Anthony Bourdain Commits Suicide

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because that is an apt comparison.

you really are fucking stupid. my shit-honest assessment.

you are the absolute turd of this board.
Excuse me, but are you reading “ Yes I can” By Sammy Davis Jr? You know what the title of that book should be? "Yes, I Can If Frank Sinatra Says It's OK". 'Cause Frank calls the shots for all of those guys. Did you get to the part yet where uh... Sammy is coming out of the Copa... it's about 3 o'clock in the morning and, uh, he sees Frank? Frank's walking down Broadway by himself...


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Mariah, do you know ANYTHING about producing travel video?

Roll the credits for Anthony B Parts Unknown. About 30 people work this series in support. Producers. Associate producers. Camera people. Writers. Editors. Researchers. The people that he talks to, the food he eats, his entire itinerary pre-planned. What does Anthony have to do? Just be there.

What a grueling fucking schedule. "Anthony, we will wake you up and dress you. Pack your bags and get you to the airport. Put you on the plane with your production group. First class of course." Rent a scooter? No problem, I know a guy in Greece. No waiting in line. Have your people contact my people.

Being away from his home? I'll give you that. Feeling lonely? We'll split the costs of bringing a family member.

Mariah, this is the reality of Anthony B for the past X years. His choice to share these experiences. He did a very good job. I watch this series. But to hold this man up on a pedestal is wrong. He strapped a rag around his neck and said "fuck you" to everyone. You don't get any more of me. I'm not going to finish or create 1 more show for you."

Suicide is the most selfish act any one can create. Stop making excuses for them.
I'd say I do know about it Bob. Have you happened to see what I'm doing now on my youtube channel? Travel videos Bob. I also shot a pilot for a tv series....a travel show Bob. Unlike you who seems to be determined to argue your uninformed case, I was actually THERE on location in Newfoundland during the filming. Entire days in the rain and bitter cold, sitting under tents waiting. He worked on his other projects between and rarely just sat doing nothing, He writes it narrates it and 95% of those credits are post production.

You keep arguing something you know NOTHING about and it just makes you look foolish.
By the way Bob, nearly all people who commit suicide never told anyone they had thoughts or were planning it. It almost always is something that happens without planning. This is why it's so hard to prevent. And of course people like yourself who stigmatize it as just being lazy or entitled, rather than ill.

He dresses himself. Doesn't wear makeup and packs and carries his own bags. They shoot that series lean and mean. They only have set security people they hire on location. The entire concept of the show, which he required when he switched to CNN, was authenticity and not some over-produced watered-down hollywood travel series. he chose the locations, the subjects and wrote 100% of the show including the narration. I'm done explaining something to someone who is making assumptions and continues to swing and miss.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Anthony B reached out for help and ignored it. "Fuck everyone in my life" was his final thoughts. That is a slap in the face to anyone associated with him.

The concept of love. How do you get to his age and status without having an inkling of understanding of love? He loved what he did. ...or did he?

From the common man, if you don't like your job, find another. In his case, don't travel and write books. Too late for that. His decision was to hang himself.

Go on and lament someone that could have given you more but decided to say, "No more for you."

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Was he wearing panties and a bra when they found him? Asking for a friend.
As of my post, I am watching Anthony B. eating a variety of seafood in Portugal. How demanding of his time.

I'll swap my life with his. Who kills himself sooner? You lay a wreath, the rest of us will piss on his grave.

arguing with a fool.
I'd definitely smother it out ASAP.

swapping my life with yours, looking around at my circumstances, I'd definitely smother it out.

but that's the point that you've obviously missed or just feigned to - someone was paying attention to you, bob.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
No more said. Morn your loss.
It takes a special kind of dickhead to come to a thread posted to show respect for someone who died, no matter how they died, and trash that person. I truly believe that there is some serious self-loathing that those of you must have that trashing someone else takes a little of the pressure off or something. If I see something like what I posted about anyone I like or dislike, I would either move on or say condolences. The last thing on my mind would be to trash that person. Where does that much disrespect and anger come from? I think some of it is aimed at me, but I see it all over the internet in every facet. This has become a sad world we have created for ourselves. Kids being taken from parents for political reasons, trashing dead people in response to proclaimed sadness and loss, name calling and insulting of total strangers. It is rampant and I'd love to see a statistic of how many posts on the internet are negative and/or mean and insulting. I bet it's very high.

I said I was done but then you losers would win. The very thing that Bourdain taught many of us was tolerance and understanding of other people. Its no small wonder so many of you spew your hate towards him. Exploring the world beyond your own will expand your mind and teach you tolerance, which many of you need in heaps. I have learned so much about life by travel and adventure, and I'm far more accepting of things I don't understand as something maybe I should consider and learn about. I'm not a very wise person and I'm certainly no one's hero, but at this point in my life the idea of just randomly attacking a stranger with insults seems sad to me. As sad as someone with much to live for not realizing it and being overcome with inner demons that all they can think about is making it all stop.

I've been a mean bitch at times, and said some horrible things to people. I own it. But not to a total stranger I know nothing about. I have strong opinions and voice them without much regret, but they are never aimed at someone I'm not engaged with or that doesn't have a direct impact on my life.

I know that many of you see me as nothing more than a dumb porn whore who sucked and fucked to pay the bills, and maybe you're right. I have done those things but along the way I learned a few lessons about life. We get one of them and if we don't make things happen, they won't. We'll end up lonely and frustrated and angry, living our social life online under a fake name and made up identity, talking shit we couldn't get away with talking in the real world. I hope that those of you that have nothing good to say find something good. I hope that those of you that saw my post about Bourdain and your first thought was to talk shit, find something within yourselves that is worthy and helps you to refrain from being a fucktard as your default response.
I'd say I do know about it Bob. Have you happened to see what I'm doing now on my youtube channel? Travel videos Bob. I also shot a pilot for a tv series....a travel show Bob. Unlike you who seems to be determined to argue your uninformed case, I was actually THERE on location in Newfoundland during the filming.Entire days in the rain and bitter cold, sitting under tents waiting. He worked on his other projects between and rarely just sat doing nothing, He writes it narrates it and 95% of those credits are post production.

You keep arguing something you know NOTHING about and it just makes you look foolish.
I could only imagine having to work with you. Lol
I can only imagine what kind of work you do...or don't do, more likely. Custodial engineer perhaps? McServer? You must be a miserable person. I feel sorry for you, sorta.
Everyone's gotta be something lol.
I once had a resident almost die sitting on the toilet because she was trying to take a poop. The poop was so impacted and not coming out it pressed up against her femoral artery and she passed out on the toilet. Lips turned blue. I had to lube my gloves up and pull her poop out. Had a aide bring a O2 machine and she came back to consciousness and okay. So flipping burgers and/or being a janitor isn't all that bad.

Now stop demeaning people and what they do to make a living. We all can't live a life traveling around the globe eating food and picking which bathrobe belt to hang ourselves with because life is soooooooo fucking hard and miserable.

I saved a woman from dying on a toilet. I have that and am proud of it.
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