
Well just as I thought when Sky TV took this off Channel 4 they've f**ked up big style. First they stuck it into a dead spot 10pm Sunday, then after showing 5 episodes (a double first week) they've not shown one for over 4 weeks. This is after plugging it to death showing you half the coming episode in adverts for it. Before you see it that Sunday.

Channel 4 did a great job with the first two episodes. You could even jump a week ahead with them showing the next weeks episode on E4 straight after that weeks episode on C4. Just in case You Missed the next week for any reason you was covered. Plus they also repeated in during that week on both C4 and E4.
they just need to work out the scheduling, that's a big part of the problem. I don't remember what they did for season 1, but it seemed to work pretty good. season two was a let down because it seemed like the ratio was two repeats for every new episode, and you never knew when it would be which. and they know that and that's why they did season 3 like this, but I think it's the worse one of all. the content is still good, but I think that it just started off on a much too slow pace and then once it started to get going they just left us hanging and it really killed the buzz. maybe when all the new episodes start up it will be worth the pay off, but I don't know right now.
I could get used to this format... a bunch of episodes in the fall season, then a winter break and a big, long run from January or February until April or May. Can you say mid-season cliffhangers? ;)


Closed Account
I'd rather they just run it from start to end, no breaks. One week is cliffhanger enough, 3 months is stupid. I've already forgotten everything.
FEBUARY 7, 2007!

First new episode....16 back to back episodes until the season finale!

MY DVR will be set for this!

Saw the new episode last night on DVR.

As usuall, nothing is explained, just more questions on what the fuck is going on.

Well, we did find out that Juliette is being held there against her will though. That's something we didn't know before.

well, I don't remember what the name of that company was, but it wasn't hanzo or dharma. that's interesting. but remember what the guy said? something like, "well, it's not exactly in portland." we really don't know what happened after that obviously, but it seems to me that she had a pretty good idea that she wouldn't be coming back for some time. I really didn't get the impression that she was there agaisnt her will, sort of more like the situation with desmond in the hatch where they went there voluntarily but then thier duties prevented them from being able to leave. The one thing that we did find out for sure is that at least juliette and ethan are from off the Island, so it seems likely that ben was lying when he said that he'd lived there his whole life. but we still don't really know anything about him or their relationship.
well, I don't remember what the name of that company was, but it wasn't hanzo or dharma.

The companies name is Mittelos Bioscience. Mittelos happens to be able to be worked into an anagram for "Lost Time". I have a feeling that Mittelos is probably a dummy corporation, or a buffer between Dharma and the real world.

but remember what the guy said? something like, "well, it's not exactly in portland." we really don't know what happened after that obviously, but it seems to me that she had a pretty good idea that she wouldn't be coming back for some time.

Sorry but that's not accurate. When the guy told her they weren't exactly in Portland, he also said that she'd only be gone for six months, that she'd be back in time for her sister to deliver her baby. That, combined with what she told Jack, about how she'd been on the island for 3 years, 2 months, and 28 days, and that Ben told her that if she helped to save his life that he'd let her go, I don't know how anyone could not get the impression that she's there against her will. Not that she was taken there against her will, but that she is now being kept there against her will.

The one thing that we did find out for sure is that at least juliette and ethan are from off the Island, so it seems likely that ben was lying when he said that he'd lived there his whole life.

Actually, we don't know, for sure yet, that Ethan is from off of the island. The only thing that that episode tells us, is that Ethan has been off the island. He could still be from the island, and so that really doesn't tell us anything about Ben. Although I'm not sure that I believe that he has lived on that island all his life, I just am careful not to make assumptions about anything with this show.

It should be really interesting to see what kind of information that the Losties get out of that kid Carl, about the Others once Kate and Sawyer get him back to their beach.
Saw the new episode last night on DVR.

As usuall, nothing is explained, just more questions on what the fuck is going on.

Damn, do you think they will explain all the explanation in one fucking episode or what? You'll have all the explanations at the right time which will probably be at the end of Lost... You'll have your answers AT THE END! What would be the point of the show if we already knew everything?

Sorry, I'm just tired of these comments...
Damn, do you think they will explain all the explanation in one fucking episode or what?

I sure hope they don't explain everything at the very end of the show. That would be stupid. Just answer after answer thrown at you all at once. Yes, there are some things that they should wait 'till the end of the show to answer, but I really hope that they answer some things as they go, just the way they have so far. Answering why Kate is wanted by the law, why Sawyer is the way he is, etc...

I really hope we learn how Locke ended up in the wheelchair soon too.
well I typed up a bunch of stuff but it was lost in the no post zone. let's just say that I still think that julie is on the side of the others, or at least not to be trusted by our survivors. see ya next week!
Damn, do you think they will explain all the explanation in one fucking episode or what? You'll have all the explanations at the right time which will probably be at the end of Lost... You'll have your answers AT THE END! What would be the point of the show if we already knew everything?

Sorry, I'm just tired of these comments...

No i dont expect them to explain everything in one episode, but they could have done the same thing like the X-Files and explain shit a couple of times a season.

Last nights epsode answered a lot of questions explaining what happened to Desmond when he turned the key. They showed clips of next weeks episode where they said 3 major questions about the show will be answered. and the clips look good.

so far it looks like some sort of Time Traveling shit is going on. most likely people from the future are fucking around with time and space for whatever reason, and the castawys are their subjects. I think all the people who were shown in the castaways flashback clips are time travelers and are part of the big picture.

hopefully next week we get some answers!
