Game Annoyances

I've been playing all my 360 games lately on a new HD TV and after wading through frustration I noticed a few things in games (generally) that pissed me off.

1. Enemies sometimes run past you like you're not there.
2. Mercs soak up bullets like sunshine.
3. Enemies fire machine guns with sniper accuracy.
4. Sometimes bullets travel through rocks, walls and any cover.
5. When attacking in large groups, the enemy only fire at YOU.
6. Enemies appear out of thin air.
7. Rainbow Six: Vegas gives a grace period to save teammates, not you.
8. Why do counter-terrorism teams always run past you, when you fire a gun?
9. Why don't Boss Fights ever become interesting, or unique?

Anyone have anything else that really narks in games?


what the fuck you lookin at?
I hate motherfuckers that glitch the game on purpose when your playing online!
In the middle of an OTT gunfight, you're told out of the blue to protect some asshole who has nothing to do with the game, oh yes, Stranglehold, I'm looking at you. And goons who survive a shotgun blast to the head, just die you bastards!!
Worse than Boss Fights ... Utterly Random Boss Fights, characters who appear out of the blue and slow you down. I'd like to see a game mechanic were you damage them and you escape, rather than the old search-for-the-weak-spot-and-strafe-them technique.

Now that gaming is Next Gen, presented in HD and all that, bring in some new ideas!


what the fuck you lookin at?
Now that gaming is Next Gen, presented in HD and all that, bring in some new ideas!

you gotta admit just going through the game and checking out the scenery is nice now! Or at least it would be if I had my fucking HD tv! Only a few months left till I get my tax check!:nanner:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I hate that all the games are so damn easy.


I hate it when there are 5-10 enemies attacking me at one and they all seem to have unlimited amunition and they have the most powerfull guns, and all I have is a handgun with 5 bullets

I also dislike when a game just ends, all of a sudden you are walking around and you cant go any farther


what the fuck you lookin at?
I hate getting stuck in an area and can't figure out how to get out. This happened to me back on nintendo with ninja gaiden, the very first one! Mind you it was about 20 years ago, but still...

Hasn't happened since, but it pissed me off, I broke 2 controllers over that shit!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The technology is definitely out there, so it pisses me off when you don't have the option to customize your character in a matter what kind of game/genre it is. You should be able to make your character look however you want's better that way.
you gotta admit just going through the game and checking out the scenery is nice now! Or at least it would be if I had my fucking HD tv! Only a few months left till I get my tax check!:nanner:

I've started to notice the scenery a lot more since I got my HD TV, especially on GRAW2.
I hate getting stuck in an area and can't figure out how to get out.

I just finished Stranglehold, and that happened a few times, because the game glitched:mad: Usually after a big gunfight so you have to reload the game and do it all again:mad:
What gets my goat at the moment is the fact ps3 has no outstanding games at present,and i have seen quite a few in action.
Motorstorm is ok-an 8 imo,Heavenly Sword-an 8,theres a few more good ones but they only look 20%better than ps2 games and play the same.
If its true that they are only using around 20-30 percent of sony 3s full power then i will start getting excited around mid 2009.
If its true that they are only using around 20-30 percent of sony 3s full power then i will start getting excited around mid 2009.

That sounds right. 360 had some good games on launch day, but it took a while for ass-kicking games to come out, some games like Huxley, still haven't been released and that was advertised before the launch day!
Yea man, i hate when that happens. even more so when its working to some other player's advantage.
When i play any tournaments in any Tiger Woods PGA games, when i play poorly, the next round, everybody else plays poorly... when i play well, everybody else plays well the next round...