If you are against american government, they call you terrorist :)

wow i did not you two are having an affair :)
i should let you leads this thread since you already changed the direction

Wow. I mention being civil and not insulting each other in the thread and about difference of opinion and this statement pops up.

good point, i was wondering, when america sent an atom bomb to japan, was there any economic or strategic point? it was actually two bombs :) my bad :)

Did You Miss Pearl Harbor?

I see where this particular member is going. Whatever they say is truth; if disagrees with someone else they are in cahoots and, going out on a limb here, a neocon or American terrorist terrorizing the world.

Bye. Apparently having civil discussions is beyond your capability. There are other members on this board that will partake in such heated debates that lead nowhere. Have fun doing nothing and providing nothing to the board but more division and separation.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
good point, i was wondering, when america sent an atom bomb to japan, was there any economic or strategic point? it was actually two bombs :) my bad :)

Acutally that's a very salient question (Pearl Harbor being merely a pretext to get Joe-America behind the war.)

They absolutely threatened our ability to do business in the Pacific and so had to be declared evil and crushed.

The atomic bomb was merely a matter of convenience. Since we're the good guys, we're allowed to nuke at will.


well your final sentence summed you up pretty good.
the tortures in iraq.
i suppose you meant the usa torturing.
the fact that saddam, when he was in power and even before tortured and murdered millions in very disgusting ways doesnt matter to you right?
and iran does support terrorists, you know, people who bomb crowded areas with the intent to kill everyone there.
thats why they are a terrorist country, the fact that they will have nukes is a seperate issue.
and chavez has allied with iran and said some pretty strong things against the usa, so that at least would make him an enemy right?
( although Obama smiled, shook his hand and accepted the down with america book from him as a gift).

you kind of proved the man's point with that whole critic of american torture=apologist for saddam/iran/chavez thing

:2 cents:

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
So if we just killed them all in a polite manner, it would be better?

Also, what's the point of being the good guys if you can't murder who you want, when you want, with no repercussions? I'm getting confused here.


Just because someone says something at a UN meeting don't mean squat! UN is useless. Worst thing to ever happen to the world.

UN meetings just another hot air blow fest.

tell that to all the people who have been protected by UN troops, are fed daily by UN programs, have clean drinking water because of the UN and have benefited from UN disease eradication programs

the idea that the UN is a waste of space is a false belief held and regurgitated by a segment of the US population

tell that to all the people who have been protected by UN troops, are fed daily by UN programs, have clean drinking water because of the UN and have benefited from UN disease eradication programs

the idea that the UN is a waste of space is a false belief held and regurgitated by a segment of the US population


well said, my point is to tell people cnn n fox are not the only TV Channels in the world :)


Also, what's the point of being the good guys if you can't murder who you want, when you want, with no repercussions? I'm getting confused here.

We are...
The Spiderman to their Venom.
The Superman to their Bizarro.
The Batman to their Joker.
The Goku to their Frieza.
The common sense to their Fox News.

We must kick their asses.


Hiliary 2020
good point, i was wondering, when america sent an atom bomb to japan, was there any economic or strategic point? it was actually two bombs :) my bad :)

youre blind dude.
all the sick shit that has been done and is being done in the world but people like you focus on the united states.
youve been trained that way so i realize its not really your fault.
a one sided view.
predjudice view.

example youre against iraq in one sentence and in another you ask what took the usa so long to go into yugoslavia.

focus on and exaggerate how bad the us is but ignore or justify everybody elses actions.
tell that to all the people who have been protected by UN troops, are fed daily by UN programs, have clean drinking water because of the UN and have benefited from UN disease eradication programs

the idea that the UN is a waste of space is a false belief held and regurgitated by a segment of the US population


Wasn't it the UN that traded food and resources for sex acts? Correct me if I am wrong. However I believe I remember hearing on the news about sex acts being traded for goods by the UN. It was a huge scandal.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Wasn't it the UN that traded food and resources for sex acts? Correct me if I am wrong.

You're saying that like it's a bad thing. Basic capitalism, honey.


Hiliary 2020
do you know what an atomic bomb is? many people still carry that nuclear wastes in their body....

yeah and many of the soldiers and chinese, korean and russian civillians who they killed are still dead.

Also, what's the point of being the good guys if you can't murder who you want, when you want, with no repercussions? I'm getting confused here.

well there ike, maybe if you were over there fighting with no sleep, getting shot at, watching your comrades getting shot and blown up, knowing that at any minute youre next and knowing that if you get captured theyre gonna do the sickest shit imaginable to you until you die, wanting to get back to your home, your family in one piece maybe You Might feel differently.
yeah and many of the soldiers and chinese, korean and russian civillians who they killed are still dead.

well there ike, maybe if you were over there fighting with no sleep, getting shot at, watching your comrades getting shot and blown up, knowing that at any minute youre next and knowing that if you get captured theyre gonna do the sickest shit imaginable to you until you die, wanting to get back to your home, your family in one piece maybe You Might feel differently.

what the fuck are you doing in someone elses land? you attack them with the highest technology and then blame them using their bodies for protecting their own land? im sure they had guns or airplanes they would not mind to use them :) you are in someone else's house and they are defending


Hiliary 2020
what the fuck are you doing in someone elses land? you attack them with the highest technology and then blame them using their bodies for protecting their own land? im sure they had guns or airplanes they would not mind to use them :) you are in someone else's house and they are defending

I'm talking about japan, only because you brought it up.
they attacked the usa
we fought for four years.
they werent gonna stop for any reason until they actually entered california
we had a choice.
continue fighting and enter japan which would have kiled more than the bombs including a hundreds of thosands of us soldiers, mostly teenagers.
do nothing, let them regain strength and attack us again, this time probably california, san francisco, were the liberals enjoy freedom today.
or bomb them.

any other possibilities?

consider that the japanese were a ruthless war machine responsible for killing so many millions.
they were the aggressers.
the the torture, rape, murder of so many soldiers and civillians, many of them children, for decades.......and they had no plans on ever stopping.

but the usa were the bad guys in your eyes?