1: It used to be one of the better shows. Btw, I hear the new Star Trek movie will be done by JJ-A. And also.. sure you could watch what's actually ON tv.. but there are so many shows that've already made their production run thru the end and you can go get 'em right this moment! You could do the 'honorable' thing and go buy them.. but I find that most of my favorite shows are released nigh immediately on other distribution methods.
2: I see your point, but this isnt truly JUST about lost sucks lost sucks. It's not noobs who only saw one episode in season 1 saying how much it sucked then and *probably* sucks now. These are fans. Guys who put in their time - watching the show. And when a good portion of the fans say it sucks.. well.. there ya go.
3: Kate, she's got a bangin' lil body. Sun.. ehh..not as hot as the usual Asians I find. But she's got a pouting pursed-lip, lost-unhappy look that made my dick go 'awww.. aint that cute?' during season 1. Claire? BLECH! While we're on the subject of supposedly hot australian chicks.. Abby Winters. Mmm. Love all those girls!
Oh.. and my dykefest would include Michelle Rodriguez in place of Claire. Because it's perfectly legit to think of her tonguing hole.

Preferably Maggie Grace's... yesss. While Kate takes the strapon to her.
And am I the only one that thinks
Elizabeth Mitchell has an
awesome rack that she should display prominently during this lezzy act?!?