Well, I personally believe in God. Here's a few ideas I'm going to throw out there.
Ok, so if there is no God or a creator, then how was the universe (and both time and space in the process) created? Alot of you are thinking Big Bang Theory. Well.... say the Big Bang did happen. What was here before the Big Bang, and an even better question, what caused the Big Bang to begin with? It didn't just magically happen one day (before time even existed) did it? Also, the Big Bang is supposed to be an explosion that's expanding the universe. Since when has an explosion ever created something and not destroyed it?
I don't believe the bible is the literal word of God, because there is proof that it has been mistranslated to fit translators' beliefs and biases.
I also do not buy the whole God created this angel that turned into the Devil thing. If God is omnipotent, how come he didn't forsee that he had just created Satan?? Or when he created this world, he already knew he was going to destroy it..so what's the point? Is this like a game or something. If you say God didn't know, then how is he omnipotent? Confront fundamentalists with this questions, and they will just go
It's called free will. Lucifer chose to disobey God.
God doesn't have to be omnipotent to know anything, but God is omnipotent.
I'm talking about the same bible you are probably reading.How's that and what Bible are you reading?
I'm talking about the same bible you are probably reading.
Example of biblical mistranslations to promote religious intolerance of gay people: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/rnr/911390519.html
It's called free will. Lucifer chose to disobey God.
God doesn't have to be omnipotent to know anything, but God is omnipotent.
So basically, God created Lucifer, knowing he was going to make a bad choice, but he still went ahead and created Lucifer??
That's why everyone is given a free will choice.
God gives everyone a choice and Lucifer chose the wrong path.
Why would God create everyone perfect like robots?
That's why everyone is given a free will choice.
But if there is a "grand plan" as we are constantly told, free will/choice is irrelevant. It would mean that we do not have free choice after all, all we are doing is making choices that follow that set "plan". So by that logic, "Lucifer" was made by "God" who knowingly made him rebel. Free will and the grand plan cannot co-exist with one another, so what it is? Do we have free will, or are we all just slaves to the path set out by the allmighty at the beginning of time?
You have free will, but you dont actually because whatever you choose to do isnt actually your choice it's "Gods" choice to follow "it's" grand plan.
Hallelujah :bowdown:
Yeah that sounds wonderful
Where's middlefingerluv when you need her?
Who has seen "What the Bleep" with Marlee Matlin? It portrays infinite possibilities. You could choose right now to become a Christian. That would change the Universal path you are on. You would now continue down a different path than you would have before. Something to do with Quantum reality.
God can see the different roads you could have chosen. "Behold, I set before thee life or death. therefore choose life." Deuteronomy 30:15.
It is not His will that any should perish, but that all should come to eternal life. We just have to choose. That would then change the outcome of your life.
A gangster can carry on being a gangster until he is shot or stabbed, or goes to prison. Or, he could decide to leave, to pull out, got somewhere else. This move would then change his life.
It is your destiny.......
The whole obedience thing is pretty basic. Don't kill, don't covet, in short don't hurt one another. People should not have to be told that, don't you think?
Kind of a catch22 conundrum isn't it? If you don't believe there is a God, how do you ask Him anything? If you do believe, you may receive or know the answer, sort of, but either don't like it or can't tell anyone because they won't believe you either.
The whole obedience thing is pretty basic. Don't kill, don't covet, in short don't hurt one another. People should not have to be told that, don't you think?
I do not know why we are not just left alone to carry on. I suppose it is because God is like that.
Even if I had an answer, people would then go back to the is there a God question.