't make anywhere near $250,000 a year, isn't buying any business that does make $250,000 a year and has an entire backstory based on bullshit? You're a fucking moron!"

Also, Joe the plumber has now hired professional representation to manage his new "career" as a professional bullshit artist. What's funny about that is the fact that this jackass, who is so concerned about Barack Obama taking his nonexistent money, is willing to give 15% of it to a talent manager.:1orglaugh

The tragedy of it all is that Joe the plumber would actually benefit more from Obamas tax plan than he would from McCains. He's just too much of a douchebag idiot to realize it.

Aw come on Tube you don't expect Baralck to be the only bullshit artist? He is already the biggest one, but come on share the bullshit man!
Do some of you really think some A-hole will try to assassinate Obama if he wins? Is the USA still full of sick people like this. Reagan's would be killer was a REAL nut. Sick!

And people really want to see McCain and Palin win the White House??? We did experiment....with Bush. The Republicans don't need another chance now. My cousin and his roommate, 2 ex Army guys hate McCain, because of the GI bill and the fact that he voted with a moron 90+%.

Besides at 72 McCain would have one of the most stressful jobs in the world. He looks too tired now. He is not the man we need, and why does most of the world like Obama better ?!
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Another thing that occured between these two Obama and McCain is that McCain was wailing on Obama like he was crazy and unbelievably wouldn't admit the surge worked. But when has McCain ever separated himself from Bush politics by admitting the invasion of Iraq was based on the Bush administration's outright lies and a coverup on a scale never before known? A major reason to not vote for that group again.

That is known, factual information, written about in dozens of books, newspapers, magazine articles and documentaries confirmed again and again using known facts by reputable journalists, with no one writing about why we went to Iraq for the reasons of first, (WMD's that were known not to exist), and then secondly to bring peace and happiness to all Iraqis.

Not one source will claim the permanent largest military base ever built sits on the bank of the Euphraties River for a temporary war as stated by the Bush group. It just supports clear evidence in print before 9/11 that the US was looking for a reason to invade and stay in the middle east for the sake of controlling the oil flow there.
don, if McCain wins, you can bet your life that it was stolen.

Yep indeed, don't know how, but someone will come out with some story. I probably find a Destro or Serpentor sig just to mess with you. lol
Another thing that occured between these two Obama and McCain is that McCain was wailing on Obama like he was crazy and unbelievably wouldn't admit the surge worked. But when has McCain ever separated himself from Bush politics by admitting the invasion of Iraq was based on the Bush administration's outright lies and a coverup on a scale never before known? A major reason to not vote for that group again.

That is known, factual information, written about in dozens of books, newspapers, magazine articles and documentaries confirmed again and again using known facts by reputable journalists, with no one writing about why we went to Iraq for the reasons of first, (WMD's that were known not to exist), and then secondly to bring peace and happiness to all Iraqis.

Not one source will claim the permanent largest military base ever built sits on the bank of the Euphraties River for a temporary war as stated by the Bush group. It just supports clear evidence in print before 9/11 that the US was looking for a reason to invade and stay in the middle east for the sake of controlling the oil flow there.

McCain's line has been forget the past and how we got there,were there now and must win.It's clear what the agenda was from the very start,permanent presence in Iraq by the US.As you say we are spending lots on the permanent bases we are building as well as fighting with even the Iraqi govt we installed over any sort of date we will agree to withdraw by.They best be carefull before we declare them terrorists for demanding we leave.If we were to somehow elect "we might be there a 100 years" McCain that will mean for sure we aren't leaving if he gets his way.With Obama were leaving and the neo-cons little plot will be thwarted.
Yep indeed, don't know how, but someone will come out with some story. I probably find a Destro or Serpentor sig just to mess with you. lol

It's called voter suppression. Understaffing polling places and not giving Democratic districts enough voting machines in order to create long lines and discourage likely Obama voters is one tactic the Republicans are fond of. They also like to use caging lists to purge voters from registered voter rolls.

More voter suppressin tactics the republicans like to use can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/How-Rig-Election-Confessions-Republican/dp/1416552227

You see, the Republicans like to keep voter turnout down because the more people who vote, the more likely it is that they will lose. And there is something wrong with that. In principal, the winner of an election should be the candidate that would recieve the most votes if every registered voter casts a ballot. That would reflect the actual will of the majority. This is why voting should be compulsory in the U.S. like it is in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil and elsewhere. But the republicans don't want that because they would never win an election again.
McCain's line has been forget the past and how we got there,were there now and must win.It's clear what the agenda was from the very start,permanent presence in Iraq by the US.As you say we are spending lots on the permanent bases we are building as well as fighting with even the Iraqi govt we installed over any sort of date we will agree to withdraw by.They best be carefull before we declare them terrorists for demanding we leave.If we were to somehow elect "we might be there a 100 years" McCain that will mean for sure we aren't leaving if he gets his way.With Obama were leaving and the neo-cons little plot will be thwarted.

Even if Obama wins, we ain't gettin' out of Iraq. We didn't spend all that money to build this---> http://diplomacy.foreignpolicyblogs.com/files/2008/04/041808_0158_IfYouBuildI1.jpg
just to pull out of there. The U.S. is there to stay. Hell, we might as well make Iraq the 51st state. Start sewing another star on that flag.
There's a thread with a link to an article about an official flyer passed out telling dems to vote on Nov. 5th.

We also know in poorer areas the most problems come up and votes are tossed when possible because in those places they tend to vote democratic. CNN has a hotline to report your inability to vote and they show incidents on TV everyday and make the calls to get it straightened out. One of the known problem is push button machines. When you push Obama a light comes on highlighting McCain. Now if asked, what do poll workers tell them to do? :dunno: Hit it anyway it's okay?

Even if Obama wins, we ain't gettin' out of Iraq. We didn't spend all that money to build this---> http://diplomacy.foreignpolicyblogs.com/files/2008/04/041808_0158_IfYouBuildI1.jpg
just to pull out of there. The U.S. is there to stay. Hell, we might as well make Iraq the 51st state. Start sewing another star on that flag.

That's the place! They got the water running there but not in the rest of the country.

On another note, one author contends that the administration having already decided to go to war and gung ho were angered by any new facts or individuals giving them reasons not to go. Hans Blix was kicked out before he inspected all 100% of Iraq to always leave room for doubt. He was on the threshold of destroying their lie about WMD and it pissed Bush and co. off. They were also irritated by Saddam Hussein's own nervous backing away from his prior antagonism when he showed more willingness to do anything and more than he was told to prove compliance. Bush administration then changed the conditions for him to not suffer the invasion and knowing he wouldn't leave Iraq, they told him to do so.
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