
I love Lost..I really do..but I was really pissed off at the end of last episode. When the promos had spent all week saying "3 of the biggest mysteries explained!!!" I had hoped for a lot and what we got was dick all.

I knew Ben was the leader. I knew the girl was his daughter (duh...). I never gave Jack's tattoo a second thought because it was never a mystery for me I just assumed it was a tattoo he had.

I liked the show..but I was pissed.
really the only big reveal is that we kinda sorta found out what happened to the people that were taken by the others, that they were still alive and on the second island and apparently are going along with the Others agenda. but that is kind of a cop out because it still doesn't really explain what happened to them after they were taken or why.

another thing that really doesn't make sense is when ben says "we had a good surgeon, his name was ethan." If he was such a good surgeon, then why would they use him as thier secret agent? they could have sent tom or any of the other people that ya know might not be as useful to thier leader who needed surgery and such. duh.

And who the hell is the guy with the eye patch?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
really the only big reveal is that we kinda sorta found out what happened to the people that were taken by the others, that they were still alive and on the second island and apparently are going along with the Others agenda. but that is kind of a cop out because it still doesn't really explain what happened to them after they were taken or why.

another thing that really doesn't make sense is when ben says "we had a good surgeon, his name was ethan." If he was such a good surgeon, then why would they use him as thier secret agent? they could have sent tom or any of the other people that ya know might not be as useful to thier leader who needed surgery and such. duh.

And who the hell is the guy with the eye patch?

This is why I dont watch Lost. When the time comes..and I'm skirting an issue, here.. when the time comes I'll just download that piss off the 'Bay and get all my answers at once. You guys wanna drive yourselves crazy and be led around by the nose by dickheads who cant answer one mystery without writing in 3 more, go right the hell ahead.

'Screw you guys, I'm going home.'


Closed Account
You guys wanna drive yourselves crazy and be led around by the nose by dickheads who cant answer one mystery without writing in 3 more, go right the hell ahead.

Really, i don't think anyone is that bothered.

It's a TV show.

Sure, we wanna know answers. But i doubt anyone is kept awake at night.

I like watching it and not knowing answers so i can talk about it here, or with my mates, what is going on in the show. It's a social thing.
Really, i don't think anyone is that bothered.

It's a TV show.

Sure, we wanna know answers. But i doubt anyone is kept awake at night.

I like watching it and not knowing answers so i can talk about it here, or with my mates, what is going on in the show. It's a social thing.

BTW, we will get each and every answers when the time comes...


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

BTW, we will get each and every answers when the time comes...

Like Geraldo leading the American public into the secret MAFIA TREASURE ROOM! OOOH! Spooky.

lolol Well hell, at least you'll be all disapointed.. TOGETHER! HAHAHAHA! Man, misery loves company, eh?

:slaps knee: Whew, you guys are too much. Thanks for that. :)
Like Geraldo leading the American public into the secret MAFIA TREASURE ROOM! OOOH! Spooky.

lolol Well hell, at least you'll be all disapointed.. TOGETHER! HAHAHAHA! Man, misery loves company, eh?

:slaps knee: Whew, you guys are too much. Thanks for that. :)
What the fuck are you talking about?:confused:


Closed Account
That is the usual Torre talk.

Sometimes he speaks using English. But every now and again his mind slips and we get a dosage of this random jiberish.

Normally if you read it about 10 times, it starts to make sense. But on a topic like this, i can't be bothered :D
This weeks episode sucked big time. They hyped it up saying 3 major things would be explained.

I saw the commercial for next week, and it shows somebody driving around the island in a old beat up 1969 VW Bus with a damn DHARMA logo where the VW logo should be. What the fuck is going on with this show?

There are so many questions with this show, its ridiculous. I'am liking the CBS show Jehrico more now because in just half a season they have explained more than what Lost has in 3 years.

There are so many questions with this show, its ridiculous. I'am liking the CBS show Jehrico more now because in just half a season they have explained more than what Lost has in 3 years.

Maybe they explained more because they don't intend to do 7 fucking seasons with this show(Jehrico)!:)

I don't get why its so hard to understand that there is some explanations that would reveal the whole thing and that just can't be show until the end.

and maybe I'm old fashion, but I kinda of like whole "tune in next week to see what happens" gimmick of TV. I'm not from the DVD generation. If you wanted to see TV shows outside of thier normal air-time it was etheir record it on the VCR and watch it later, wait for summer reruns, or else if the show was really old watch it on nick at night.
i live in an apartment complex and i have direct tv and they wont let us mount the dish on the building or on the roof. so we mounted it on a steel pole in the ground. 2 1/2 years no problems then saturday night someone decided to bend our dish in half!.
i straightened it and had Dtv come to replace the damaged dish on tuesday.....tuesday night it was damaged again !!!!even worst than the 1st time. 2 times in 4 days so i have been without tv since tuesday night.
i totally forgot about LOST and never saw the episode! bummer.....:(

here is what these bastards did to my satellite dish....FUCKERS

Shit heads!

Damn shame that you didn't catch um in the act. Do the same amount of damage in return.

police were called but they cant do anything.
i have my video camera set up and recording every night but nothing has happened since the last time.
my plan was to sit in my car directly across from the dish and wait with a baseball bat and if the person came to do it again.....use the bat on some knees and wrists then call the cops. but i ran the idea past my friend (a police officer in a different town) and he said i would go to jail for aggravated assault because unless i have proof they did the damage nothing can be done for property damage unless you have them in the act.so now i have gone back to cable tv because i can't deal with having no TV for 2 days at a time.none the less our service contract (warranty) for the Dtv says that VANDALISM is not covered. so i would have to pay out of pocket $15 for each service call and $$$ whatever the cost of replacement parts are.i think the dish is $60-100.i just don't have that kind of money
Its ABC's fault...They are the one who promotes too much...Its never good to watch something with too high expectations...

I tought last episode was pretty bad too, but its just one episode...
thats so funny..i was tlaking to my girl and she kept asking me questions about the last episode, and i didnt know what was going on, because it didn't answer any questions, just posed more for me...we kept saying it was false advertisement as a joke...but lol that article is so funny that other people took it the same way


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
haha yea...my roommate hates the show, but watched the whole thing just to see cheech lol

I got a question for everybody.. what is a better contestant for '3 SECRETS REVEALED TONIGHT!'?

Cheech or a tattoo?
