His funeral took place today.
The thing about him was how he carried it. A year in hospital from a war wound-nowadays that would be a big pay out but he quietly got on with his life.He never made anything of it , perhaps because he was only one out of millions of maimed soldiers , he went on without therapy or counselling with great understated modesty.What a difference from MJ who seemed unable to think about anything but himself.
I know he is a WW1 vet and being a fellow brother in arms I have respect for what he did almost 100 years sog. But man that would be such a great porn name Harry patch
:nono:That's exactly what I thought this was about in the first place.
Great post. I saw the posts earlier ,but I didn't want to disrespect the death of this poor old man(nor any man) like some tend to ignorantly do others.
Because of the unprecedented interest in an entertainer's death(Michael Jackson, who is arguably the most beloved figure on the planet) some foolishly like to somehow make it a negative commentary on contemporary society & our priorities.But historically countless Artists like Shakespeare,Mozart,Raphael,etc,etc....... have been( & still are) more beloved/revered/remembered than any lowly foot soldiers of their eras. I know of no time period in our history in which a basic foot soldier has been more beloved than our most celebrated Artist:dunno
Generals/Commanders have gained notoriety, however).
From what I have seen this man was a military Private/Plumber who ,unlike millions upon millions of other nameless pawns/soldiers just like him during WWI & II, was basically lucky to survive & live to an astounding age. Otherwise he would have been a nameless/forgotten pawn just like the others & people should be grateful that Patch is even remembered.
Why is every Soldier a 'hero' today? It seems to me because of the 'Hawkish' Neo Conservative political influence which brands us 'Traitors' if we won't support their foolish wars nor blindly revere their 'warriors'.
P.S How can Jackson be a forgotten Pop star when his last set of concerts(in a 20k seat arena) sold out an astounding/unprecedented 55 shows in less than four(4) hours & last album sold nearly 11 million copies with little promotion:dunno: Their were enough reqeuest to sell out 85 of those 02shows ,but the man could barely do,nor had the desire to do the 55 it seems.
Because they VOLUNTARRY enlist to protect VALUES that they believe in values such as. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage.. Let's break these values down.
Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers.
Be loyal to the nation and its heritage.
Fulfill your obligations.
Accept responsibility for your own actions and those entrusted to your care.
Find opportunities to improve oneself for the good of the group.
Rely upon the golden rule.
How we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization
Selfless Service
Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own.
Selfless service leads to organizational teamwork and encompasses discipline, self-control and faith in the system.
Live up to all the Army values
Do what is right, legally and morally.
Be willing to do what is right even when no one is looking.
It is our "moral compass" an inner voice.
Personal Courage
Our ability to face fear, danger, or adversity, both physical and moral courage
But I guess it's better being rich and famous than actually standing up for something you believe in.
True, its stupid to compare a modest war hero. . .with a pop star that fucked kids.But why compare?
True, its stupid to compare a modest war hero. . .with a pop star that fucked kids.![]()
True, its stupid to compare a modest war hero. . .with a pop star that fucked kids.![]()
Indeed, the nation has to come to a stand still when a famous child molester died. Apprently it's better to be a child molester than giving your life for your country. Gotta love the New American Values.
We understand that it upsets a small minority that the most beloved man on the planet was a magical entertainer & I agree with Skechers. I shall allow you guys to flame your own thread.:1orglaugh
Just be glad that a single foot soldier /Private & pawn among ten of millions just like him got this much notice(although this thread is piggy backing on Jackson's fame)simply because he outlived the rest & move on.
Elvis Presley married a 13/14 year old & Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. They are PROVEN to be exploiters of children & MJ's jury laughed his accusers out of court.
He must have been magical to sell nearly a million tickets(55 shows) to his last concerts in under 4 hours with a overwhelming demand for at least 35 more shows in a SINGLE foreign city.
Lowly foot soldiers have at no time in world history gotten as much love/respect/reverance than our Artists & the sooner you(minority of fools) accept this the better.:wave2: This so called NEW American Values(Or better yet World since he was beloved worldwide) people have spoken of is an historical truth.
Foot soldiers have at few times in history overshadowed it's Artist. You can best judge a society by it's culture & not it's stone age like warmongering.
We understand that it upsets a small minority that the most beloved man on the planet was a magical entertainer & I agree with Skechers. I shall allow you guys to flame your own thread.:1orglaugh
Just be glad that a single foot soldier /Private & pawn among ten of millions just like him got this much notice(although this thread is piggy backing on Jackson's fame)simply because he outlived the rest & move on.
Elvis Presley married a 13/14 year old & Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. They are PROVEN to be exploiters of children & MJ's jury laughed his accusers out of court.
He must have been magical to sell nearly a million tickets(55 shows) to his last concerts in under 4 hours with a overwhelming demand for at least 35 more shows in a SINGLE foreign city.
Ever hear of Memorial Day, you know that day that you get to have cook outs with your family. The same day that there are MILITARY parades, Memorial bike rides through out the country, remembering the SCARFRICE the our "lowly" soldiers made. I can assure you I will NEVER forget the names listed below. They are my brothers!
Lowly foot soldiers have at no time in world history gotten as much love/respect/reverance than our Artists & the sooner you(minority of fools) accept this the better.:wave2: This so called NEW American Values(Or better yet World since he was beloved worldwide) people have spoken of is an historical truth.
Foot soldiers have at few times in history overshadowed it's Artist. You can best judge a society by it's culture & not it's stone age like warmongering.
What a difference from MJ who seemed unable to think about anything but himself.
You mean the same Michael Jackson who gave over $300 million dollars of his OWN money to charitable causes(it's a waste to link it here so find the info yourself) like AIDS,Medical supplies/food relief to developing nations in (Europe/Africa/Asia), raise nearly 100 hundred million dollars with his song "We Are The World" ,then gave 20% of his Estate to various charities,etc.......:dunno: (Too many charities to even bother mentioning here though the guinness book says it is around 40)
Yeah he only thought of himself:dunno:.
Don't base your hate on ignorance like the minority of your peers here.
So you guys are so desperate to attempt to piggyback a lowly foot soldier on the back of such an accomplished Artist/Humanitarian like Michael Jackson:1orglaugh
At few times in history have foot soldiers out shone Artists & it won't happen today.:wave2:
You mean the same Michael Jackson who gave over $300 million dollars of his OWN money to charitable causes(it's a waste to link it here so find the info yourself) like AIDS,Medical supplies/food relief to developing nations in (Europe/Africa/Asia), raise nearly 100 hundred million dollars with his song "We Are The World" ,then gave 20% of his Estate to various charities,etc.......:dunno: (Too many charities to even bother mentioning here though the guinness book says it is around 40)
Yeah he only thought of himself:dunno:.
Don't base your hate on ignorance like the minority of your peers here.
So you guys are so desperate to attempt to piggyback a lowly foot soldier on the back of such an accomplished Artist/Humanitarian like Michael Jackson:1orglaugh
At few times in history have foot soldiers out shone Artists & it won't happen today.:wave2:
So since I freely choose to defend my country and our freedoms I am considered a fool? You my dear might have been better of in the 60's protesting our soldiers comming home from Vietnam. It's the lowly foot soldiers/pawns as you put it that have fought in the revolutionary war that gave you such freedoms. It's the lowley foot soldiers that have fought in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Dessert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom that give you the right to accuse them. Your right about the Artist in a society but comparing MJ to that english bard :dunno:. If you ran our damn military we would be trying to kill the enemy by reciting McBeth to them.
We understand that it upsets a small minority that the most beloved man on the planet was a magical entertainer & I agree with Skechers. I shall allow you guys to flame your own thread.:1orglaugh
Just be glad that a single foot soldier /Private & pawn among ten of millions just like him got this much notice(although this thread is piggy backing on Jackson's fame)simply because he outlived the rest & move on.
Elvis Presley married a 13/14 year old & Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. They are PROVEN to be exploiters of children & MJ's jury laughed his accusers out of court.
He must have been magical to sell nearly a million tickets(55 shows) to his last concerts in under 4 hours with a overwhelming demand for at least 35 more shows in a SINGLE foreign city.
Lowly foot soldiers have at no time in world history gotten as much love/respect/reverance than our Artists & the sooner you(minority of fools) accept this the better.:wave2: This so called NEW American Values(Or better yet World since he was beloved worldwide) people have spoken of is an historical truth.
Foot soldiers have at few times in history overshadowed it's Artist. You can best judge a society by it's culture & not it's stone age like warmongering.
Not comparing one Artist's Art to another ,but Shakespeare's Plays (if you weren't so ignorant) was considered 'low' art during his lifetime. It is even believed by some that Shakespeare was only an alias for a Nobleman who wouldn't ruin his reputation with such garbage as Shakespearean style plays. Who knows how someone's Art shall be seen by future generations:dunno:
Great way to get off my DEAD ON foot soldier to Artist comparison & now try to compare Artist(Jackson/Shakespeare) who neither of which works were considered 'High Art' during their lifetimes:dunno:
That being said any of those guys could only dream of the reverance of a Michael Jackson.