Man Charged w/Murder After Being Robbed @Gunpoint and Killing Perp

that areas that have heavily armed law-abiding citizens have the lowest crime in the country.

this is a self evident, definitive statement.

it's the same as saying, areas that have heavily armed citizens that break the law have the highest crime rates.

or, areas with a high number of unarmed law abiding citizens have the lowest crime rates.

or how about, areas that have many law-abiding citizens have lower crime rates than areas that have many citizens that break the law.

a criminal is someone that is a non-law abiding citizen. The two are directly proportional to each other. less criminals = less crimes. more criminals = more crimes. No shit.


Hiliary 2020
Some of you guys just don't understand the legal system.
He is guilty.
Not of the first shot in the head.
But of the the other shots that followed after the suspect was down and out.
Its a no brainer...uh.
So what if he shot him in the head and immediatly shot him 5 more times?
Thats not murder.
Why, because his life was in imminent danger, so he defended himself.
But if some moments passed and he then fired more shots in the perp , that is murder because the imminent threat did not exist.
BUT, what if the headshot was fatal? What if the perp was already dead?
You can't kill somebody twice.
Either way I believe the prosecuter is going for murder 1.
This aint that.
Murder 1 is when you premeditate a murder, plan it ahead of time and carry it out.
Obviously thats not what happened.
The only reason I can think as to why the prosecuter is going for murder 1 is to scare the shit out of the clerk and hope for a plea bargain without trial.
reminds of me that old story where the robber falls through the skylight on to a knife and sued the owner.

Will E Worm

If I'm worthless, who created me? God maybe??? He created something worthless? What does that say about Him?

Not according to me, according to what the Bible says.
People just don't want to study and just pick and choice then twist one verse.
Even though we are told to buy a sword, Luke 22:36 (KJV), if we don't have one and think not that I come to bring peace. Matthew 10:34 (KJV)
A sword would be a gun now. :hatsoff:

You made yourself worthless by not following and obeying God.
And, by not following Him you deny Him.
that areas that have heavily armed law-abiding citizens have the lowest crime in the country.

Uh, maybe "the lowest crime" part has more to do with the "law abiding citizens" thing... Ya think?
Uh, maybe "the lowest crime" part has more to do with the "law abiding citizens" thing... Ya think?

I allready said that. I was like four posts up at the very top of the page. c'mon man.

are you browsing this site from a cell phone?
this is a self evident, definitive statement.

it's the same as saying, areas that have heavily armed citizens that break the law have the highest crime rates.

or, areas with a high number of unarmed law abiding citizens have the lowest crime rates.

or how about, areas that have many law-abiding citizens have lower crime rates than areas that have many citizens that break the law.

a criminal is someone that is a non-law abiding citizen. The two are directly proportional to each other. less criminals = less crimes. more criminals = more crimes. No shit.

I disagree. Can't bicker on any longer (where the hell are my reinforcements in here...all the pro-gunners?...:crash:)

In other news, I heard Mr. Ersland on O'Reilly tonight and his case seems plausible enough that I find him walking. Yeah, he sounds a bit of a redneck and all, but his case is pretty tight. If his case is as he states it, then I think he was justified. If it is not, his use of 5 bullets was excessive, I admit.

Talk tomorrow. :wave2:
I allready said that. I was like four posts up at the very top of the page. c'mon man.

are you browsing this site from a cell phone?

I quoted could I not know you stated it?? The point of my post was to show you the glaring flaw in your point...which I think was more guns equal less crime. There is no corollary to that notion while there is a direct, obvious correlation to a place full of law abiding citizens having less crime.:rolleyes:
I believe BSS point to be that criminals may attempt to rob you no matter what you do, but that doesn't mean that you have to make it any easier for them. am I right?

We could argue the effectiveness of that action, which I just did... but the fact remains that it's an individual's right and prerogative to be armed. I don't have any problem with that. I don't think that anyone here does... so we have gotten off the point...

and none of this has to do with what the pharamacist did, so we have really gotten away from the point.:2 cents:
Er, I do. . .then again, I'm English.:coolman:
I guess you want that to be your last robbery. ;)

Yes, to those who follow him. Those who deny Him are worthless.

It's not killing if it is self defense. You're only a murderer if you kill in cold blood.

In cold blood, not in self defense.

The Sabbath day was set up for the Jews.
God was a jew?!? He rested on the 7th day, which is where the sabbath day originates?!? Don't it?
er anyway, back to the topic. I hope this shop owner burns in hell. . .or something.
Not according to me, according to what the Bible says.
People just don't want to study and just pick and choice then twist one verse.
Even though we are told to buy a sword, Luke 22:36 (KJV), if we don't have one and think not that I come to bring peace. Matthew 10:34 (KJV)
A sword would be a gun now. :hatsoff:

You made yourself worthless by not following and obeying God.
And, by not following Him you deny Him.

So, you are saying that we should update our understanding of the Bible says according to the times in which we live. Wow! Will E.! I never considered you such a free thinker!
Not according to me, according to what the Bible says.
People just don't want to study and just pick and choice then twist one verse.
Even though we are told to buy a sword, Luke 22:36 (KJV), if we don't have one and think not that I come to bring peace. Matthew 10:34 (KJV)
A sword would be a gun now. :hatsoff:

You made yourself worthless by not following and obeying God.
And, by not following Him you deny Him.

Isn't it time you start thinking for yourself instead of just reciting what your bible says.

At times like this I really hope there is a god and that when you're standing before him/her when you're dead he/she says to you. You know Will E, I don't like how you used me to push your own narrow minded agenda. You're not worthy of heaven, there's the door to hell. Have fun.
ever heard of this latin saying :"homo mene lupus" which translates in English :"The man is a wolf for the man". If you think that by human it is showing pity to robbers, I truely fail to understand you or perhaps that we don't live in the same world. Is it human to get robbed at gun point and have your family threatened to be killed if you don't give the thief the things he wants? Is it human to let a convicted felon alive knowing that he can harm and kill innocent people? Is it human to accept that some sex offenders are just under control and not locked up in a cell knowing that there is a risk that they can commit crimes again?
We live in a violent world sadly but we have to face it and take the necessary and adequate measures to make sure the felons and criminals won't be polluting the streets or harming innocent people.

You know, no amount of justification can justify what the man did.

He saved himself and his property. Then he killed a person, without handing him over to the authority, which a sane person would have done. Let us also not forget at the moment of the killing, the boy was not in a position to defend himself. The man crossed the line drawn by the society, killed a defenseless person, may be a felon but a human life and turned a criminal himself. Let us accept the fact that the man IS a criminal.

Will E Worm

A book written by men. Not definitive proof of or an absolute source on anything.

That's not the God I know. It's the God of your definition, not mine.

So, are we talking about science now? ;)

You were lied to about God.

So, you are saying that we should update our understanding of the Bible says according to the times in which we live. Wow! Will E.! I never considered you such a free thinker!

It's not updating it. How would you fair in a fight if you had a sword and the other guy had a gun?

Isn't it time you start thinking for yourself instead of just reciting what your bible says.

At times like this I really hope there is a god and that when you're standing before him/her when you're dead he/she says to you. You know Will E, I don't like how you used me to push your own narrow minded agenda. You're not worthy of heaven, there's the door to hell. Have fun.

I choose to believe so I am using my own judgment to choose to believe in God and the Bible.

I'm not "pushing" any agenda. I believe you are. :hatsoff:

Will E Worm

Sorry Will E., you were caught red handed interpreting the over all meaning of a biblical quote and not taking every word as the literal, absolute truth, but damn others who do the same thing.

I was? God wouldn't tell someone to buy a sword to defend themselves against someone with a gun. That's insanity. :rolleyes: