Good point Rastagir....Hey why not a woman president though....Geena Davis for president!!!!
Peter Gazinya said:No. America is far too dominated by Catholicism and Catholicism hates women and views them as an unfortunate necessity to perpetuating life.
humming20 said:Do u people think that religious orthodoxy pplay much role in electing presidents or PM's nowadays,Pakistan and Bangladesh are fairly orthodox countries they both had women as their PM's.Infact Bangladesh has been having female PM's for almost 2 decades maybe.
********** said:The sooner the US has a foreign, black, gay, female president, the better.
Peter Gazinya said:No. America is far too dominated by Catholicism and Catholicism hates women and views them as an unfortunate necessity to perpetuating life.
********** said:Nothing is impossible.
DrMotorcity said:...and you sincerely expect people to actually believe every single word that you have said...:1orglaugh
Any post made by humming20
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as made by DrMotorcity in this same PM:
Understandably, not all of us can be expected to express ourselves like an English major would, but "humming20" isn't even close, and if anything, his flagrant disregard for the official rules does nothing to lend credence to anything valid he may have to say.
In any event, I don't think too much of the views he has so far presented. I am being kind.
Xander00 one born in another country can run for president
it's in the constitution