Is America Ready for a female president?


knows petras secret: she farted.
ive always thought, and dont take this the wrong way, but you know its true, that there would be a woman as president before an african-american president (male or female) thats just the way america is. personally, i voted for an african american before. but then again, he got like 2 other votes. and the other one was probably his mom. if its any consolation, theres a woman as president in the phillippines.
Honestly I don't care what gender, race or long as they do a better job than our current president...


knows petras secret: she farted.
i also could give a shit either. as long as we stay out of war, and take care of the environment, switch for and concentrate on alternatives for oil, it could be an amphibious hermaphrodite for all i care.


Closed Account
The only thing that would scare me about a female president is what would happin when that time of the month comes....

That card has been so overplayed. Can we say stale? Come on, moods are moods men have them too. If you act angry and stupid they call it Macho, if we do its "bitch"? Get over it. ;)

At this point I think its a turkey shoot. I just hope whoever takes 2008 is "most" qualified of the runners. Its like having to pick from fruit thats either bad, bruised, or not yet ripe. None quite qualify totally for the recipe, but the dish still has to be made. What are ya' going to do? :dunno: I really don't think sitting or standing to pee has a thing to do with it. IMHO of course.



Staff member
Not with Hillary, perhaps with Condi but not sure if she will present herself to the presidential election.
The only thing that would scare me about a female president is what would happin when that time of the month comes....

Easy solution: Just make sure she's old enough to have gone through menopause.
Guys, the neverending comments on the female cycle is well beyond old, but very crude and not remotely funny.
Why would any woman want to be the President Of The United States Of America when they can be CEO of a major corporation and really have some power. We all know that big business runs this country and not the politicians.


Closed Account
I've said it before, I'll say it again, they're going to use every trick in the proverbial book to try and keep Hillary out of the White House, but I believe she'll win, and I believe she'll win comfortably, and I believe we won't have a non-Democratic president in 20-24 years after that, and by the time we do, the republicans may not be the main challengers to the Democrats. Am I crazy?


Its not like she hasn't run that White House before for two terms. She just moved on with the "Grace Under Fire" smoothness shes known for and has carved her own path back now. Now she can just do it in the open. Am I crazy? :dunno:


BTW just a quick FYI. I in no way support her yet, she has a lot more to prove.
I would love to see the first black president be a female, and the first female president being black. That would be lovely and one helluva a shock for some. I don't see why, let us all step outside of the box.
Am I crazy?

Yes if you think Hillary will win "comfortably". You must not have meet that many Americans on your travels. Too many people hate her, some of them for good reason. I don't have a problem with a woman president. I have a problem with Hillary Clinton. If you really think the Clintons "are two of the most brilliant and admirable people in American political history" you must not know that much about either of them, or American history for that matter.
When focused and thinking clearly, she might be as good as her husband

She just moved on with the "Grace Under Fire" smoothness shes known for
She's had massive outbursts before that have cost her political capital many times, just like her husband. Anyone who has met the Clintons in person knows their lack of respect of people. She has a control problem, a consistency problem, and many people have to point out the obviousness that some of her policies are hypocritical (especially from the standpoint of the middle class taxpayer) before she backs down from them.

Now in retrospect, she is a war hawk, and a capitalist, much like her husband. At the same time, she knows to avoid the big wars and sell people on spending cuts, much like her husband. So she might actually end up being more of a Republican than W, just like her husband. Especially since she is a much better public speaker than W., much like her husband.

But no, she's not "graceful." Not in the least bit. In fact, the Secret Service has many tales of how she is anything but "graceful."
I don't "love" or "hate" candidates/Presidents ...

I think the big difference between myself (among very few, select others here) and many others here is that I don't "love" or "hate" any Presidents. I understand all of them, their agendas and what they were trying to do, and can respect some of it, but I don't "love" or "hate" recent Presidents since I started voting.

BTW, I just realized, I've never voted for a President who has won. Perot (1992), Dole (1996, largely for VP Kemp), abstained (2000), Bednarik (2004). It's very likely I will vote for Bednarik in 2008 if he runs again as well.

In fact, I really am not "pissed off" with any agenda, sans one. The only agenda that pisses me off is people who want to allow illegal immigrants to vote, because they typically vote for their party. That's about the only, small portion of the Democrat platform I hate -- because it takes away from the legitimate votes of Americans who pay taxes.
Guys, the neverending comments on the female cycle is well beyond old, but very crude and not remotely funny.

Ok Prof, i understand where you are coming from, but come on, your comment on my post went a bit overboard seeing as i was making a joke, im not that stupid to think that just because a woman was president there wouldnt be any wars, i respect your opinion, youre an intelligent guy and you always make quality posts, just lighten up a bit on us dopes who like to make bad jokes :laugh:and yes i just called myself a dope, as Mr Spock would say, "To deny the facts would be illogical"
The problem with men ...

Ok Prof, i understand where you are coming from, but come on, your comment on my post went a bit overboard seeing as i was making a joke, im not that stupid to think that just because a woman was president there wouldnt be any wars, i respect your opinion, youre an intelligent guy and you always make quality posts, just lighten up a bit on us dopes who like to make bad jokes :laugh:and yes i just called myself a dope, as Mr Spock would say, "To deny the facts would be illogical"
Sorry, it's one thing I won't "lighten up on." I apologize, but I don't feel I should have to for it.

You guys -- especially "liberals" -- talk about equality and women and everything else. But then you just overdo it with the male non-sense. It's funny once, maybe twice. Then you do it again and again and again. And then it doesn't end, and it's supposed to be funny?

Imagine you are a woman. And you hear it not just once, but several times per day, without end. At some point, it's just flat out harrassment -- not just individually, but against women in general. At some point, it's not a "joke" anymore, but a male-pig attitude that seems to dominate.

And men then wonder why women seem to be bothered by it? Duh!

And, again, the sickening part is that some of the worst personal offenders consider themselves "liberal" or "enlightened." It's the main reason why -- even though I consider Clinton a "good" President in general -- he was a male-pig. He paid total lip service to women, minorities, etc... with other "do as I say" while being a total racist, sexist and overall male pig which was basically "don't do as I do."

And what really chaps my ass is how people call W. a "racist" or "sexist." No, he won't champion affirmative action. But at the same time, he doesn't pay lip service while being a male-pig personally. He respects individuals, which is not what one can say about Clinton, personally, when it came to African Americans or women.

There's no more proof in this than the difference in how the Clinton administration treated their White House service employees compared to the Bush administration. The Clintons were pigs, personally, and there are all sorts of stories on their utter lack of respect for people, especially minorities and women. The Bush's brought some respect back to the White House, starting with the service people who worked in it.

The American image might be toast because Bush is a Texan and can't speak publicly well. But at least he's not a male pig like Clinton, which is similar to what I see from so-called "liberals" on this board far too often.
The US President will always be native-born ...

Seriously. Things change.
Not that one. Again Fox, it is my sincerest hope you read some of the writings from the early American Continential Congresses and following documentation. These discussions are nothing new in our some 230-odd years of debate.

BTW, the US is one of the few nations where foreign-born immigrants can hold virtually every office in the land -- sans the head of the Executive. Can't say that about most countries in the world, as many of their laws prevent such.

I love the US because it's one of the most open nations in the world compared to others -- on this point among others. But even the majority of Republicans will tell you that do not want that aspect of the Constitution changed, despite Arnold's wish. ;)
We have an Austrian-born Governor in California, a Canadian-born female Governor in Michigan and throughout the land, we have female Mayors, Senators, and Governors of both major parties.

U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton has positioned herself as a candidate in 2008 Presidential Election but the Mid-Term Election in next week will determine the course of Democratic Party whether they can capture the majority in the House and Senate. Senator Hillary Clinton has re-positioned herself to a center-left politican.

After almosts 6 years, no one really cared if the Secretary of State Rice is a woman or a black woman but concentrate more on her job to resolve the issues of Israel-Lebanon Conflict and the North Korean Crisis. No one questioned Rice's ability to do her job as Secretary of State and I expect no one will question President Hillary Clinton her ability to do her job as the President of United States.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, they're going to use every trick in the proverbial book to try and keep Hillary out of the White House, but I believe she'll win, and I believe she'll win comfortably, and I believe we won't have a non-Democratic president in 20-24 years after that, and by the time we do, the republicans may not be the main challengers to the Democrats. Am I crazy?


Must you ask?
I expect no one will question President Hillary Clinton her ability to do her job as the President of United States.

Oh my, you're crazy too.