If you are against american government, they call you terrorist :)


O rly?
He's a stupid socialist dictator who's quite unpopular with the folks now that they've seen what little El 'Ugo has done for them. All he's done is coalesce power to himself and his cronies. He's also trying to start a war with Colombia, and if successful he'd get his proverbial peasant ass handed to him. I'm sure the powers tha be will soon have him meet and end befitting Il Duce.

'dictator'.....:1orglaugh. Just a news ltd talking point. He was elected by his people, which is more than your sugar daddy dubya could manage. It's pretty rich of you to be concerned with any kind of anti-democratic practices after your beloved republicans tried to overthrow him in a coup.

And Venezuala trying to start a war? Puuhhleezze. Do some reading and switch off Fox news once and a while. Colombia has been sending it's military and paramilitaries over Venezuala and Ecuador's borders for years and seeing as it's just another shitty little American client state it's no doubt doing it on US orders. The US will do what ever it can to cause instability in Venezuala.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
i'll be brief, no offense taken.
bush and clinton before him said he had weapons, not nukes, just chemical weapons.
which he did, thats true because he gassed whole villages.
the wmd arguement however is not worth pursuing here, either you think he had them or you dont.

i dont know what the guatemala base is.

saddam came up in iraq as muscle for his predessesor.
he became the number one man in charge of killing and torturing , basically the iranian cia.
he then killed his boss, took control of the country and killed anybody, everybody who supported the former leader.
he wasnt a usa cia agent.

but like the jag said, youre free to express your opinions here......its not like iran or equador

Sure they knew he had those poisonous gases, the USA sold them to Iraq.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
It was and it was. Good day.
The nuclear weapon was not retaliation for Pearl harbour; it was a warning to Russia.
Pearl harbour, a surprise attack on a military base is NO excuse for using WMD on large civilian populations. THAT SIMPLE.

'dictator'.....:1orglaugh. Just a news ltd talking point. He was elected by his people, which is more than your sugar daddy dubya could manage. It's pretty rich of you to be concerned with any kind of anti-democratic practices after your beloved republicans tried to overthrow him in a coup.

And Venezuala trying to start a war? Puuhhleezze. Do some reading and switch off Fox news once and a while. Colombia has been sending it's military and paramilitaries over Venezuala and Ecuador's borders for years and seeing as it's just another shitty little American client state it's no doubt doing it on US orders. The US will do what ever it can to cause instability in Venezuala.

If you knew anything about Christianity, then you would know that was wrong.
See the Busty's comment below.
but if you're a muslim, jesus is indeed a muslim prophet
Thank you :D

Sure they knew he had those poisonous gases, the USA sold them to Iraq.
Lets not forget that Tory UK, smart as ever, also sold WMD to Saddam. We're probably responsible for the deaths of many Kurds. I'm so proud of my country I could cry.
For those that don't know, worlds top five arms exporters (not necessarily in order):
this discussion is going nowhere, we are talking about administrations not nations... Bush administration killed thousands of people in Iraq n Afghanistan for nothing. (both americans n others)
no reason makes a war necessary...
nuclear weapons killed millions, and it is wrong, israel has many nuclear weapoopons n they are scared iran is planning to build some.... planning is one issue, having them another issue...

I still dont understand how american people dont see the fact those people are taking the whole country down, they are ruining The USA....

i dont know if you remember the mosque issue in new york (ground zero) Even the politicians said they should not build a mosque there....
If you can build a church you can build a mosque or sinagog, what happened to freedom?

Europe has done with religion bull shit, they do not build churches anymore but look at america, they keep building churches...

People have been fighting for religion bull shit for years, it is so sad to see that there are billions still believe in that bull shit...
'dictator'.....:1orglaugh. Just a news ltd talking point. He was elected by his people, which is more than your sugar daddy dubya could manage. It's pretty rich of you to be concerned with any kind of anti-democratic practices after your beloved republicans tried to overthrow him in a coup.

And Venezuala trying to start a war? Puuhhleezze. Do some reading and switch off Fox news once and a while. Colombia has been sending it's military and paramilitaries over Venezuala and Ecuador's borders for years and seeing as it's just another shitty little American client state it's no doubt doing it on US orders. The US will do what ever it can to cause instability in Venezuala.

you are right he was elected, you can say he cheated but who did not :) look at bush elections :) he cheated twice :):)


Hiliary 2020
Vodka says:

You've killed and tortured innocent civilians in the mid-east. That's actually worse than the Japanese habbit of torturing Western soldiers in WW2. And just like the Japs there's NO sign of an apology.
While the Japanese DID torture and rape Western civilians, this was relatively small in scale because they didn't get their hands on

vodkavictim you obviously have no idea what the japanese did to Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos and US soldiers and more for many years up until the bomb was dropped.
they did the sickest things ever in the history of humanity to millions of other humans.
you dont know anything about it but yet you compare what they did the the US military.
youre either ignorant or predjudiced, take your pick.
Vodka says:

You've killed and tortured innocent civilians in the mid-east. That's actually worse than the Japanese habbit of torturing Western soldiers in WW2. And just like the Japs there's NO sign of an apology.
While the Japanese DID torture and rape Western civilians, this was relatively small in scale because they didn't get their hands on

vodkavictim you obviously have no idea what the japanese did to Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos and US soldiers and more for many years up until the bomb was dropped.
they did the sickest things ever in the history of humanity to millions of other humans.
you dont know anything about it but yet you compare what they did the the US military.
youre either ignorant or predjudiced, take your pick.

i dont know why you dont want to understand, japanese tortured people? yes they did and international community punished them politically and they have not had an army since world war II, and i agree that is not enough because they killed innocent people...

but what about the consequences of US administrations actions in mid east? i cant believe you are defending yourself with someone else's mistake...
you should read wikileaks, dont tell me they are not true because pentagon approved them with anger :)
He is Christian not Muslim, therefore the statement was wrong.

you know what john Lennon said about your lovely man?

On March 4, 1966, this quote of John's was printed in an interview by reporter (and friend of John's) Maureen Cleave in the London Evening Standard:

"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me."
He was, as she reported, reading extensively about religion at the time. It was a small part of the article. No one took notice of it in Britain.

and guess what happened to him? murdered in new york... typical american solution....
Vodka says:

You've killed and tortured innocent civilians in the mid-east. That's actually worse than the Japanese habbit of torturing Western soldiers in WW2. And just like the Japs there's NO sign of an apology.
While the Japanese DID torture and rape Western civilians, this was relatively small in scale because they didn't get their hands on

vodkavictim you obviously have no idea what the japanese did to Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos and US soldiers and more for many years up until the bomb was dropped.
they did the sickest things ever in the history of humanity to millions of other humans.
you dont know anything about it but yet you compare what they did the the US military.
youre either ignorant or predjudiced, take your pick.

sickest things? my friend you better check what is happening in Guatemala base :) you will be surprised :)
Sure they knew he had those poisonous gases, the USA sold them to Iraq.

No we didn't sell him chemical agents.
However,you guys(Germans) sold Saddam the means to make chemical weapons. D'OH!

For those well off white kids championing Chavez here on FO, I urge you to go down to Venezuela and see the sausage lipped peasant isn't a Madisonian personality but a peasant thug who bullies his opponents and shuts down alternate media outlets critical of him.

The nuclear weapon was not retaliation for Pearl harbour; it was a warning to Russia.
Pearl harbour, a surprise attack on a military base is NO excuse for using WMD on large civilian populations. THAT SIMPLE.

BS Vodka.

The bombs were dropped to force Japan to surrender before Operation Olympic went into effect in the Fall of '45.
We, and Britain would've suffered enormous casualties invading the Japanese home islands. Okinawa proved that.
The Japanese casualties would've easily topped over a million had we invaded.

The bs about warning Stalin is mere post war after thought.

I'd figure you would've known better about this considering you know about military history.
Last edited:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The bombs were dropped to force Japan to surrender before Operation Olympic went into effect in the Fall of '45.
We, and Britain would've suffered enormous casualties invading the Japanese home islands. Okinawa proved that.
The Japanese casualties would've easily topped over a million had we invaded.

Truth. :glugglug:

title tells it all...
if you dont agree with them they call you terrorist, in some cases they may call you idiots :)

That statement simply isn't true and you know it. You are nothing but a troll who is baiting anyone who dares to disagree with you. This thread should be closed. I suggest your read the forum rules before posting again.

Truth. :glugglug:

That statement simply isn't true and you know it. You are nothing but a troll who is baiting anyone who dares to disagree with you. This thread should be closed. I suggest your read the forum rules before posting again.


i dont understand why you guys are offended, bush administration messed up the whole world, they lied to their own people. they made their own people to believe some bull shit and they drag whole nation to an iraq war...

this is nothing to do about american nation but somehow you keep protecting him...

i do read the board rules n i just you to read wikileaks.org and check out some pictures american soldiers took in iraq.... saddam was an assassin and CIA used him in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and some other arabic countries... the reason agents could not him because he was trained so good he knew all the tricks, i do not support saddam, he was an asshole but in late 80's USA sent him guns to fight with IRAN...

please watch the yourtube video, confessions of an economic hitman, that is born and raised american, his grandfather was fought for america in sevral different battles....

there is no lie in this, japan did some a lot of things in the past, russia, france, UK and most of the other administrations...