If I had nothing else to go on, I would know certain things despite the candidates names.
I would know, that the Bush admin lied like rugs about WMD in Iraq and found it virtually impossible to make a connection to 9/11. That the admin harrassed and bullied those who would not lie for them, (Colin Powell is paying that price). That the national debt doubled largely as a result of that war to 10trillion dollars with over 100,000 lives lost in Iraq.
That the Bush admin would not take responsibity for global warming and denied it's existence because it didn't suit their associates business plans.
That the Bush administration talked about nothing except how well the US economy was doing, when 3 years ago, I could see it was facing grave danger.
Now, in the final months the administratin talks about how bad the economy is, and needs emergency hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out Wall St. corporations, needs alternate fuel sources for cleaner air and to avoid dependence on foreign oil, and that the US needs to talk to "terrorists", and start bringing troops home. Which suddenly and amazingly happen to be all the newest themes of the McCain campaign over the last 4 months.
So knowing absolutely nothing else, why in my right mind would I want to vote for a continuation of the republican party which bought and paid for that group the past 8 years, namely the party's new faces, McCain and Palin? Why would I believe a single word they say when I know what McCain said earlier this year to the contrary, which was against what I could clearly see particularly in the failing economy?
Stating many times the warning by Dwight Eisenhower and the film Why We Fight which predicted the present day economy based on military output and war, why would I think in late 2008, in November, the republican party has changed all it's spots? Should I risk Obama? Oh yeah! With a 20% approval rating for the current party head, why is that even considered to be a risk at all? I got a better chance with Obama than any other figurehead the republican's put out there to drive that train down that same broken track into even greater personal wealth for the few at the expense of the many.