Time Warner owns AOL. The importance of fair and balanced news is essential, otherwise we'll turn into Nazi-Germany.
Implying I'm a white surpemacist now, are you? That's pretty cheap. To be honest, in the comments section of the AOL article someone posted it, so there you have it. Nevertheless, the detail will come forward in the coming months, I'm sure. Sorry, FK, the kid went in brandishing a lethal weapon and threatened the man - a Gulf War vet (so you probably despise him anyway) - so whatever way you slice it, the kid died because of his actions, not the man's.
Regards :thumbsup:
So, what makes Time-Warner "liberal"? (And, again, the article was actually from the Associated Press. I really don't know, maybe they're owned by Time-Warner, too? So, if so, back to my question...)
I wasn't implying you're a white supremacist, I was just hoping that wasn't the source for your comment. Still, lots of people who AREN'T white supremacists (myself, for instance) visit white supremacist websites, so even if that HAD been your source, it wouldn't have made you a white supremacist. Many white supremacists are proud of their beliefs, but then some go to great lengths to conceal the true core of their beliefs.
The fact that this guy is a Gulf War vet is irrelevant to the case. (I'll ignore your silly "you probably despise him anyway" b.s.)
He's clearly back in the civilian world now, and must operate on that basis. Being a war veteran doesn't give one the right to break any laws with impunity. After having put the robber out of commission with a bullet to the head - the guy was clearly DOWN in a serious way - he turned his back on him (not typical if you feel you're threatened; I wouldn't expect a trained soldier to do that if he truly felt his life was at risk), got another gun and took the extra trouble to be sure the robber was not only ready to be taken away by the police, but dead, even though having him absolutely dead was not necessary to ensure anyone's safety.
Do you think the prosecuting attorney hates Gulf War vets, too?