Ok so even though I'm a girl this is what I would change about the female body.
First of all there would be NO periods. AT ALL. You could still get pregnant and everything but you don't need a period in order to do so.
Second of all women would be able to eat JUST like a guy and not gain any weight.
Their hair would stay 100% healthy and soft no matter how many times they dyed it.
and they would have 100% perfect clear skin with no zits.
Also I agree with the whole, no body hair thing. None at all. It would make life so much easier not having to shave and it would also save some bucks on razors.
I would also like for the anal hole to be filled with pleasure nerves.
I'm sure i'll thin kof tons more I'd like to change as my day goes on lol
ok... just a quick side note..
I would change some stuff about men too... like men would be the ones who carry the babies. Yeah

I like the sound of that! :thumbsup: