First of All, Dr. Andrews hasn't cleared RG3 to play since THE BALTIMORE GAME !
I think it's pretty understood at this point that Shanahan totally fucked up royally by not subbing in Cousins MUCH earlier. According to NFL TV analyst, Deion Sanders, an ex-player, The little red room they took RG3 too during the game is the "feel good" room where team doctors shoot up players to numb up injuries so they can continue to play. Playing with that type of injury is always dangerous to the player, and usually causes much worse exaserbation of the "shot up" injury .
In this situation, Dr. Andrews can only give RG3 the needle, then advise Shanahan as to what he thinks, he cannot pull RG3 himself for a knee...Andrews told Shanahan he was concerned, but Shanahan played him anyways...but really you didn't need Dr.Andrews to say anything because it was obvious RG3 was hurt,,,It's just up to Shanahan to make the right decision and pull him, which should have been a no-brainer considering we have a more than capable back-up that has won games for us this year.
Shanahan's failure to pull RG3 costed us the game and further worsened RG3's knee injury. This was TOTALLY Shanahans call and he fucked it up. To try and shift the blame to RG3 or Dr.Andrews, in any way, just makes him look even more like an incompetant coward.,0,7893049.story
Did you play pro ball? Herm both played and coached. He was very adamant about his backing of Shanahan.