It takes a special kind of dickhead to come to a thread posted to show respect for someone who died, no matter how they died, and trash that person. I truly believe that there is some serious self-loathing that those of you must have that trashing someone else takes a little of the pressure off or something. If I see something like what I posted about anyone I like or dislike, I would either move on or say condolences. The last thing on my mind would be to trash that person. Where does that much disrespect and anger come from? I think some of it is aimed at me, but I see it all over the internet in every facet. This has become a sad world we have created for ourselves. Kids being taken from parents for political reasons, trashing dead people in response to proclaimed sadness and loss, name calling and insulting of total strangers. It is rampant and I'd love to see a statistic of how many posts on the internet are negative and/or mean and insulting. I bet it's very high.
I said I was done but then you losers would win. The very thing that Bourdain taught many of us was tolerance and understanding of other people. Its no small wonder so many of you spew your hate towards him. Exploring the world beyond your own will expand your mind and teach you tolerance, which many of you need in heaps. I have learned so much about life by travel and adventure, and I'm far more accepting of things I don't understand as something maybe I should consider and learn about. I'm not a very wise person and I'm certainly no one's hero, but at this point in my life the idea of just randomly attacking a stranger with insults seems sad to me. As sad as someone with much to live for not realizing it and being overcome with inner demons that all they can think about is making it all stop.
I've been a mean bitch at times, and said some horrible things to people. I own it. But not to a total stranger I know nothing about. I have strong opinions and voice them without much regret, but they are never aimed at someone I'm not engaged with or that doesn't have a direct impact on my life.
I know that many of you see me as nothing more than a dumb porn whore who sucked and fucked to pay the bills, and maybe you're right. I have done those things but along the way I learned a few lessons about life. We get one of them and if we don't make things happen, they won't. We'll end up lonely and frustrated and angry, living our social life online under a fake name and made up identity, talking shit we couldn't get away with talking in the real world. I hope that those of you that have nothing good to say find something good. I hope that those of you that saw my post about Bourdain and your first thought was to talk shit, find something within yourselves that is worthy and helps you to refrain from being a fucktard as your default response.