If I were God would I even find women attractive? It's not like a timeless, spaceless, all knowing and powerful being like myself has a cock now is it? I mean, what the hell would I do with it and how could I ever jerk it or fuck something (what would there be to fuck anyway) when there's no time for these events to take place. It's not as if I am just a mirror image of the average human now is it? I'm God for fucks sake! I exist in a realm where time and space do not exist, I am nothing or I am nothing when you attempt to categorize me with your idiotic and irrational human logic. If only some of you stupid dipshits would get that through your thick poorly made skulls a lot of people would be far happier than they are right now. No, I do not want to fuck you, I'm sorry if this shatters your ego, but I'm better than you are in each and every way, so why would I ever want to touch a single cell of those things you call bodies?
If I could vomit right now I would.
Now, back on topic: what would I change about women's bodies if I were God? Why would I give a flying fuck what women looked like if I were God? Your pathetic cancerous species seems to have been getting on rather well on your mess of a planet without my intrusion for long enough. Now if only you would step down from that lofty perch you seem to love to give yourselves to stand on and look around you, you would soon realise that the female form is not the most important change here that needs to be made. If you could just get past that ridiculous human conciousness for a couple of seconds you'd see this. And don't give me that "but you created us" BULLSHIT, both you and I know that's crap so don't even try to blame that shit on me motherfucker. This is your mess not mine.
So no, I wouldn't change a thing because I do not care about you, my "creation" (if you still choose to believe that man made tripe of a tale). After all of these years of your wining and bickering I have come to dislike each and every single one of you. No, I hate you all. Seriously from the smallest child to the oldest person still living their wasteful little pathetic life, I hate you all. It brings me immense pleasure to watch you die, the more pain and suffering the better. Now you want ME to change your females to suit your specifications of fuckability? FUCK YOU!
I'll see you in hell!