Jackpot! Knowing about the upcoming bacon shortage I spotted some marked down to $2 lb. Scooped out 2 huge arm loads and into my chest freezer they went. Since I have no outdoor grill I threw a layer across some spare ribs and oven cooked them. Sprinkle a little brown sugar on top. I put them in a pan atop a rack with water on the bottom. Foil it shut and 350 for 90 minutes. Raise heat to 425, take the foil off and lightly coat with BBQ sauce. 30 minutes more and good to go. When you cut the ribs the bacon stays glued to the rib and doesn't tear off. It is the meat that falls off the bone.
I am now stimulated enough to set up my camera and take pictures of some of my stuff.
thank you babe! just had an incredible dinner of lion fish sushimi and baked lobster with mussells and crab claws garlic stir fried onion straws and smoked saltch! fuck me was it amazing and of course great cheese filled pastry with honey. ready for bed lol
Curacao is fantastic!
I present you with yesterdays food!
Steak that had been marinating in ginger and honey.
Served with potatoes, panfried with rosemary, sweet corn and a red wine sauce.
And I know, plate presentation isnt my strong side...
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im not as slim as I once was
well when you have a cold anything with milk is bad as it produces more nasty crap in your sinuses and your throat.