If you are against american government, they call you terrorist :)

im sure you will say wikileaks.org is bullshit, unfortunately pentagon approved those documents and made several arrests....

sometimes truth hurts...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
That statement simply isn't true and you know it. You are nothing but a troll who is baiting anyone who dares to disagree with you. This thread should be closed. I suggest your read the forum rules before posting again.

i dont understand why you guys are offended, bush administration messed up the whole world, they lied to their own people. they made their own people to believe some bull shit and they drag whole nation to an iraq war...

this is nothing to do about american nation but somehow you keep protecting him...

i do read the board rules n i just you to read wikileaks.org and check out some pictures american soldiers took in iraq.... saddam was an assassin and CIA used him in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and some other arabic countries... the reason agents could not him because he was trained so good he knew all the tricks, i do not support saddam, he was an asshole but in late 80's USA sent him guns to fight with IRAN...

please watch the yourtube video, confessions of an economic hitman, that is born and raised american, his grandfather was fought for america in sevral different battles....

there is no lie in this, japan did some a lot of things in the past, russia, france, UK and most of the other administrations...

I rest my case. You never even responded to my post that attempted to establish a reasonable dialogue with you so your original contention that this thread is here based on the pretext that "i just want to see how you see this, no harm no hard feelings just a little bit fun...." is a total crock of shit. All you want to do here is piss and moan about the USA which you have done ad nauseum without engaging in any meaningful discourse with others. I reiterate my suggestion that this thread be closed. As for me, this is my final comment here and I would urge my like-minded colleagues to follow suit and ignore any further rantings on your behalf unless or until you decide to change your approach. Otherwise, you get what you ask for. Good day, sir. :wave2:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
this discussion is going nowhere, we are talking about administrations not nations... Bush administration killed thousands of people in Iraq n Afghanistan for nothing. (both americans n others)
no reason makes a war necessary...
nuclear weapons killed millions, and it is wrong, israel has many nuclear weapoopons n they are scared iran is planning to build some.... planning is one issue, having them another issue...

I still dont understand how american people dont see the fact those people are taking the whole country down, they are ruining The USA....

i dont know if you remember the mosque issue in new york (ground zero) Even the politicians said they should not build a mosque there....
If you can build a church you can build a mosque or sinagog, what happened to freedom?

Europe has done with religion bull shit, they do not build churches anymore but look at america, they keep building churches...

People have been fighting for religion bull shit for years, it is so sad to see that there are billions still believe in that bull shit...
How can you say that planning is nuclear weaons is one issue and possessing them another when planning leads to possessing?
I'll let you in on a secret why americans don't understand; they're not that bright.
There's a thread for the ground zero mosque. If you want to post about that, dig that thread up.
There are still religious people in Europe.

He is Christian not Muslim, therefore the statement was wrong.
Who are you saying is a Christian, not a Moslem? Christ was a Jew, remember?
If you're saying that I'm a Christian then you're wrong again; I'm not one YET. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't A: write lies about the religion I'm converting to or B: write lies about me.

Vodka says:

You've killed and tortured innocent civilians in the mid-east. That's actually worse than the Japanese habbit of torturing Western soldiers in WW2. And just like the Japs there's NO sign of an apology.
While the Japanese DID torture and rape Western civilians, this was relatively small in scale because they didn't get their hands on

vodkavictim you obviously have no idea what the japanese did to Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos and US soldiers and more for many years up until the bomb was dropped.
they did the sickest things ever in the history of humanity to millions of other humans.
you dont know anything about it but yet you compare what they did the the US military.
youre either ignorant or predjudiced, take your pick.
I choose neither: I'm well aware of what the Japanese did to Western soldiers and that's why I referred to that specifically.

Moving on:
I'm also aware of the Japanese offences against civilians in countries they invaded (rape of Nanking, etc).
Now, how shall I put this, american armed forces in the mid-east:
A: Torture
B: Kill
C: Rape
So what did the Japanese do that makes their history so hideous? They uhm... Tortured, killed and raped.
Now I admit that at least the american armed forces have rules against that conduct, whereas the Japs embraced it, so maybe the yanks are not as bad, but the fact remains that both have indulged in torture, killing and rapine.

how do you know?
always blame the USA right supa, gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling all over.
He knows because the us and the UK kept the receipts after they sold WMD to Iraq :hatsoff:

i dont know why you dont want to understand, japanese tortured people? yes they did and international community punished them politically and they have not had an army since world war II, and i agree that is not enough because they killed innocent people...

but what about the consequences of US administrations actions in mid east? i cant believe you are defending yourself with someone else's mistake...
you should read wikileaks, dont tell me they are not true because pentagon approved them with anger :)
Japan has had an army since WW2, it's called the Japanese self-defense force (JSDF).
I can't believe they defend themselves with someone elses mistake either :D

No we didn't sell him chemical agents.
However,you guys(Germans) sold Saddam the means to make chemical weapons. D'OH!

For those well off white kids championing Chavez here on FO, I urge you to go down to Venezuela and see the sausage lipped peasant isn't a Madisonian personality but a peasant thug who bullies his opponents and shuts down alternate media outlets critical of him.

BS Vodka.

The bombs were dropped to force Japan to surrender before Operation Olympic went into effect in the Fall of '45.
We, and Britain would've suffered enormous casualties invading the Japanese home islands. Okinawa proved that.
The Japanese casualties would've easily topped over a million had we invaded.

The bs about warning Stalin is mere post war after thought.

I'd figure you would've known better about this considering you know about military history.
Peasant? There's that word again; why do you think there's something wrong with peasants? Lets be honest; YOU are one. We all are.
He shuts down alternative media outlets critical of him? Proof please.
Before Chavez 5% of the people owned 80% of the land. Chavez encouraged the regular people to invade the land and the economy is improving now. Chavez did a ruler's duty; he looked after the people.

No, the bombs were dropped as a warning to the Soviet Union. Stalin didn't grasp the magnitude of atomic weapons at first, which may have been why the second bomb was dropped.
Really? To reduce casualties?
I can just see a boatload full of troops armed with rifles shaking in fear at the prospect of facing a Japanese civilian armed with a sharpened bamboo stick :rolleyes: there was no need for it.

You americans decided to invade Iraq because they (allegedly) had WMD... How can you regard that as bad and yet excuse you're use of WMD against civilian targets.
What is so wrong with you that you realise nuclear weapons are bad and yet don't frown on the ONLY TWO USES of them, which were against massive civilian populations.

Let's put that in perspective; Iraq had no ability to attack america when she was attacked. america then promptly rampaged through the country using terrorist tactics.

So lets say an Iraqi insurgent team smuggled nuclear weapons into New York and Washington and detonated them. Is that acceptable? Because that's a more justified usage of nuclear weapons than the only two real wartime usages.
Why is it more justified? Because american troops are on Iraqi soil; when america dropped her bombs the Japs were not on american soil and had no hope of striking the american heartland.
He shuts down alternative media outlets critical of him? Proof please.
Before Chavez 5% of the people owned 80% of the land. Chavez encouraged the regular people to invade the land and the economy is improving now. Chavez did a ruler's duty; he looked after the people.

No, the bombs were dropped as a warning to the Soviet Union. Stalin didn't grasp the magnitude of atomic weapons at first, which may have been why the second bomb was dropped.
Really? To reduce casualties?
I can just see a boatload full of troops armed with rifles shaking in fear at the prospect of facing a Japanese civilian armed with a sharpened bamboo stick :rolleyes: there was no need for it.






Vodka are you trying to be daft regarding Operation Olympic/Coronet vis a vis the dropping of the two A-bombs?



Your assessment of Japanese resistance being comprised of civilians with bamboo sticks is laughable.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?

So what else was it composed of? Reserve forces? We had the ability to fight them conventionally. We could've rolled over with firebombers or used cruisers to shell from safe range offshore.
But no, we went straight to the WMD. Only makes sense as a warning to Stalin.
We could even have gone straight for a conventional invasion, but I prefer the idea of wearing them down with naval artillery/bombers first.

Checking out your links...


No we didn't sell him chemical agents.
However,you guys(Germans) sold Saddam the means to make chemical weapons. D'OH!

another howler!

Chemical and Biological exports

On May 25, 1994, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee released a report in which it was stated that "pathogenic (meaning 'disease producing'), toxigenic (meaning 'poisonous'), and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce." It added: "These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction."[30]

The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Bacillus anthracis) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding "It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program."[31]

Donald Riegle, Chairman of the Senate committee that authored the aforementioned Riegle Report, said:

U.N. inspectors had identified many United States manufactured items that had been exported from the United States to Iraq under licenses issued by the Department of Commerce, and [established] that these items were used to further Iraq's chemical and nuclear weapons development and its missile delivery system development programs. ... The executive branch of our government approved 771 different export licenses for sale of dual-use technology to Iraq. I think that is a devastating record.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control sent Iraq 14 separate agents "with biological warfare significance," according to Riegle's investigators.[32]


For those well off white kids championing Chavez here on FO,


First off, you don't know anything thing about me, so you'll just have to reassess your narrow minded prejudices about how anyone who calls you on your bullshit is rich and white.

Second, I don't know about anyone else but all I'm championing is the factual record, something your commments are completely at odds with. If that qualifies as automatic support for Chavez then that's just your delusion to deal with.


Hiliary 2020
i dont know why you dont want to understand, japanese tortured people? yes they did and international community punished them politically and they have not had an army since world war II, and i agree that is not enough because they killed innocent people...

but what about the consequences of US administrations actions in mid east? i cant believe you are defending yourself with someone else's mistake...
you should read wikileaks, dont tell me they are not true because pentagon approved them with anger :)

screwhead, for decades they went into chinese villages and killed the old people. the men and boys in very disgusting ways.
threw the babies in the air and caught them on bayonets.
gang raped the women and little girls, children then burned them alive.
they also killed them by sticking knives and other objects including guns up their vaginas.
they used thousands in the sickest experiments possible.
disecting alive, never dead, freezing, burning, cutting off body parts, you name it they did it.

they did these things to about 10 million people.
they murdered and killed in horrible ways most of their pow's also.
this is all historic fact.

you brought it up, you compared what they did to the US military prisons.
youre totally wrong and you dont have the balls to admit it.
youre basically lying, saying things that arent true.

like i said, people like you dont deserve to live in the united states
why? because you hate it, thats obvious.
comparing what the japanese did to what the usa has done in iraq just shows your hatred and predjudice.


Keep postin there sunni. . . break the 100 mark so we can see all of your well deserved red medals of dishonorable '-' rep pts.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Yeah, because that would have killed fewer people. :rolleyes:
Hey, it's not WMD at least, there's only so much one can do in war, especially against an enemy as divorced from sanity and reality as imperial Japan.

another howler!


First off, you don't know anything thing about me, so you'll just have to reassess your narrow minded prejudices about how anyone who calls you on your bullshit is rich and white.

Second, I don't know about anyone else but all I'm championing is the factual record, something your commments are completely at odds with. If that qualifies as automatic support for Chavez then that's just your delusion to deal with.
Thanks ;)
I rest my case. You never even responded to my post that attempted to establish a reasonable dialogue with you so your original contention that this thread is here based on the pretext that "i just want to see how you see this, no harm no hard feelings just a little bit fun...." is a total crock of shit. All you want to do here is piss and moan about the USA which you have done ad nauseum without engaging in any meaningful discourse with others. I reiterate my suggestion that this thread be closed. As for me, this is my final comment here and I would urge my like-minded colleagues to follow suit and ignore any further rantings on your behalf unless or until you decide to change your approach. Otherwise, you get what you ask for. Good day, sir. :wave2:

I don't know man, I actually learned a lot just from reading everyone's comments on military History and even that video "confessions of an economic hitman". Overall, I think this thread stimulated a lot of minds...at least I saw a whole new side of vodkaz lol, I honestly thought he was more of a goof more than anything else, I ought to have reminded myself that assuming of leads to mis-assessments. :p

Well done guys, this was a good read. Also, with that said, I think that HornyNSunny should perhaps read a bit of Darwin, because in the end this is a world in which everyone/countries are trying to do what is best for themselves and fairness is not often part of the equation. You'll never hear me say that the US is the most just nation of all, however I also cannot say that they're wrong in doing whatever it is they do because in the end, only the US can contribute to the US's welfare.

As the ruler of a country, the only thing I would hold "wrong" in my mind are the actions that lead to my own country's demise (that includes actions that make me look like a threat to the world), every other action I would be forced to consider as a possible solution for my own progress.

All said, let's not hold the "average joe" responsible for decisions/situations he has no control over, and let's not condemn the "average joe" for defending his nation, because in the end that's what it is: HIS nation.
Re: If you are against American government, they call you terrorist :)

in Bosnia, why did US and other waited so long to help innocent people while Serbians were slaughtering and raping women? and they did plan those rapings? they collected thousand women in warehouse and they brought soldiers to rape them....

i guess Jesus would not care about Muslim women :)

The former Yugoslavia was in Europe's back yard, why didn't any of the European countries get off there asses and do something about Bosnia?

By the way, many European countries and to a lesser degree, the U.S. are all guilty of allowing the 2nd Balkans War to happen in the 1st place.

The worst thing that can happen in time of war is to send in United Nations "peacekeepers" as the U.N. is indecisive and spineless. Why did the Dutch "peacekeepers" in Srebrenica trust General Mladic , then basically get held hostage by his troops as thousands of Srebrenicans were slaughtered?


Poor quality but full length BBC video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9045158223206269582#

If you're trying to stop a war and want things to go horribly wrong, just invite the French :Frenchman and the U.N. ... from wikipedia:

4 June and 6–11 July 1995: Serb take-over of Srebrenica
On 4 June 1995, the French commander of the UN forces in former Yugoslavia, general Bernard Janvier, secretly met Ratko Mladic to obtain the release of hostages, many of whom were French. Mladic demanded of Janvier that there would be no more air strikes.

The Serb offensive on Srebrenica began in earnest on 6 July 1995. In the following days, the five UNPROFOR observation posts, in the southern part of the enclave, fell one by one in the face of the Serb forces advance. Some of the Dutch soldiers retreated into the enclave after their posts were attacked, but the crews of the other observation posts surrendered into Serb custody. Simultaneously, the defending Bosnian forces came under heavy fire and were pushed back toward the town. Once the southern perimeter began to collapse, about 4,000 Bosniak residents, who had been living in a Swedish housing complex for refugees nearby, fled north into Srebrenica town. Dutch soldiers reported that the advancing Serbs were "cleansing" the houses in the southern part of the enclave.[45]

A Dutch YPR-765s[46]On 8 July, a Dutch YPR-765 armored vehicle took fire from the Serbs and withdrew. A group of Bosniaks demanded that the armored vehicle stay to defend them. As the armored vehicle continued to withdraw, a Bosniak man threw a hand grenade on the vehicle, killing soldier Raviv van Renssen.[47]

Late on 9 July 1995, emboldened by early successes and little resistance from largely demilitarized Bosniaks, as well as the absence of any significant reaction from the international community, President Karadžić issued a new order authorizing the VRS Drina Corps to capture the town of Srebrenica.[48]

On the morning of 10 July 1995, the situation in Srebrenica was tense. Residents crowded the streets. The Dutch UNPROFOR troops fired warning shots over the attacking Serbs’ heads and their mortars fired flares but they never fired directly on any Serb units. Lieutenant-Colonel Karremans sent many urgent requests for NATO air support to defend the town, but no assistance was forthcoming until around 2:30 Pm on 11 July 1995, when 2 Dutch F-16's guided by British SAS bombed VRS tanks advancing towards the town. NATO planes also attempted to bomb VRS artillery positions overlooking the town, but had to abort the operation due to poor visibility. NATO plans to continue the air strikes were abandoned following the Serb Army's threats to kill Dutch troops and the French hostages (pilots in the custody of the VRS), as well as shell the UN Potočari compound on the outside of the town, and surrounding areas where 20,000 to 30,000 civilians had fled.[48]

Late in the afternoon of 11 July General Mladić, accompanied by General Živanović (then Commander of the Drina Corps), General Krstić (then Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Drina Corps) and other Serb Army officers, took a triumphant walk through the empty streets of Srebrenica town. The moment was captured on film by Serbian journalist, Zoran Petrović.[48]

The Dutch soldiers operating under the auspices of the UN have been criticised for their part in failing to protect the Bosniak refugees in the safe haven. Lieutenant-Colonel Karremans was filmed drinking a toast with genocide suspect and Serb general Ratko Mladić during the bungled negotiations on the fate of civilian population grouped in Potočari.[49


Most Democratic countries in the world want the United States to be the world's police force, then they damn us for being the world's police force .. :dunno:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I think this thread stimulated a lot of minds...at least I saw a whole new side of vodkaz lol, I honestly thought he was more of a goof more than anything else, I ought to have reminded myself that assuming of leads to mis-assessments. :p
Vodkaz Victim is an idiot and a douchebag of massive proportions. He doesn't know anything about anything he comments on and hasn't got the intelligence of a chicken.
There is nothing wrong with that Britfag that a bullet wouldn't cure and he and his innane statements are best ignored.
Heads up :thumbsup:
a terrorist, in the simplest sense, is someone who seeks to inspire terror...so therefore glen beck is a terrorist cuz i swear all that fuck does is try to scare folk
Re: If you are against American government, they call you terrorist :)

The former Yugoslavia was in Europe's back yard, why didn't any of the European countries get off there asses and do something about Bosnia?

By the way, many European countries and to a lesser degree, the U.S. are all guilty of allowing the 2nd Balkans War to happen in the 1st place.

The worst thing that can happen in time of war is to send in United Nations "peacekeepers" as the U.N. is indecisive and spineless. Why did the Dutch "peacekeepers" in Srebrenica trust General Mladic , then basically get held hostage by his troops as thousands of Srebrenicans were slaughtered?


Poor quality but full length BBC video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9045158223206269582#

If you're trying to stop a war and want things to go horribly wrong, just invite the French :Frenchman and the U.N. ... from wikipedia:

4 June and 6–11 July 1995: Serb take-over of Srebrenica
On 4 June 1995, the French commander of the UN forces in former Yugoslavia, general Bernard Janvier, secretly met Ratko Mladic to obtain the release of hostages, many of whom were French. Mladic demanded of Janvier that there would be no more air strikes.

The Serb offensive on Srebrenica began in earnest on 6 July 1995. In the following days, the five UNPROFOR observation posts, in the southern part of the enclave, fell one by one in the face of the Serb forces advance. Some of the Dutch soldiers retreated into the enclave after their posts were attacked, but the crews of the other observation posts surrendered into Serb custody. Simultaneously, the defending Bosnian forces came under heavy fire and were pushed back toward the town. Once the southern perimeter began to collapse, about 4,000 Bosniak residents, who had been living in a Swedish housing complex for refugees nearby, fled north into Srebrenica town. Dutch soldiers reported that the advancing Serbs were "cleansing" the houses in the southern part of the enclave.[45]

A Dutch YPR-765s[46]On 8 July, a Dutch YPR-765 armored vehicle took fire from the Serbs and withdrew. A group of Bosniaks demanded that the armored vehicle stay to defend them. As the armored vehicle continued to withdraw, a Bosniak man threw a hand grenade on the vehicle, killing soldier Raviv van Renssen.[47]

Late on 9 July 1995, emboldened by early successes and little resistance from largely demilitarized Bosniaks, as well as the absence of any significant reaction from the international community, President Karadžić issued a new order authorizing the VRS Drina Corps to capture the town of Srebrenica.[48]

On the morning of 10 July 1995, the situation in Srebrenica was tense. Residents crowded the streets. The Dutch UNPROFOR troops fired warning shots over the attacking Serbs’ heads and their mortars fired flares but they never fired directly on any Serb units. Lieutenant-Colonel Karremans sent many urgent requests for NATO air support to defend the town, but no assistance was forthcoming until around 2:30 Pm on 11 July 1995, when 2 Dutch F-16's guided by British SAS bombed VRS tanks advancing towards the town. NATO planes also attempted to bomb VRS artillery positions overlooking the town, but had to abort the operation due to poor visibility. NATO plans to continue the air strikes were abandoned following the Serb Army's threats to kill Dutch troops and the French hostages (pilots in the custody of the VRS), as well as shell the UN Potočari compound on the outside of the town, and surrounding areas where 20,000 to 30,000 civilians had fled.[48]

Late in the afternoon of 11 July General Mladić, accompanied by General Živanović (then Commander of the Drina Corps), General Krstić (then Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Drina Corps) and other Serb Army officers, took a triumphant walk through the empty streets of Srebrenica town. The moment was captured on film by Serbian journalist, Zoran Petrović.[48]

The Dutch soldiers operating under the auspices of the UN have been criticised for their part in failing to protect the Bosniak refugees in the safe haven. Lieutenant-Colonel Karremans was filmed drinking a toast with genocide suspect and Serb general Ratko Mladić during the bungled negotiations on the fate of civilian population grouped in Potočari.[49


Most Democratic countries in the world want the United States to be the world's police force, then they damn us for being the world's police force .. :dunno:

The truth about Srebrenica.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm not reading 5 pages, I'm just going to say this. Now a days, all you have to do to be considered a terrorist, is disagree with the politicians, and the decisions THEY make. We have no Constitutional rights anymore...it's called the patriot act. Everyday they seek to take away more of our rights, under the guise of safety and security. It's reprehensible, and the American public better open their fuckin eyes and start doing something about it, before we stop being citizens, and start becoming subjects.