Wrong! The Lott-Thurmond ordeal was 100% politically correct bullshit ...
Another example of how conservatives make racial statements and face almost zero criticism from other conservatives and survive in politics is Trent Lott who said about Strom Thurmond who ran for president as the anti desegregation candidate in 1948 that the country would have been better off if Strom had won.
Actually, I have to 100% agree with Lott's statements --
had you actually read them. Lott's statements were
not racist, they were
Lott's statements were taken out-of-context. The Dixiecrats came to be out of the reality that the federal government was starting to extract too much control.
Yes, some of the Dixiecrats
were racist. And yes, Thurmond made statements that could have been considered racist. Of course, Thurmond's statements made back then where
no different than most Democrats and Republicans in the north too! That's the problem. When you read Thurmond today, you don't realize he's not talking any different than other Congressmen!
I invite you do read common statements and attitudes of people in the late '40s. Thurmond should
never be dismissed as a racist, he was
not. He is a man who tried to do many things and get people to compromise, especially in a American South that had spent 80 years under the thumb of those outside the American South. The "slavery" card had been played way, way too long on the American South,
ignoring repeat transgressions by those outside the south as an excuse to do what they wanted.
Ironically, he really was a man who really lusted for black booty and saw African-Americans as equals. Just ask several of his peers who are African American (and don't go to Jessie Jackson, he's a political engine, not representative). Lott was trying to convey that too many people don't appreciate Thurmond for who he was and what he tried to do, and dismiss him as a racist. There are many things in the Dixiecrat platform that are actually good and just.
The problem has always been that people pushing slavery and racism have "nuked" the positive reasoning. And they've used the terms in the platform do
wrongly defend slavery and racism. Even today, people chalk the Republic of Texas as a bunch of Americans who wanted to own slaves and that's why they fought Mexico.
No, no, it had nothing to do with Santa Anna shredding the Mexican Constitution, declaring himself a dictator and the Texans stating they merely wanted a return to the 1824 government.
Sorry, but to demonize Lott-Thurmond like this is to
miss some important lessons.
Friday, you always make this about Democrats and Republicans, and
solely state Republican examples over and over,
ignoring the Democrat ones. Sorry, this is all 100% political bullshit, and you're just adding to it. It is
not racism to defend several of the ideals of the Dixiecrats or the creation of Confederate States of America. In fact, it is
required understanding in history.
Doesn't mean I'm a racist or agree with slavery or racism. Let's just separate the facts and statements that are not racist from those that are, instead of nuking anyone and anything that touches it.