You keep harping on the myth that Israel stole their land...just when did this happen?
Gradually over time, but primarily in 1967 during the Six-Day War.
As a result, the United Nations on November 22, 1967 passed Resolution 242 requiring Israel to essentially withdraw its forces from the land conquered during that conflict and to return to the "1949 Armistice Line" known as the "Green Line". Israel has yet to comply.
Israel has offered to concede some occupied territory to create a Palestinian state, but refused to withdraw Israel back to its pre-1967 borders. In addition it has expanded settlement activity, some would say in a strategic manner.
Hamas responded that it would not recognize Israel unless the Jewish state pulls back to its 1967 borders.
Palestinans and many human rights groups are troubled by Israel's restriction of Palestinian movement and access to water resources even in those areas not under direct Israeli occupation.
Israel is concerned that if it returns land acquired during the 1967 conflict without at least being recognized they will simply be exposed to retaliatory expansion. They point to the occasions where Palestinians have not been able to control attacks by radicals even during previous cease-fire agreements as support for this reticence.
Subsequent UN Resolutions have primarily focused on ceasing hostilities and creating a framework for negotiations.
And if this is so, shouldn't someone tell the million plus Palestinian Arabs living in Israel?
The fact that there are Palestinians living within Israels borders does not automatically preclude the possibility for the existence of a Palestinian state. Just because there are Canadians living within the United States does not preclude the continued existence of Canada.
This thread has become an analogy of the Arab-Israeli conflict as opposed to any kind of solution to it.
Positions unlikely to change but rather become more extreme... tempers flare hotter and hotter ... personally targeted attacks directed to hurt the other person ... One can easily see from this microcosm example why the conflict has raged for so long ...
I am thankful that there are still people elsewhere working hard to reach a place of civility and common ground. I wish them all the success in the world.