Man Charged w/Murder After Being Robbed @Gunpoint and Killing Perp

He never had to aim at his head, nor go and pump five rounds in. Even shooting someone in the thigh, can be lethal; aiming at a nut or something. Even then, you should help them out, or at least call 911 or your countries emergency service #. In my state, it's the minimum necessary protection allowed and no more than that. Not a head shot, the five more rounds, surely some of that is abuse of a corpse.

Well if you don't want to run the risk of getting shot, don't draw down and attempt to rob people who may be packing.

That said, the shop owner has the right to kill in self defense but not murder in anger.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
People have the right to defend themselves or others but not property. If he'd continued firing at the suspect after the initial shot he could claim that he still felt threatened but he went back after chasing the other suspect and shot him five times. It's a tough call but I'd side with the DA's office on that count.

My Dad owned three pharmacies in Des Moines from 77'-91' and one of his pharmacists brought a handgun to work everyday because that store had been knocked over three or four times in a couple years. The pharmacist used the pistol one time when someone tried to rob the store and he was arrested on concealed weapons charges and lost his license to work as a pharmacist.

In the event of a robbery the best course of action is to cooperate with the robber and give them what they want and then after they leave, trigger the alarm or call 911. It's usually safer for everyone involved.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Exactly. Shooting the teen to begin with was not a crime. Deliberately going behind the counter after the teen was incapacitated and pumping 5 more slugs into him is murder-1 any way you slice it.

I agree. Unless the pharmacist shot all 6 bullets in sequence, as a reflex, you can't really justify the blatant, meditated murder that he committed by killing that teen.
We won't get into 2nd Amendment talk here, but that is quite obviously another reason people are so concerned about this case.

That’s what the Second Amendment and the state’s "concealed carry” license are for, he said.

The 2nd amendment simply says that citizens are allowed to own guns (and even that is just an interpretation of it) it doesn't stipulate any of the conditions for how they should be used. In other words, the second amendment doesn't have anything to do with this.

so whatever way you slice it, the kid died because of his actions, not the man's.

Regards :thumbsup:

So you're saying that if he wasn't shot six times by the man he would have still died anyway? It seems pretty obvious that getting shot was what killed him, and that robbing a place and/or shooting at someone is not lethal, since the other people that did the same thing didn't die as a result of those actions.

shooting someone that shot at you is not a mechanical reaction. The man could have left the guy alone and chased down and shot the other robbers. He could have shot himself in the head. He could have dialed 911 and waited for the police and emergency crews to arrive. He could have put up a "wet floor" sign over the guys body and went about his normal work routine. There's a near infinite number of other conclusions that may have resulted from that scenario.

Unless the robber possessed mind control ability and took over the other man's body and forced him to shoot, he is the one that is responsible for what he did.


Hiliary 2020
Exactly. Shooting the teen to begin with was not a crime. Deliberately going behind the counter after the teen was incapacitated and pumping 5 more slugs into him is murder-1 any way you slice it.

Patriotic? Surely you jest, Scott. How is deliberately killing a defenseless human being a demonstration of patriotism? He had the perfect right to defend himself and his property. However, as HM stated, he does not have the right to serve as judge, jury and executioner of this individual. That's up to the courts.

He'll have a chance to present his side of things in his trial. The DA is doing what he is paid to do. Let the justice system work. If he's innocent, he has nothing to fear and he'll get a book deal out of it or something.

thats right, you don't need a law degree to figure it out.
i would think being shot in the head had removed any threat he may have posed, unless he was coherent and possibly was still armed.

buttttttt, given the circumstances of being in a life threatening situation which was not at all his fault, i believe they should lower the charge and give him a suspened sentance if convicted.
butttttttt, let them go for murder 1, hopefully he won't get convicted at all, because this is obviously not murder 1.

for you who think the initial shooting was wrong, well if someone points a gun at you , you do have the right to defend yourself by any means. its your fucking life thats in danger.
too bad the clerk didnt have a flamethrower.
Time Warner owns AOL. The importance of fair and balanced news is essential, otherwise we'll turn into Nazi-Germany.

Implying I'm a white surpemacist now, are you? That's pretty cheap. To be honest, in the comments section of the AOL article someone posted it, so there you have it. Nevertheless, the detail will come forward in the coming months, I'm sure. Sorry, FK, the kid went in brandishing a lethal weapon and threatened the man - a Gulf War vet (so you probably despise him anyway) - so whatever way you slice it, the kid died because of his actions, not the man's.

Regards :thumbsup:

So, what makes Time-Warner "liberal"? (And, again, the article was actually from the Associated Press. I really don't know, maybe they're owned by Time-Warner, too? So, if so, back to my question...)

I wasn't implying you're a white supremacist, I was just hoping that wasn't the source for your comment. Still, lots of people who AREN'T white supremacists (myself, for instance) visit white supremacist websites, so even if that HAD been your source, it wouldn't have made you a white supremacist. Many white supremacists are proud of their beliefs, but then some go to great lengths to conceal the true core of their beliefs.

The fact that this guy is a Gulf War vet is irrelevant to the case. (I'll ignore your silly "you probably despise him anyway" b.s.)
He's clearly back in the civilian world now, and must operate on that basis. Being a war veteran doesn't give one the right to break any laws with impunity. After having put the robber out of commission with a bullet to the head - the guy was clearly DOWN in a serious way - he turned his back on him (not typical if you feel you're threatened; I wouldn't expect a trained soldier to do that if he truly felt his life was at risk), got another gun and took the extra trouble to be sure the robber was not only ready to be taken away by the police, but dead, even though having him absolutely dead was not necessary to ensure anyone's safety.

Do you think the prosecuting attorney hates Gulf War vets, too?
You shoot more than enough to make sure the threat has been removed."

At that time the Teenager was unconscious and unarmed - so no threat at all. No Doubt this is Murder in the first. Well at least in any other civilised Country it would be...

The U.S. Legal System is fucked up.
At that time the Teenager was unconscious and unarmed - so no threat at all. No Doubt this is Murder in the first.

If the teen was still moving, and he might have been, we can't see him in the video (unless there's something I missed in the report [I may have]), then this man was absolutely one hundred percent justified in shooting him till he stopped moving. Was 5 shots too many, probably, but again this is something that 95% of us will never go through, so it's hard to incriminate based on such, one way or the other.
Why is this still a debate. The guy would have been charged if he managed to shoot the other guy outside fleeing. As it stands he went back for the other guy to finish him off.

It's clear for whatever reason this guy planned not only to defend himself but execute whomever threatened him (or worse).

Now the real question is what if any imbalance or disorder may be at the root of his mentality.

The dilemma for this guy now is....if he wants to argue there's nothing wrong with him, he was merely exercising his right to self defense..He should go to jail IMO. On the other hand if he wants to argue he's suffering from PTSD or temp more CCW.
"Fortunately, God made them miss me, except for this minor scratch,” Ersland said.

God: Deflecting projectiles for dudes s/he likes since David and Goliath.
He was shot at first, something that was conveniently left out of that uber-lib AOL article. BTW, 70 to 30: percent in favor of the patriot Erlsman on the AOL poll. These aren't rednecks here; they are people with broadband internet.... sophisticated patriots. ;)

Whether he was or not doesn't give him the legal right to then execute someone he's successfully defended himself against.

What if he would have found out where the other guy live then went to kill him? Is that self defense? What's the difference??
If the teen was still moving, and he might have been, we can't see him in the video (unless there's something I missed in the report [I may have]), then this man was absolutely one hundred percent justified in shooting him till he stopped moving. Was 5 shots too many, probably, but again this is something that 95% of us will never go through, so it's hard to incriminate based on such, one way or the other.
Why is it 100% justified?!? :dunno:
The guy is not a patriot, he is a 100% trigger happy loony vet!! :ak47:
For how long?

I don't know. Obviously mitigating circumstances will be considered but undoubtedly his prima facie act appears to be murder. So whatever the sentencing guidelines are for lesser offense murder are.

Don't break the law unless you're willing to accept it's punishment. In our country we have laws on the books and ignorance of them is no excuse. In other words, it's not an excuse to claim he didn't know where the line of self defense ends and murder begins.

Will E Worm

He was being robbed by two thugs at gunpoint.

He acted in self-defense.

You know the government isn't going to do anything, and they would have been in and out of prison quickly. If they were even sentenced to prison time.