Bullying: it’s not just for kids. Claudia Boerner, 32, British model from a competitive cooking TV show, committed suicide recently, apparently because she being viciously attacked by Internet trolls. Trolls trashed Claudia’s appearance, ridiculed her “fake boobs,” and accused her of being an attention-seeking show-off on “The Perfect Dinner,” a cooking competition that airs in Germany. A message on show’s website said they were shocked by her death and said Claudia Boerner “struck us as a friendly, open-minded young woman.”
It just goes to show all of us that no matter how someone presents herself or himself to the world, there is more going on underneath. You never know how a person may take your hurtful words. And, yes, writing nasty comments about people on the Internet — even absolute strangers — is bullying. [Daily Mail UK]
Why do people troll others online? Do they do it offline too? To the point of bullying.
Or do they just think it's okay to hurl abuse about people online, because they're hidden behind a screen?