Chavez is a sausage lipped peasant.
hey i remember you from other topics, you had an anger management problem
Chavez is a sausage lipped peasant.
Just because someone says something at a UN meeting don't mean squat! UN is useless. Worst thing to ever happen to the world.
UN meetings just another hot air blow fest.
hey brother no offence, i love america even though im not american, i just hate how big guys set americans mind....
The reason for going iraq was to find nuclear weapons, DICK said we made a mistake there was no nuclear weapons in iraq but oili strongly suggest you to watch The Movie "The Green Zone"
if US Government, i repeat government not the americans were really concerned about tortures why did not they shut down Guatemala base?
and i also suggest you to check saddams background, he was a CIA Agent and was trained by cia like bin ladin, dont believe me go online, and find out
i also advise you to check what corporate america has done in Indonesia, Philippines, Ecuador, Bolivia etc dont believe me? go to youtube and watch "confessions of an economic hitman"
again this is just for fun dont be offended
i'll be brief, no offense taken.
bush and clinton before him said he had weapons, not nukes, just chemical weapons.
which he did, thats true because he gassed whole villages.
the wmd arguement however is not worth pursuing here, either you think he had them or you dont.
i dont know what the guatemala base is.
saddam came up in iraq as muscle for his predessesor.
he became the number one man in charge of killing and torturing , basically the iranian cia.
he then killed his boss, took control of the country and killed anybody, everybody who supported the former leader.
he wasnt a usa cia agent.
but like the jag said, youre free to express your opinions here......its not like iran or equador
hey dont forget US Government got approval from UN and NATO for IRAQ war![]()
i m very curious there has been a lot action in asia n africa, why has not US Government brought peace and freedom to them ? lol
in bosnia, why did US and other waited so long to help innocent people while serbians were slaughtering and raping women? and they did plan those rapings? they collected thousand women in warehouse and they brought soldiers to rape them....
i guess jesus would not care about muslim women![]()
CIA used Saddam for their dirty assassinations, and they did train him...
Yeah right raping and pillaging.![]()
How about the jihadists who cut off heads of Serbs and Croats. What about Izetbegovic's Black Swans and their murder of innocent Serb civilians?
Bosnia never existed before '95.........and should not exist today, it's a failed state. Both Croatia and Serbia should take their respective parts of BiH and let the muslim part fend for itself.
Europe needs Serbia more than some muslim pseudo-republic called BiH or Kosovo for that matter.
Incorrect. But hey indulge me, please give me your evidence proving me wrong.
This oughta be good.
Yeah right raping and pillaging.![]()
How about the jihadists who cut off heads of Serbs and Croats. What about Izetbegovic's Black Swans and their murder of innocent Serb civilians?
Bosnia never existed before '95.........and should not exist today, it's a failed state. Both Croatia and Serbia should take their respective parts of BiH and let the muslim part fend for itself.
Europe needs Serbia more than some muslim pseudo-republic called BiH or Kosovo for that matter.
Incorrect. But hey indulge me, please give me your evidence proving me wrong.
This oughta be good.
Don't resort to insults. Provide your information, credible and with proper backing, and leave it at that.
No need to insult someone just because you disagree with them.
Trident is reading. Just doesn't agree with it and posting his opinions. That is that.
We're the good guys so we're allowed to murder indiscriminately. That's just the way it works.
If these other countries want to be able to be able to just go and blow people away at will, they need to become the good guys first, otherwise there's going to be hell to pay (that is, if they're of any strategic or economic interest—otherwise they can do whatever the hell they want.)
So what's the question here?
Did You Miss Pearl Harbor?