If you are against american government, they call you terrorist :)

You can guarentee he doesn't know why Chavez is bad, just that's he's bad (because that's what news ltd says)

O rly?
He's a stupid socialist dictator who's quite unpopular with the folks now that they've seen what little El 'Ugo has done for them. All he's done is coalesce power to himself and his cronies. He's also trying to start a war with Colombia, and if successful he'd get his proverbial peasant ass handed to him. I'm sure the powers tha be will soon have him meet and end befitting Il Duce.

good point, i was wondering, when america sent an atom bomb to japan, was there any economic or strategic point? it was actually two bombs :) my bad :)

Yeah there was a strategic point.................for both. You obviously are clueless as to what those points are.:clap:
I'm talking about japan, only because you brought it up.
they attacked the usa
we fought for four years.
they werent gonna stop for any reason until they actually entered california
we had a choice.
continue fighting and enter japan which would have kiled more than the bombs including a hundreds of thosands of us soldiers, mostly teenagers.
do nothing, let them regain strength and attack us again, this time probably california, san francisco, were the liberals live today.
or bomb them.

any other possibilities?

consider that the japanese were a ruthless war machine responsible for killing so many millions.
they were the aggressers.
the the torture, rape, murder of so many soldiers and civillians, many of them children, for decades.......and they had no plans on ever stopping.

but the usa were the bad guys in your eyes?

nothing makes you right using an atomic bomb... look at the history americans killed natives, most americans slaved black people but again what is wrong, is wrong...

japan made one mistake america made ten mistakes... i cant believe you are supporting this... what if one day russia or china uses atomic bombs against america?
O rly?
He's a stupid socialist dictator who's quite unpopular with the folks now that they've seen what little El 'Ugo has done for them. All he's done is coalesce power to himself and his cronies. He's also trying to start a war with Colombia, and if successful he'd get his proverbial peasant ass handed to him. I'm sure the powers tha be will soon have him meet and end befitting Il Duce.

Yeah there was a strategic point.................for both. You obviously are clueless as to what those points are.:clap:

actually you are one of the ignorant americans, i read your other comments about muslims, and i also read your comment about bosnia, you are one of the reasons that world hates america....


Hiliary 2020
O rly?
He's a stupid socialist dictator who's quite unpopular with the folks now that they've seen what little El 'Ugo has done for them. All he's done is coalesce power to himself and his cronies. He's also trying to start a war with Colombia, and if successful he'd get his proverbial peasant ass handed to him. I'm sure the powers tha be will soon have him meet and end befitting Il Duce.

no no no, listen to emceee and admit you dont like him because the newspapers told you not to.
Trident1 said

"Yeah right raping and pillaging.:facepalm:

Bosnia never existed before '95.........and should not exist today, it's a failed state. Both Croatia and Serbia should take their respective parts of BiH and let the muslim part fend for itself.
Europe needs Serbia more than some muslim pseudo-republic called BiH or Kosovo for that matter"

look what you said.... who decides what europe needs,


Hiliary 2020
nothing makes you right using an atomic bomb... look at the history americans killed natives, most americans slaved black people but again what is wrong, is wrong...

japan made one mistake america made ten mistakes... i cant believe you are supporting this... what if one day russia or china uses atomic bombs against america?

i disagree,
the reasons i stated above made it right, or better said necessary.
they werent gonna stop.

and yeah, if the usa invades russia or china and like the japanese did and kill millions of them, fuck yeah, bomb us.

you gotta read your history a little more.
thats not an insult, its a suggestion.
japan attacked, invaded many countries and killed so many millions of civillians.
rape, burning alive, ughhhh, just reasearch it, the shit they were doing was probably the worst in the history of man.
and doing it for decades.
dont give me this one mistake crap.

but you dont pity those people do you?
only the ones killed by the usa, regardless of how or why.
you are a combination of predjudiced and uninformed.

but, i dont trust the government, havent since they either covered up the killing of or killed their own president.
so lets leave it at that, we agree to a degree.
so you are saying America used an atomic bomb because japan did so many dirty things in the past....

America killed tens of thousands in iraq, afghanistant, vietnam etc so if sweden one days comes and say " hey you guys killed many so you derserve an atomic bomb"

dont be funny i know history more than you do...
i know who were living in the west part of America who are called illegal now :)

my friend i love America n Americans, my issue is with corporate America, administration, oil companies, whatever you call them :)
their past is kind of clean, they did little genocides to minorities who live in sweden in the past, they made them to forget their past n culture but hey who did not it :)
HornySunni is full of laughs.........

Meester, don't worry. Emceee has serious issues like self flagellation.


Hiliary 2020
so you are saying america used an atomic bomb because japan did so many dirty things in the past....

america killed tens of thousands in iraq, afghanistant, vietnam etc so if sweden one days comes and say " hey you guys killed many so you derserve an atomic bomb"

dont be funny i know history more than you do...
i know who were living in the west part of america who are called illegal now :)

my friend i love america n americans, my issue is with corporate america, administration, oil companies, whatever you call them :)

you dont deserve to live in a country that other people built just for you to come there and disrespect it.
shit on it.

you obviously dont know history better than me because your comparing stuff thats not comparable.
what the usa did in iraq, afghan, and vietnam has no similarity to what the japanese did in the first half of the century.
not even fucking close.
and yes comparing that should be insulting to any american, even you.

and you also imply that we fucked mexico and they deserve something from us too?
no problem, lets just displace a hundred million native born american citizens and give the southwest to mexico.
i'm for it.
only on one stipulation, when they destroy it too like they did their own country and start crossing the new border illegally, we get to shoot them in the face.

you dont trust corporate america, oil companies.....guess what? nobody does.
but that has nothing to do with most of what youre posting.

ok, good night and have a pleasant tomorrow
you guys dont get the point, everything i post here is all about them... i did not say anything about the countyr but somehow you are always offended, i repeated many times but like i said you do not read
what im saying stop killing people and blaming muslims, there are many muslims here in America born n raised, many people dies in different wars but look at the last fifthy years, America is the only country keeps going on war....
you people step up and tell the politicians to stop, that was my point....

and stop listening people like trident1, cause his jesus dont care about muslims women being raped, and he thinks europe does not need bosnia, :) lmao such an ignorance :)
you dont deserve to live in a country that other people built just for you to come there and disrespect it.
shit on it.

you obviously dont know history better than me because your comparing stuff thats not comparable.
what the usa did in iraq, afghan, and vietnam has no similarity to what the japanese did in the first half of the century.
not even fucking close.
and yes comparing that should be insulting to any american, even you.

and you also imply that we fucked mexico and they deserve something from us too?
no problem, lets just displace a hundred million native born american citizens and give the southwest to mexico.
i'm for it.
only on one stipulation, when they destroy it too like they did their own country and start crossing the new border illegally, we get to shoot them in the face.

you dont trust corporate america, oil companies.....guess what? nobody does.
but that has nothing to do with most of what youre posting.

ok, good night and have a pleasant tomorrow

see you are still talking about shooting :)
This whole thread is nothing but a diatribe on your part and you are no willing to listen to anyone that doesn't agree with you. You have made yourself clearly shown of being intolerant and unable to partake in civil discussion.

All anyone has to do is read from the first post up to this point to see you are nothing but full of it. We have enough members like this and don't need another.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
If you aren't American, you're a terrorist. Act accordingly.

Chavez is a sausage lipped peasant.
Peasant? Well that shows that you think being a peasant is a bad thing...
Isn't his economy doing quite well, as compared to americas which has been wrecked by free-market capitalism? Who could've seen that coming after reaganomics?

UN is useless.
UN meetings just another hot air blow fest.
Whimsy's right; UN is pretty useless.

in bosnia, why did US and other waited so long to help innocent people while serbians were slaughtering and raping women? and they did plan those rapings? they collected thousand women in warehouse and they brought soldiers to rape them....
i guess jesus would not care about muslim women :)
I dunno about the us, but I know that the "other" didn't my brother was a soldier in Bosnia, he went on patrol and he wasn't allowed to open fire on farmers when they were aggressive enough to point a shotgun at his patrol.
You were allowed to shoot a guy only while he was throwing a grenade, after that the grenade was the threat and you were only allowed to shoot that :facepalm:
The Swiss actually sent their soldiers in WITHOUT weapons (who says they're cowards?). The fact that the Swiss went in speaks volumes alone; the Swiss can in no way be characterised as a terrorist nation; precisely the opposite.
Do not make false accusations when extremist Islamists have both raped women and mutilated and killed babies.

what makes me sick, they are on TV everyday and they keep selling the same lie

we brought freedom to IRAQ n AFGHANISTAN, and yet still most americans believe this shit...
That makes a lot of americans and most of the rest of the world sick too. Fox news should NOT be viewed as anything other than bizzarre.

Don't resort to insults. Provide your information, credible and with proper backing, and leave it at that.
No need to insult someone just because you disagree with them.
^^ This. Although everybody breaks this rule.

Did you miss Pearl Harbor?
Pearl harbour is NOT why teh atomic weapons were dropped and it's NOT justification for them.

I see where this particular member is going. Whatever they say is truth.

you obviously dont know history better than me because your comparing stuff thats not comparable.
what the usa did in iraq, afghan, and vietnam has no similarity to what the japanese did in the first half of the century.
not even fucking close.
You've killed and tortured innocent civilians in the mid-east. That's actually worse than the Japanese habbit of torturing Western soldiers in WW2. And just like the Japs there's NO sign of an apology.
While the Japanese DID torture and rape Western civilians, this was relatively small in scale because they didn't get their hands on many.

what im saying stop killing people and blaming muslims, there are many muslims here in america born n raised, many people dies in different wars but look at the last fifthy years, america is the only country keeps going on war....
you people step up and tell the politicians to stop, that was my point....

and stop listening people like trident1, cause his jesus dont care about muslims women being raped, and he thinks europe does not need bosnia, :) lmao such an ignorance :)
OK, not all Moslems are evil, most people know that, america is NOT the only country to embark on war in the last 50 years and there is no longer.
american politicians (like those of many Western nations) no longer listen to their populace, so what they are told by their populace (and there is a strong anti-war sentiment in america) is irrelevant. You shouldn't act as though all americans support their countries terrorism and hate Moslems because it isn't so.
Nobody listens to Trident, his Jesus is no longer alive and when he was alive HE WAS A MOSLEM PROPHET.
You're in NO position to accuse others of ignorance. Cease and desist.

And yes, if you disagree with america they do call you a terrorist; you see youtube clips of insurgents in Iraq and they call them terrorists. These guys are fighting in their own backyards against an invading foreign power; they are resistance fighters.
If any nation is the terrorist it is america, only they call it "shock and awe" - a different name for the very essence of terrorism; shocking the enemy into submission.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
america killed tens of thousands in iraq, afghanistant, vietnam etc so if sweden one days comes and say " hey you guys killed many so you derserve an atomic bomb

How dare you drag my country into this stupid discussion?