Tell me how much terrorists were amongst the 500 victims?
Tell me how traditional warfare is effective against terrorists in any attempt to make war on terror?
Tell me you are objective and not ideologically blind at the big picture?
Your reasonning is a part of the problem in Isreal, not part of the solution. I'm not pro palestinian : i'm against the solution choosen by Isreal. But i'm sure it doesnt make any sense for you.
Last time I heard the newsflash, Israel said they had killed 130 Hamas fighters.
I am sad that there are many civilian victims. But it is clear for me, that Hamas is responsible for that more than Israel. I read a survey which consists of 80 pages, called "Hamas Exploitation of Civilians
as Human Shields". With a lot of evidence, photos from bird-eye view, videos, examples, particular operations, bases where they hold their rockets, places from which they launch them.
I can not see any reason why do you ignore that fact :dunno:
Since you asked me a question, let me answer you with question of my own:
If you country, day after day, month after month was attacked by rockets
and you intelligence service knew perfectly well where did the attackers hide (or better to say - stay, cuz they do not hide much), where were their ammunition depots and tunnels for smuggled weapons,
if you knew all that information - what would you do?
Would you ask them
"hey, guys, please do not launch your qassams any more! your rockets tend to fall in our territory, our people have to sleep with clothes on, cuz they must be ready for the alarm 24/7, and some of your rockets blow up in the streets, and we have a few killed and injured, not to mention destroyed flats, and in general, living in danger sucks, so please, Hamas, chill out.. stop it. thanks in advance, peace."? Do you really believe it can work? :bowdown:
Sometimes I think that you expect this sorta reaction from Israel. And this is funny, but there were years of some negotiations, cease-fires, some attempts to find a peacefull solution.
well, to make things clear, let me do some lyrical digression.
Why do I support Israel? I am not a jew. I did not support the USA operation in Iraq. I have no idealogical brainwashing in my head. I think it is nothing but common sense that makes me take their side.
I agree that the whole situation is a tragedy for palestinian people. I feel special sorrow for children, cuz when child is born he is innocent. And I wish that they all live in peace, I do not think that palestinans are second rate race, and jews are superior, none of that bullshit.
So, why do I think that Israel is not the one who is responsible for the shit? Because Israel does not have any choice but to destroy Hamas. Civilian victims, as I said before, are Hamas's fault, cuz this is their unfair taktic and strategy, if you didn't believe me I can give you a link to the survey about "civilian shields", or just read about it in the google - a lot of evidence.
And this is a good time to talk a little about Hamas. This is the real piece of crap, which is as harmful for their own country as an HIV virus for the body.
What have they done for the peaceful life of palestinians? When there is a cease-fire, or just a period of not so active military operations, all they are concerned with is just how to smuggle new weapons, invent new rockets, brainwash new fighters, and propagate hatred towards jews among yound palestinians.
If Hamas used the same determination and passion to improve economical situation is Palestine, if they tried to build new schools and teach young boys to get some jobs - with obstinacy they teach them how to hate Israel, if they had done at least something to fight unemployement, I would say, hey, Hamas is doing the right thing!
But what I see is the fanatic assholes, who put in the brains of the desperate people only one idea: your life is so bad, cuz there is an Israel state, to kill a jew is a way to respect on the earth and heaven after death, they send young kids to smuggle weapons from Egypt using dangerous underground tunnels, they do not want their country to have new construction workers, farmers, doctors or whatever! The only knowledge they teach their youth is how cool is it do die in the name of Allah, they praise those who commit a suicide in Israel and so on. Hamas is the worst "government" ever, cuz they put their country deeper and deeper in the ass of hatred, devastation and despair!
If Hamas was about to fight economic dislocation, Israel would not bomb their cities. If Hamas used their peacefull time not to smuggle new, more dangerous weapons, but to set peacefull things going, but to develop civil infrastructure - Israel will not hunt for their leaders! This is why Israel is right in this conflict!
This is what differs Israel from Hamas. Israel fight Hamas just cut they are the real threat, and their ideology is to destroy jewish state and kill jews!
Hamas should know, that it is impossible to win a war against the nation. Cut what they try to do is exactly a war against all the jews. They are obsessed with that anti-semitic ideas. Israel is not obsessed. Israel have normal economy, people want just to leave in secure environment, without eveyday danger. This is obvious for me. Israel government, in opposite to Hamas, does not teach their youth to blow-up themselves in the autobus, or that the predestination of every jewish kid is to grow up and kill palestinians. They learn normal jobs, they go for the work, they have tourism, agriculture and all that normal shit which every normal country have!
After all, Gaza is so close to the sea! If Hamas leaders spent all their money and all their mad stubbornness to build hotels, to repair roads, equipping their city with services and utilities they also could become a tourist centre!
Of course, now it sounds ridiculous,
but this is the guilt of palestinians leaders who AIN'T DOING A THING for normal life, they think that it is better to buy a new grad/katyusha missile system to hit Israeli cities on a long range, cuz quassam rocket is too unreliable. This is how they prefer to spend their money and determination while they have a cease-fire.
This is why they are wrong.
And when it is already a war going on, it is very comfortable for them to have as much civilian victims as they can (also its a good idea to have your weapons depot in a Mosque, and later on to blame Israel in destroying sacred places), to use them in their preachs against Israel, and to convince more palestinians of how bad Zionism is.
For me the whole conflict is a fight between mad person, and a person who just need to defend himself. Again, I am really sorry for the tragedy of the palestinians, sometimes society is not responsible for the leaders they have, like not every american citizen is responsible for Bush, not every russian citizen was responsible for Stalin etc.
Like not every german citizen was responsible for Hitler, though he also was elected. Tell me please, what could stop him and his ideology exept then a war? Billions of people were killed, the whole shit was awful, but... Were the russians or allied forces of other countries giulty in that victims? Nazi ideology was giulty that time, and islamic/fanatic ideology is guilty today.
Palestinians are brainwashed, they suffer from their leaders, they are poor victims of awful and stupid preachs and radical ideas. They need to recover their sight, to understand it... They will never have good life while their leaders think about a war only!
Traditional warfare is usefull, since there are obvious targets and obvious enemies. It is not an abstract war against "terroristic evil state Palestine", but a fight with certain targets. Hamas has military infrastructure, they have depots, they have tunnels, they have military plants and so on. Their fighters are not hypothetical myths who hide somewhere in the mountains, but real people who let Israel know about themselves every day.