Has McCain thrown in the towel on the race?

Maybe Joe Biden should GRANDSTAND like McCain & pubicly challenge Sara Palin to 'stand in' for Obama/McCain the Oxford debates tomorrow. Like LBJ,who was sworn in hours after JFK died, the VP has to be ready to step up immediadetly & make decisions. Certainly Palin can 'stand in' for McCain at a little debate:dunno:

She could always just say "I will get back to ya!" as she did here to Katie Couric.

"Palin Gaffs With Katie Couric"

Joe Biden will leave Sarah Palin looking like a shrieking, barking bulldog in lipstick whenever they finally debate. She has no command of any of the key issues. How can she "go against" a Senator with 30 years experience? She can try to be "sarcastic" and "sneer" at Joe Biden if she wants to, and maybe try to sound like a Hillary Clinton ripoff, but direct questions will actually be ASKED TO HER on ISSUES and she has to do more than say, "I'll have to get back to you on that!" Like she did with Katie Couric......

Sarah Palin will probably scream and huff-n-puff but unless she gets 30 years of knowledge over the next week...she will look like a foolish clown. How many times can she use a standard answer of "Me and John McCain are going to clean up Washington corruption and take on the powerbrokers and the elites...":sleep: C'mon. Is this all the depth and substance that she has?
It was clearly a theatrical event designed to make Obama look bad for not following McCain's lead. Someone said he's a wimp and this is the war hero? Maybe Palin will have a suggestion about what to do?

Not sure what will come of this though, unless all his supporters now become members of the Obama cult.

According to CNBC, looks like the whole thing might be over tonight. So what happens with McCain tommorrow night? He cancelled the debate and might not be able to get a flight to Mississippi on a standby ticket at the last minute. :)
Wow. Watching that clip was hard. I'm embarassed for her.


Wow! Revealing! I told you it was like the savings and loan scandal, and here he is again, first there in the 80's accepting $1M in contributions, and accepting them now?

"Sen. McCain's campaign manager received payments as recently as last month from Freddie Mac even as it was failing".

I wonder if Palin knows Fannie and Freddie aren't real people? :1orglaugh

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Would Kay Bailey Hutchison, Meg Whitney, Christine Todd Whitman act like a clueless dope like that? It didn't have to be that way for the Pubs....they are stuck with a loser ticket. That's one thing they can't blame Obama for!


Closed Account
She could always just say "I will get back to ya!" as she did here to Katie Couric.

"Palin Gaffs With Katie Couric"


Yes that was pretty painful:1orglaugh But not as bad as Chris Matthews versus Kevin James(?)
Maybe Palin should go on hardball w/Chris Matthews & see how well her repeated,mindnumbing CONsevative "talking points' go over:

CONsevatives have seemed to abandoned thoughtful,reasonable, & informed public discourse for the sake of appealing to a certain uninformed electorate. My all time favorite:

:glugglug: Chris Matthews
Doesn't he have a campaign plane?

I'm just trying to help him out with a better excuse.

Yes that was pretty painful:1orglaugh But not as bad as Chris Matthews versus Kevin James(?)
Maybe Palin should go on hardball w/Chris Matthews & see how well her repeated,mindnumbing CONsevative "talking points' go over:

:glugglug: Chris Matthews

She could bring him this and tell him she's famous!
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Closed Account
Joe Biden will leave Sarah Palin looking like a shrieking, barking bulldog in lipstick whenever they finally debate. She has no command of any of the key issues. How can she "go against" a Senator with 30 years experience? She can try to be "sarcastic" and "sneer" at Joe Biden if she wants to, and maybe try to sound like a Hillary Clinton ripoff, but direct questions will actually be ASKED TO HER on ISSUES and she has to do more than say, "I'll have to get back to you on that!" Like she did with Katie Couric......

Sarah Palin will probably scream and huff-n-puff but unless she gets 30 years of knowledge over the next week...she will look like a foolish clown. How many times can she use a standard answer of "Me and John McCain are going to clean up Washington corruption and take on the powerbrokers and the elites...":sleep: C'mon. Is this all the depth and substance that she has?

I am from the Deep South & those CONservative talking points seem to go over well here, unfortunately. That 'aw shucks' charm & 'feistiness' you described plays well down here. I feel like WE(Southerners) are more responsible for this Republican dominance & two Bush terms more than anyone else.:( Look at the electoral Map for the past 2 elections.

'Knowledge,thoughtfulness,intelligence,etc... seems to be summarily dismissed here.
the polls, the polls always the polls. Those same polls gave gore and softie kerry for winners in the previous elections but the polls went wrong because reality was otherwise. I don't trust the polls, the best way to know who is going to win is to put yourself at the majority of the people and try to guess how they think.
I am from the Deep South & those CONservative talking points seem to go over well here, unfortunately. That 'aw shucks' charm & 'feistiness' you described plays well down here. I feel like WE(Southerners) are more responsible for this Republican dominance & two Bush terms more than anyone else.:( Look at the electoral Map for the past 2 elections.

'Knowledge,thoughtfulness,intelligence,etc... seems to be summarily dismissed here.

Dude you guys are more responsible than the rest of us lol.I want to secede from any union with you guys!:1orglaugh
This whole thread makes me laugh. Your hearts bleed such incredibly blue blood.

I'll just take it your a state worker spending 40% of his on the clock hours peeping the internet for porn and message boards to post on and fantasy teams to check since you're posting timestamps just wreak of public sector.

I'm paying for the mess one of my senators, Chris Dodd, helped get us into. My other state senator, Joe Lieberman, was left by the Democratic party, ran as an independent and subsequently won. Living in a blue state is unnerving when you see just how unreliable and ruthless governing bodies are.

I don't even want to believe we'll be living for the government soon and not vice-versa.

Has McCain thrown in the towel? You're all too funny.
He's going to attempt to digest the biggest problem America has ever faced - socializing the financial system. This will be awful for most, but really good for some.


Closed Account
Dude you guys are more responsible than the rest of us lol.I want to secede from any union with you guys!:1orglaugh

Go ahead & rub it in Friday:1orglaugh It is very frustrating for us Progressives here,as you can tell by some of my posts, & we simply have had no answer to this CONservative dominance. If Dems play to the 'Southern Redneck' constituency they will alienate the more culturally diverse ,open minded strongholds like Cali/NY with there 80 something electoral votes. So it is a political minefield.

For a once overwhelmingly Democratic region it is hopeless & McCain has already gone out to a double digit lead in most of the Deep South. Our only chance is to somehow get the more diverse Florida 'solidly' democratic in the future, but as of now I am skeptical about DEM chances. Virginia seems to changing a bit also.



It's getting "lame" to hear Conservatives bitch and moan about high taxes and entitlements when, if you talk to Republicans, than they actually want most of the entitlements that exist today--things like Medicare and Social Security. Is it Obama's fault that it's inconvenient that private enterprise and corporate America are proving to be sham stewards of their own businesses and incapable of providing the "relief" to these entitlements that the Pubs claim to want?

"Free Market Capitalism" under Republicans circa 2000, is turning out to be just as expensive at Socialism. Perhaps we should look at introducing more ACTUAL socialistic principles into America. We'd all get more out of it, in the end....:thefinger
First let me say that I may foster a handful of conservative attributes, I foster some liberal ones as well. I'm a non - partisan, non - purist, sort of . . Laissez Faire kind of guy.
Do as you wish, but first do no harm. That works out well for me.

In response to above - To be frank with you, I don't really give it a whole hella lotta thought. When TSHTF I tune in, but otherwise, it bores me, all of the intricacies, finger pointing and politics ! I loathe it. :D.
Being self employed offers me all of the indications that I need to know regarding the current political climate . . . and economy.

You're an interesting poster, I thoroughly enjoy reading your entries, and I mean it.

This 'ol fella once told me when I was in my late teens -
"Always Challenge Your Own Perceptions When Seeking The Truth"

That works for me as well !


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Has McCain thrown in the towel? You're all too funny.
He's going to attempt to digest the biggest problem America has ever faced - socializing the financial system. This will be awful for most, but really good for some.

There's nothing for him to do. It uh...it's already been "solved".
McCain't Going? Debate Fate Still Unclear

Debate Fate Uncertain Amid Economic Crisis
Presidential rivals Barack Obama and John McCain will go to the White House for an economic summit this afternoon, but it's not clear whether McCain will join Obama in Oxford, Miss., on Friday for the first presidential debate.

John McCain will only participate if a bailout bill can be worked out in time.McCain says he will be a Mississippi no-show if Congress and the White House are still haggling over terms of the proposed $700 billion Wall Street bailout.

The McCain campaign insists that he's not playing chicken, but rather that he is trying to put politics aside and deal with the fiscal crisis in a bipartisan manner.

The Republican presidential candidate announced that he would suspend his campaign Wednesday in favor of traveling to Washington to help nail down a deal. He suggested that Friday's debate be postponed until the crisis is resolved, but Obama and the Commission on Presidential Debates have both rebuffed McCain's suggestion and were acting as if Friday's showdown is still on.
McCain has sprung campaign surprises before, so it's not clear whether Obama would end up in Mississippi by himself.

Go ahead & rub it in Friday:1orglaugh It is very frustrating for us Progressives here,as you can tell by some of my posts, & we simply have had no answer to this CONservative dominance. If Dems play to the 'Southern Redneck' constituency they will alienate the more culturally diverse ,open minded strongholds like Cali/NY with there 80 something electoral votes. So it is a political minefield.

For a once overwhelmingly Democratic region it is hopeless & McCain has already gone out to a double digit lead in most of the Deep South. Our only chance is to somehow get the more diverse Florida 'solidly' democratic in the future, but as of now I am skeptical about DEM chances. Virginia seems to changing a bit also.


Of course most of what I said was in jest, no where is thinking a monolith.While some perceptions such as the south being much more republican/conservative vs the northeast being more liberal have some validity we have conservatives here in good numbers and I know the same apllies to the south and progressives.
There's nothing for him to do. It uh...it's already been "solved".

Never said he was going there to solve it, simply going there to understand the problem more than he does since he's not the most economically sound man in the senate. Can't say Barry Obama is either, since his multitude of 'present' votes really tell me nothing about him. You are the company you keep Obama, and you keep some dangerous company.

Henry Paulson just painted a number on my house. Should I be worried?