Man Charged w/Murder After Being Robbed @Gunpoint and Killing Perp

Secondly, what do you think harden criminals are likely to do? Simply give up crime?? No, it potentially makes them more dangerous and more lethal if they suspect going into a crime it's their life versus yours.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. You REALLY need to enlighten yourself on this "point" you think you are making. There is ample evidence that when a criminal knows that they are going to enter an armed situation, they will not even dare. It even extends to canines. From a liberal text (which I do not have the time to dig up), it is well documented that criminals are much less likely to enter an establishment or home if they know the canine's will be present.

It extends much further if the career criminal knows they are going to be picking bullets out their ass or being sent to the morgue. On this point, get your head out of your ass Mega. Don't think that we don't see this blatant lie.

Regards :thefinger


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I think some things are literal (like references to various sins), some things are figurative and some things are metaphorical.

With respect to killing vice murder, there a plenty of references that appear quite naturally to draw clear distinctions between the two. Killing as punishment is condoned in the bible ("Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed..") and killing in self defense is condoned (1 Samuel 17..the account where David slew Goliath). So when the bible lists as a commandment "Thou shalt not kill"...the implication based on the first two examples is that it speaks of the third way one may be killed, which is murder. :2 cents:

Again, not picking on you MH, but....who's job is it to tell us what is literal, what is figurative and what is metaphorical?? The Pope? The Archbishop of Canterbury? Joel Osteen? Jimmy Swaggart?

Oh, and what about another category that might aptly be described as mythology?

Sorry again but Biblical arguments are least to me they are. You can find a Bible passage to "prove" damn-near anything you want.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. You REALLY need to enlighten yourself on this "point" you think you are making. There is ample evidence that when a criminal knows that they are going to enter an armed situation, they will not even dare. It even extends to canines. From a liberal text (which I do not have the time to dig up), it is well documented that criminals are much less likely to enter an establishment or home if they know the canine's will be present.

It extends much further if the career criminal knows they are going to be picking bullets out their ass or being sent to the morgue. On this point, get your head out of your ass Mega. Don't think that we don't see this blatant lie.

I accept that every serious discussion here won't be with with an intellectual but in some cases you'll run across a brick.

That aside, the simplistic way you're reading those suggestions don't conform to the reality. Which is, while criminals do gravitate to softer targets they don't stop being criminals.

So when you say, if more people did what this guy did it will stop...that's pretty childish and ignorant of the reality and every trend. Which suggests criminals are far better at being criminals than you are. So ratcheting up these situations would naturally cause criminals to ratchet up these situations too.

This isn't new....we had this before during the days of the wild west when shoot outs happened all the time...criminals were killed but so were many victims trying to defend themselves.

So get your head out of your ass.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. You REALLY need to enlighten yourself on this "point" you think you are making. There is ample evidence that when a criminal knows that they are going to enter an armed situation, they will not even dare. It even extends to canines. From a liberal text (which I do not have the time to dig up), it is well documented that criminals are much less likely to enter an establishment or home if they know the canine's will be present.

It extends much further if the career criminal knows they are going to be picking bullets out their ass or being sent to the morgue. On this point, get your head out of your ass Mega. Don't think that we don't see this blatant lie.

Regards :thefinger
Or maybe it just ensures that thieves are more tooled up before they go on their little criminal jaunts?!? :ak47::violent:
Again, not picking on you MH, but....who's job is it to tell us what is literal, what is figurative and what is metaphorical?? The Pope? The Archbishop of Canterbury? Joel Osteen? Jimmy Swaggart?

Oh, and what about another category that might aptly be described as mythology?

Sorry again but Biblical arguments are least to me they are. You can find a Bible passage to "prove" damn-near anything you want.

Just stating what I see as the differences between a commonly misperceived concept in the bible.

But theoretically theologians are supposed to be able help followers of a religion understand the references in their religion. In some ways, some are better than others.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Just stating what I see as the differences between a commonly misperceived concept in the bible.

But theoretically theologians are supposed to be able help followers of a religion understand the references in their religion. In some ways, some are better than others.

Ok well "theoretically" it makes no sense to me to follow some loosely-interpreted rules that theologians who have no more idea than I do what the meaning of the universe is or whether or not there is a God are "supposed" to be able to help their followers understand. Sounds like a fucking classic case of the blind leading the blind. No thanks....I'm not buying it.
Ok well "theoretically" it makes no sense to me to follow some loosely-interpreted rules that theologians who have no more idea than I do what the meaning of the universe is or whether or not there is a God are "supposed" to be able to help their followers understand. Sounds like a fucking classic case of the blind leading the blind. No thanks....I'm not buying it.

Everyone has there own beliefs. If they don't directly or proximately encroach upon the rights of others, I have no problem with them.:2 cents:
I accept that every serious discussion here won't be with with an intellectual but in some cases you'll run across a brick.

That aside, the simplistic way you're reading those suggestions don't conform to the reality. Which is, while criminals do gravitate to softer targets they don't stop being criminals.

So when you say, if more people did what this guy did it will stop...that's pretty childish and ignorant of the reality and every trend. Which suggests criminals are far better at being criminals than you are. So ratcheting up these situations would naturally cause criminals to ratchet up these situations too.

This isn't new....we had this before during the days of the wild west when shoot outs happened all the time...criminals were killed but so were many victims trying to defend themselves.

So get your head out of your ass.

Or maybe it just ensures that thieves are more tooled up before they go on their little criminal jaunts?!? :ak47::violent:

You guys are delusional. If you seriously think some two-bit criminal is going to arm himself more and take on more seious targets, you've been watching Heat too much. Two houses: 1) the criminal knows the owner has no defense; 2) the criminal knows the owner is armed to the T. Which is he going to pick?

That's rhetorical...don't answer it. :thefinger :rolleyes:

*I think I'm going to go throw my gun away now because I have a feeling it'd be less likely the criminals on my block won't target MY property. * :rofl:
He went over the line by shooting the wounded guy but he doesn't deserve the death penalty, maybe his state of mind could have been affected by his being threatened, maybe he thought he was still threatened by a wounded but armed perp and to get the death penalty I believe it should be proven that the man committed premeditated murder, and I believe that a good attorney could argue that the man did not commit premeditated murder, since his killing of the perp was not planned beforehand, it was a spur of the moment thing after going through the traume of being threatened by armed thugs. In other words, he didn't have a plan to kill the perp if the perp had not tried to rob him.
You guys are delusional. If you seriously think some two-bit criminal is going to arm himself more and take on more seious targets, you've been watching Heat too much. Two houses: 1) the criminal knows the owner has no defense; 2) the criminal knows the owner is armed to the T. Which is he going to pick?

That wasn't your argument. Your argument was the equivalent of if both homes were armed what would the criminal do? You said if more people did what the shop owner did criminals wouldn't do what they do, didn't you?

It's highly unlikely he's just going to say, "oh well, I think I'll go to college now or become an internet millionaire".

Time and time again it's been demonstrated that in the face of increased opposition criminals work to find ways around it or through it.

And while "Heat" was a movie, this was not.....
That wasn't your argument. Your argument was the equivalent of if both homes were armed what would the criminal do? You said if more people did what the shop owner did criminals wouldn't do what they do, didn't you?

It's highly unlikely he's just going to say, "oh well, I think I'll go to college now or become an internet millionaire".

Time and time again it's been demonstrated that in the face of increased opposition criminals work to find ways around it or through it.

They'll try to find ways around it, but many times they don't need to take into account lethal force. Grand larceny? Prositution? Gambling? Drug dealing? Lots of ways to make illegal money. The shop owner sent the criminals a message that they had better keep their ass in line...or else. The second argument, well, I think you're nitpicking.
They'll try to find ways around it, but many times they don't need to take into account lethal force. Grand larceny? Prositution? Gambling? Drug dealing? Lots of ways to make illegal money. The shop owner sent the criminals a message that they had better keep their ass in line...or else. The second argument, well, I think you're nitpicking.

Yeah, that's what it is.:rolleyes:
On the subject of armed vs. unarmed homeowners:

assuming that I somehow posssed the ability to know the difference ahead of time...

If I was a criminal I would:

A. rob the armed owner, because I figured that he has more valuable things if he feels the necessity to defend them, as opposed to the other person that is less worried about being robbed.

B. rob the home when the owner is not there, which I would do in either case regardless, but even moreso knowing that the owner was armed. Also he most likely has guns in his home, so if he did come home while I was robbing the place I could surprise him and use those guns against him.
Yeah, that's what it is.:rolleyes:

Criminals will always try to find a way to commit crime and make $$$$$, I don't dipute that. That doesn't mean they are going to go buy a nuke, as you imply. :thumbsup:

No hard feelings Hot Mega. Don't bring a knife to a verbal gun fight. :)

On the subject of armed vs. unarmed homeowners:

assuming that I somehow posssed the ability to know the difference ahead of time...

If I was a criminal I would:

A. rob the armed owner, because I figured that he has more valuable things if he feels the necessity to defend them, as opposed to the other person that is less worried about being robbed.

B. rob the home when the owner is not there, which I would do in either case regardless, but even moreso knowing that the owner was armed. Also he most likely has guns in his home, so if he did come home while I was robbing the place I could surprise him and use those guns against him.

I believe BSS point to be that criminals may attempt to rob you no matter what you do, but that doesn't mean that you have to make it any easier for them. am I right?

We could argue the effectiveness of that action, which I just did... but the fact remains that it's an individual's right and prerogative to be armed. I don't have any problem with that. I don't think that anyone here does... so we have gotten off the point...

and none of this has to do with what the pharamacist did, so we have really gotten away from the point.:2 cents:
Criminals will always try to find a way to commit crime and make $$$$$, I don't dipute that. That doesn't mean they are going to go buy a nuke, as you imply. :thumbsup:

No hard feelings Hot Mega. Don't bring a knife to a verbal gun fight. :)

"verbal"??? Uh, okay.

You're still being naive on the subject. Robbers rob, car thieves steal cars, etc.

Again, someone who is inclined to rob using a weapon is not simply going to retire to pimping or something just because everyone they may rob is armed and willing to kill them....they may just be more inclined to shoot first then rob you.

Will E Worm

A. rob the armed owner, because I figured that he has more valuable things if he feels the necessity to defend them, as opposed to the other person that is less worried about being robbed.

I guess you want that to be your last robbery. ;)

What a loving god....

Yes, to those who follow him. Those who deny Him are worthless.

"die" and "kill" are equal and the same thing??

That is about as bad of an interpretation as can be rendered of a statement.

Further, is that in the context of "die" as opposed to "eternal life".

Certainly "the wages for sin is death" (which can be as simple a thing as fornication) but isn't that in comparison to "eternal life".

It's not killing if it is self defense. You're only a murderer if you kill in cold blood.

OK God, which way is it then???

"Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17)

Guess he forgot to include the fine print. Should have gotten himself some legal advice before he handed those tablets over to Charlton Heston I suppose.

In cold blood, not in self defense.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labour, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it
I hope the murdering owner doesn't open his store on a Sunday!
If he does & he gets sent down then its gods punishment!!

The Sabbath day was set up for the Jews.
"verbal"??? Uh, okay.

You're still being naive on the subject. Robbers rob, car thieves steal cars, etc.

Again, someone who is inclined to rob using a weapon is not simply going to retire to pimping or something just because everyone they may rob is armed and willing to kill them....they may just be more inclined to shoot first then rob you.

I guess what it all boils down to, is that I applaud this man for having a firearm; furthermore, yes, I one-hundred percent believe - and know - that areas that have heavily armed law-abiding citizens have the lowest crime in the country.

Thank you sir, I must be on my way now (law and the legal process written exam due).


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I guess you want that to be your last robbery. ;)

Yes, to those who follow him. Those who deny Him are worthless.

It's not killing if it is self defense. You're only a murderer if you kill in cold blood.

In cold blood, not in self defense.

The Sabbath day was set up for the Jews.

The world according to Mr. Will E.....listen well, heathens!

Alas, it has always been thus as the only one true prophet who need not explain his actions generously shares his infinite wisdom which passeth all understanding to the rest of us. Dare not to question nor to ask is that it is. Thus spake the prophet. :rolleyes:

If I'm worthless, who created me? God maybe??? He created something worthless? What does that say about Him?

It is such a fucking cop-out to fall back on piety. The last refuge of a scoundrel....and oh so easy!
