My impression from early on, was McCain always seemed to want to put himself in a position of taking the lead and then make an issue of Obama not doing what he directed was the thing to do. I actually don't blame Obama for backing away from that or the earlier town meeting events, and now this financial debacle.
Almost like saying if you're a true American, (according to your interpretation), you will do X, Y or Z and then you try to lead the way, although I really think that's just to get control of the situation, while posing a distraction to the Obama campaign.
It's like the famous words, "If you're not with us, you're against us", which isn't true, and very simplistic. It just puts people in a tight spot, like "Do you still beat your wife?" :dunno:
Almost like saying if you're a true American, (according to your interpretation), you will do X, Y or Z and then you try to lead the way, although I really think that's just to get control of the situation, while posing a distraction to the Obama campaign.
It's like the famous words, "If you're not with us, you're against us", which isn't true, and very simplistic. It just puts people in a tight spot, like "Do you still beat your wife?" :dunno: