Secondly, what do you think harden criminals are likely to do? Simply give up crime?? No, it potentially makes them more dangerous and more lethal if they suspect going into a crime it's their life versus yours.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. You REALLY need to enlighten yourself on this "point" you think you are making. There is ample evidence that when a criminal knows that they are going to enter an armed situation, they will not even dare. It even extends to canines. From a liberal text (which I do not have the time to dig up), it is well documented that criminals are much less likely to enter an establishment or home if they know the canine's will be present.
It extends much further if the career criminal knows they are going to be picking bullets out their ass or being sent to the morgue. On this point, get your head out of your ass Mega. Don't think that we don't see this blatant lie.
Regards :thefinger