AOL is a liberal organization; that does not mean that their subscribers are people who subscribe to their worldview.
What makes AOL a liberal organization? (I was unaware of this - I just thought they were a somewhat has-been internet company) If their liberal views don't effect their subscribers, why should anyone care if AOL is liberal? Are companies not allowed to be liberal?
In any case, the story itself (the one you linked to) was from The Associated Press, not AOL.
My main source was a local from that area who posted on a blog, that in fact he was shot at first. I'll try to dig something up for you. If not, the details will come about with the trial.
Here's hoping this isn't the blog you're talking about:
[takes a moment to go wash his hands thoroughly]
Anyway, seems like a major detail to skip over in the reporting, whether the bias is left, right, or none.
This article indicates to me why that might have remain unaddressed:
"Because of the sensitive nature of the investigation,
police said they could not confirm any of Ersland’s story, including whether Ersland was shot, whether the robbers ever fired on him or even if Parker was armed."
In any case, the guy's responses to the incident strike me as less of the usual "I'm glad to be alive" and more like a little political pamphlet:
""I was glad to know they were alive. We were lucky and I’m glad I defended us, because I feel that a person has a right to defend themselves at their home or at their work. People deserve to be safe and not be afraid of people that want to take money when they don’t work for it.”
That’s what the Second Amendment and the state’s "concealed carry” license are for, he said.
"Fortunately, God made them miss me, except for this minor scratch,” Ersland said.
"I was able to return fire and protect the girls’ lives. God was helping me.”"
Further, the following details (From your link) make me suspicious of the pharmacist's story:
"District Attorney David Prater said Ersland was justified in shooting 16-year-old Antwun Parker once in the head, but not in firing the additional shots into his belly.
The prosecutor said the teenager was unconscious, unarmed, lying on his back and posing no threat when Ersland fired what the medical examiner said were the fatal shots."
"The video shows two men bursting in, one of them pointing a gun at Ersland and two women working with the druggist behind the counter. Ersland fires a pistol, driving the gunman from the store and hitting Parker in the head as he puts on a ski mask.
Ersland chases the second man outside, then goes back inside,
walks behind the counter with his back to Parker, gets a second handgun and opens fire."