Good News... Bad News...

Bad News: You have to eat it!

Good News: You are a dog and don't mind garbage!
Bad News: That's the day he was giving away free lollypops at the clinic.

Good News: A semi truck full of beer crashes right in front of your house and most of the bottles that spilled out are still not broken.
Bad News: She wants to call off getting married to you.

Good News: A couple of your friends invite you on a camping trip.
Bad News: You have to listen to Burt Reynolds tell a story about himself for the next three hours.

Good News: He invites you into the booth to help create some new Man Laws just like on the commercial.
good news they wont make their shitty beer anymore.

bad news; you quit your job when you took over,
Bad News: Somebody bought the place and is planning on making non-alcoholic beer from now on.

Good News: You won't feel bad anymore when somebody breaks a bottle in a bar fight.
Bad Leeds Utd Beaten

Good Huddersfield Town and Bradford City Both Walloped
Bad-but both matches were abandoned due to pitch invasions by clowns and stoats respectivly
Good- One of the clowns gave a superb rendition of Killer Queen in the middle of the pitch
Bad News-You have to abdicate after being caught in a comprimising position with a camel
Good News-The camel declares its undying love to you
Bad News: You only get a sack or wheat and a pack of cigarettes from the dowry.

Good News: You win a lifetime supply of food.